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    This place gets a zero for its dive bar dingy decor but come for the great selection of micro and regional beers at low prices (almost everything 4 or 5 bucks). A small but diverse selection of entrees, apps, and sandwiches are well prepared and very affordable (everything less than 10 bucks). Not so easy to get to via public transit, but worth a visit if you have access to a car!

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    Loved this place until about a year ago -- and I won't be back.

    The only table available (no seats at the bar were free) was in a drafty area (coldest night if the year) and it was for four people.

    The server motioned for us to sit and asked for our drink orders (2 beers). Before the beers arrived we saw a couple get up from their 2-person table along the wall. We immediately got up to move (a group of four was waiting to sit, so we figured the move was ideal).  We got over to the new table and the server (a different one) started shaking her head.

    "We are going to move if that's ok" I started to say, but before I could finish she snapped back "no - it's NOT ok. You already ordered drinks."

    Are you kidding? We walked right out and won't be back. She lost some great customers and generous tippers over the fact that we ordered TWO beers that aren't on her tab!

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    Is it a little too dark? Sure.

    A little too awkwardly spaced? Absolutely.

    Does it get way too crowded? Of course it does.

    Is the cash only situation a little bit of a pain especially when the ATM is broken and it's really the only ATM in area?  Hands down yes, but I see these things as part of its beauty.

    Very good beer selection, BEST tater tots in the city--actually best hands down ever, a relaxed vibe that brings you in for one drink and six hours later you realize it's well, six hours later, fantastic real photo booth, extremely reasonable pricing (I was there with 7 people for SEVERAL hours and when the bill came it was only $170), pinball, and did I mention the tots???

    Skylark, I think it's time you and I should date.

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    I kind of don't get the hype of this place.  

    This is a place hipsters that aren't completely broke, but still too poor for their damn good go to get a drink with either a first date, or their significant other of years and years or just doodz being doodz.

    Great place for Scum Fogies to gather together and talk about when Wolf Eyes was new and elaborate on how their mind was getting blown to the point that they still can't get the job of their dreams.

    I'm not hating.  Wolf Eyes is good.  Get a better job man, you have a good resume.

    People only come here for beer, tots, and company. and the occasional game of pinball.  Terminator right?  Terminator II?

    I do like pinball.

    The lighting in this place pisses me off though.  I don't know why.  I guess it feels really fake to me.  I also get really freaked out hanging out inside here for too long.

    The only good memory I have of this place is hanging out with my old friend and talking about moving into his place temp while he was touring Europe. which was convenient because I got evicted out of my last place for a very long convoluted story I won't get into .

    YES I DID HAVE TOTS.  They are worth buying for the sauces alone.  Touche Skylark.  You live up to your rumored tots.

    Oh so anyway, we talked about life and shitty relationships which was swell.  It's always nice to share some good angst over beer and tots!!

    Later, he ended up holding a grudge for how I left the apartment.  I think he still has it.  GET OVER IT YOU LAZY FUCK!  YOU HAD AN EXTREME SEPTIC PROBLEM AND DESPITE THE INTERNET, IT FUCKING SUCKED TO STAY IN YR SHITTY UNSAFE APARTMENT.  

    Sooooo......  SKYLARK IS OKAY BY ME!!!  but I'm not hanging out there unless you convince me there's something in it for me.  This place kind of scares me and I always feel like everyone is judging me in a negative way.  

    OH ONE THING THOUGH!!! It's really nice for lunch!!!  Completely different.  Actually comfortable atmosphere.  Great place to bring your dad!

    ooooo but they do have a photobooth and I just remembered that.  I was gonna give them 3 stars but the photobooth and the occasional live bands gets them 4

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    Only stopped in for one beer to the bar that was stopped in time, 4/22/1973!! But I liked the inside a lot...  It's DARK! Good place to cheat on your wife or hookup with someone that's for sure!  Great Service & Beer List and I'll def be back to try the food. Really is a part of Chicago's "Bygone Era"--Check Her Out! GTFJD

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    One of my favorite bars in Chicago. Divey atmosphere, dimly-lit with an old photobooth in the back. Friendly bartenders and a great rotating draft beer selection with really good food. I love the Cuban sandwich with tots.

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    LOVE. Even better, they have a Photo Booth. A REAL one. not digital. Great food and the best place to hang with friends.

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    As big as an airline hangar, and around since the Battle of the Viaduct, the Skylark is one of the best bars south of Canada.

