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    Ohh Shorties. I cannot say enough about this bar. It is a great dive bar. Probably the only true dive left on the Street Of Dreams (Madison Street) since Horan's turned into duckfat.

    My uncle showed me this bar a few years ago..I usually stuck to the bars where everyone goes...Osullivans, Doc Ryans....etc. I got sick of them, and he showed me the glorious blue awning of shortstop. They have good bartenders, and the best deal on the street of dreams, the mason jar of beer. $3.75 will get you a mason jar of pretty much any of the domestic beers on tap (I suggest Schlitz or Pabst to ensure dive greatness), but you can also get stuff like blue moon or whatever.

    Even when the place has a population of 4, you can still have a great time. They have a bunch of tvs playing all of the sports games, and they have a good juke box.

    I highly recommend checking out this place.

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    My first ever bar crawl down Madison ended here, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.  Because if your last drink of the night isn't a Bud Light out of a mason jar, you live a life of deprivation.  Especially for the incredibly low prices they have.

    Be here at the end of the night. It's only right.

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    Shortstop is a complete and total dive bar. It's dark, sort of dingy, smells funny and there is almost always only dudes in here ranging from the very young (possibly underage) to the very old (on death's doorstep) but HEY it works out for us ladies in the end! lol

    If getting your drinks purchased by creeps isn't your go to move you'll be pleased with their super reasonable beer prices.  I was pleasantly surprised by the range of beers they serve here and was thrilled when I noticed they carry Wild Turkey Honey (only true dive bars have the Turkey on hand!). My gf is also a huge fan and has taken to drinking from mason jars ever since she was served her Blue Moon in one.

    This bar is definitely not the worst place on Madison Street to get silly at.

    And if you are into pool or darts they host league nights that appear to be pretty popular.

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    I'm not really sure what to say. This place kind of sucks.  But, I like to rate places based on how they perform within their area of expertise.  So...in a sea of suckiness, this place is a 3 out of 5.

    I know I will catch hell for complaining that the wine sucks (WHY DO YOU GET WINE THERE?!?!?!?!?), but my defense is "why do you serve it then?" And, if someone complains that it tastes like shit, why not offer them something else?  Rather than tell them you'll open a new bottle but it'll taste the same? Then proceed to open a new bottle, and pour another glass of glue-tasting sub-swill that gives people almost immediate headaches?

    I will say that the wine and subsequent rounds of 'omg taste this' gave our entirely disparate group something to talk and commiserate about. So that was a bonus.

    A plus--they serve beer in ball jars.  Which, now you know, is clearly the way to go.

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    I just moved into a new place a block away from this bar. Little did I know I would be living so close to the worst establishment in Forest Park -needless to say, I am truly disappointed with my experience here. I like dive bars, don't get me wrong, but this place, I guess, just does not like my kind.
    I had one drink, went to the restroom and when I came back asked for a glass of water, was refused and asked to leave. I did not have a clue as to why I was asked to leave and asked what happened and the bartender and his friend just kept telling me to leave. I was completely dumbfounded -I had never gotten kicked out of a bar before and didn't know how to react. I told him I would leave as soon as I had just a glass of water and was refused again.
    This was my first time here and obviously my last. What kind of bar refuses water to a paying customer?!? This place does not deserve anyone's business. I strongly urge you to stay far, far away.

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    The drink specials are faboulous they even have them on Saturdays which was excellent for me. 3.00 bombs that is great! I ended up getting a buzzed here for cheap. I will be going back.

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    If your crawl through Forest Park doesn't end up at (or at least include) this bar, you are doing it wrong.

    This bar is dirty, dingy, has a weird vibe, and is where you will run into at least four people you knew from high school. Even if you didn't go to high school here, it doesn't matter. That is the magic of Short Stop.

    This is the kind of place that hipsters would hang around in if hipsters had the brass to hang around in a bar like this.

    The seating is awkward, there's usually somebody doing something offensive and/or weird just outside the front door, and the breathalyzer test in back is wrong 99% of the time.

    The morning after a bender in Forest Park, you will call your friends to ask "what the hell happened" and at least one friend will say, "Got me. Last I saw of you was at Short Stop, then I don't know where you went." It is the magical portal to all nights gone wrong in so many right ways.

    Mysteriously, I never see this bar when I am driving down the street in the middle of the day. If I do see this bar in the middle of the day, it's because I am already half in the bag. This place is magic, I tell you. Magic!

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    What's not to love?  Craig, Lisa, Anthony...the best bartenders in FP!

    It's true, it's a dive, and the description that it's like going into someone's basement is actually pretty accurate.  I think it's the drop ceiling.  Don't be fooled though, it attracts a fairly young crowd.  There's two pool tables and two dart boards and plenty of good drink specials.

    They have a great jukebox and that frozen pizza is pretty damn good.

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    Bar 4
    By far the worst stop down the line of dive bars on Madison Street. Everybody knows I luv my dive bars but even I have a certain standard. Shortstop is pretty much someones toilet that serves liquor.

    It seems like you're walking into a basement except that basements are cold. I can't even imagine coming here on a 90 degree day; it was a little warm that night which probably contributed to the already existing smell. I really don't know what else to tell you, they had pool tables, dart machines, friendly (those poor people) bartenders, and cheap drinks. Also I had the pleasure of meeting a local guy who was mute and deaf (Or he was pulling me leg in which case he should take his show on the road). He proceeded to have a conversation with me, which I found more amusing then I should... it was great, like drunken charades.

    Other then the cool local I couldn't get out of here fast enough. The things you do for a buddy.

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    It's like a home away from home.  It might be a dive but the crowd is friendly and so are most of the bartenders.  You really can't beat the $4.00 bombs (at least $8.00 in the city)!  And if you are really desperate they have frozen pizza that they will surve up well done if you ask.

    If you go here, take care of your bartenders!

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    Now this is my kind of dive bar! Still only three stars because it is a dive, but it's one of my weekday favorite spots anyways.

    The drinks are strong and cheap! The customers and employees are really friendly, but not pushy. I love that I can go here with just about anyone and have a good time. My flip flops and jeans are more than classy for this place, so you never have to worry about what to wear.

    Shortstop is small, but now that they knocked down the wall it's way more spacious and less claustrophobic feeling. There are a couple dart boards, pool tables, and two electronic touch screen games. Plus several flat screen tvs, which they are pretty accommodating if your game isn't already on.

    When the AC is working it's brilliantly refreshing and with your cold drink in hand it's a great Summer stop. Unfortunately, when it's not working you'll end up sweating your butt off and leaving, or at least I do!

    **Tuesdays and Thursdays are league nights for darts, so don't go if you are looking for open boards to play on.**

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    It's small and often smelly.  I'd knock it down a star, but the people are nice and a big plus is that the times I have been in here on hot days, the air conditioning was on full blast and it felt really good.

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