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    me and my sister went on a weeknight evening so were ushered right away into a room by a nice gentleman who then explained the simple system. the staff was very friendly. we stayed over an hour by one song and only got charged for the one hour (for the small room it was $40). we both thought there was a nice selection of english songs for us to choose from. there also were drinks and snacks to buy which we didn't indulge in but i thought it was a nice that they were there. no alcohol but you're allowed to bring you own. we plan on going back often.

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    Great place for family outing if you go early. Very spacious, clean, and accommodating!  We ordered food from nearby restaurant and they delivered to our private room.  All in all, it was great clean fun with teenage children.  Highly recommend this place.

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    Was highly recommended by a friend's friend so we stopped by for post-birthday tunes and so happy we came because we had an absolute blast!

    Very clean environment & spacious environment, they gave us a room that could've easily fit 15 people.  Thank god for the sound-proof walls.

    I don't speak Korean and I cannot read Chinese so we stuck to singing mostly English songs.  I wish there were more English options to choose from, but there were enough options that we still sang our hearts out for 2 hours.

    We'll see you again soon, kam sahm ni dah!

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