    There is a healthy beer selection and they list the amount of ounces, the alcohol content, and the price on the menu above the bar. These are all important for the equation needed to choose the correct beer: (volume)abv/price=value. With many pints under $5, this is amongst the cheaper places to drink, and for the enjoyment of the public, there is a robotic photographer, and pierogi on the menu. Even better than what they do have is what they don't, which is televisions.  If you are simple minded like myself, the flashing images on the Zenith makes it hard to concentrate on the conversation being had with one's friends, especially if they are imaginary.    

    The Skylark is so big they can't even use all the things in the bar, for they have lost track of them.  The lamps on the the ceiling are always dark, while piano sits as quietly as the barflies staring into their IPAs.  The size is a good thing, though, because it means that you can find a seat on the weekend.  

    The Skylark is the kind of place you can go to every day.

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    This is a mixed review. I love the Skylark. We used to bike 5 miles out of our way to go there. Their beer selection and prices are excellent. The staff is great. And historically, the food has been really good - way better than typical bar food. But the last time we went, the burgers were a disaster. It was not the old Skylark Burger. It was a thin, most-likely-frozen patty that arrived cold. Mine was covered in blue cheese, so it should have been delicious. But it was tasteless, and such a disappointment after having biked 5 miles with visions of fat, juicy burgers in my head. I sent it  back and they offered to make another one, but I opted for a grilled cheese instead because there is nothing you can do to that patty to make it good. Not sure how much money they're saving with that, but it's not worth it. My husband didn't finish his. That makes two firsts for both of us. He had never seen me send food back, and I had never seen him leave burger on his plate. We decided that we will give the food one more try and if it is that bad again, we'll take it off our list of regular spots. And that's too bad. And I had recently told two people how good the food is, so now I hope they don't go and have the same experience. They'll never trust my recommendations again!

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    Good beer list. Dark. Noisy. Cozy. Reliably packed on weekend nights, which is the only time I've ever been. Service is consistently friendly and usually extremely busy in accordance with the high volume of patronage. Funny how that works.

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    The Skylark feels like a northwoods hipster retirement home - lots of flannel, lots of thick-rimmed glasses, and lots of pensive glances - for an age bracket that sits somewhere between wild-20s and parenting-30s.

    The exterior of the building is understated, to say the least.  I was asked more than once, as we made our approach, if I was sure about going in. Once inside, we found a roomy bar area, plenty of tables, booths and seating, a sweet CSI-themed pinball machine, a tap selection shows they care about what they drink, and kitschy wall art would make any rural Wisconsinite homesick, especially the wooden shot-gun salute yellow Labrador shrine.  The music selection is pleasing, something along the lines of Lebowski goes to Pitchfork.  I'll be back for euchre and tatertots sometime soon.

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    Friendly service, good drinks, priced right.

    It's Christmas Eve and all is quiet.. Pulled out my trust Yelp app and begin to search bars.. then said wait.. dive bars. Who needs pretentiousness.. I want comfort, coziness, and cheap drinks.. Well Skylark soo did not disappoint. Dimly lit bar with BOOTHS.. walked to the bar ordered my drink.. bartender was pretty friendly, the patrons we encountered were pretty cool. I thought it was awesomeness for what I was looking for.

    A few important notables -
    CASH ONLY bar.. they have an atm but it's $2.50 + your bank's fee to use
    SKETCH location.. I first was like well, uhm.. should I.. forget it.. let's go! So just don't let that deter you.

    Remember no bells or whistles, but does what it needs to do! All they need is a jukebox!

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    Fun little dive bar; not a fan of the hipster & they don't have tv's to show sports but they have a pretty cool beer selection & the bartender has a pretty good idea of what your tastes are.  I would go back.

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    Love this place. Tater tots & pierogies on the menu with cheap beer options. Friendly staff. Yes, it's cash-only, but they have an ATM at the front entrance.

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    True dive bar. Definitely dig it though. Great spot to grab a few beers and chill with friends or to make new ones. Food is pretty good which surprises most people. Service has been great to horrible. Depends on the night and who is working.

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    Dig it.  Major dive bar, and that's perfect.  Just stopped in for a few drinks last night, loved the place and the photo booth.  I've heard the food is good, so I'll have to come back!

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    Trendy, no frills place. We were out bar hopping and came across this cute spot. It felt very cozy and inviting. Located on the south end of Halsted avenue, near chinatown. They have a buttload of different types of beers to try. They run daily specials too.

    Seating is all over. So its a real intimate setting that doesn't blast music in your ear. Its an awesome place to just simply enjoy your company. They have this vintage photobooth....I LLLLOOOOVE photobooths! The service is alright and the drinks are cheap.  They do serve food and I hear its amazing, unfortunately, I did not partake. Next time though.

    Skylark impressed me and I felt welcome even though I am not part of the hipster movement, EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

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    Last night my friends and I left through the side exit next to our table after stopping in for two beers. A bar employee (I guess) followed us out onto the sidewalk, grabbed my friend, and physically pulled her back into the bar, shouting, "That's not an exit," in order to make her leave through the front exit. It was incredibly creepy.

    Usually the bartenders here are very friendly. I don't know who this guy was or what was going on with him--he seemed to get off on shoving people around. I expect asshole bouncers like that at terrible Wrigleyville megabars, not relaxed hipster dives like the Skylark. There was no signage of any kind on the door we used to indicate that we shouldn't. It really soured the night for me.

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    This is a pretty decent dive bar. It's got that hella old feeling to it. The food is pretty ok. The beer list is nothing short of awesome and cheap. It's far away from basically everyone in the city. So if you happen to be this far south in Pilsen, hit it up. It's a nice alternative to Honky Tonk or Simone.

    Also CASH ONLY.

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    Great atmosphere, a little dark, but who really needs to see when you're eating great food and drinking good craft beer?

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    For some reason this place is popular for my friends' birthdays, especially the friends that love photo booths!

    Unfortunately, I've never been here for the music part, so my review is mainly atmosphere and food. LOL!

    I love the atmosphere, when you had a rough day at work nothing says calming like a dimly lit, and cozy bar that you can sit back and enjoy a good beer. While you're at it, get some food! I ordered their Herb Grilled Chicken...it was freakin' amazing!! And don't get me started on those tater tots. You have to try them yourself, it does not need a review. (you will get a huge basket of them though if you order them as a separate side.  You have been givin' warning!)

    I got a little annoyed that the band that came in the night I was there, decided to set up right next to the photo booth and block any entry way in.....people love photobooths guys, you do not score brownie points with the crowd if you block it. Just saying.  Not to mention it was the whole reason our group sat by it, because the birthday party was photo booth themed!

    The lack of a star was because the place does not take cards, I live and die by my debit card these days....mainly cause my spending habits are poor as shit. They do have an ATM, but of course who wants to pay an extra $3 fee on top of the money you take out.....(and if you bank with Charter One, they charge an EXTRA $2 for foreign atm use)

    Other than that, great place!

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    My lady catfriend and I went to Skylark last Friday to cool down after working our tails off during the week. Our waitress--dressed in a dark skirt, Velma glasses and green sweater--took our beer and food orders right away. She managed to bring us the right drinks--one glass of Left Hand Stout and another of Half Acre's Daisy Cutter--in an expeditious manner, but the quality of service plummeted immediately.

    After she dropped off a burger and tater tots, we cut the burger in half to split and each took a giant bite. We soon discovered it was a cheeseburger, not the vegetarian burger my girlfriend and I ordered. We snacked on the tater tots for about ten minutes before the bizarro version of Velma walked to our booth with her nose stuck in a line ticket carrying our burger.

    "Did you order the black bean burger?" She asked.

    I replied in the affirmative.

    She exclaimed "shit" and ran back to the kitchen. Since the waitress hadn't taken the burger from us, we expected her to rush back with the correct order and apologize. My kitty and I ate the rest of the burger and tater tots.

    About twenty minutes later, the woman dropped off the check. I asked her what happened to the black bean burger. She replied she made a mistake. I politely told her my girlfriend and I would like our order corrected nonetheless.

    In a snide tone she replied, "I'm sorry, but you ate the other burger. You'll have to pay for both if you want it."

    "You never gave us the option of exchanging the burger for the correct order," I replied.

    "I'm sorry I made a mistake, but you ate the other burger and will have to pay for the black bean burger as well if you want it."

    I replied no thank you and checked my pockets for kitty litter to use as a tip.

    Despite the vintage decor, decent prices and expansive selection, I'm hesitant to return to Skylark because of the poor treatment by the waitstaff. She neglected to apologize without mild duress or rectify the situation.

    I may go if the lady requests my presence, but I won't recommend the place to any of the cool cats I hang out with.

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    This is definitely a DIVE bar. The bar is huge and there's a cute little photo booth in the corner. However, this is CASH ONLY, which we didn't know until we stepped in. What a shame, it would do so much better if they allowed credit cards. It was pretty dead at 1AM on a Friday night.

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    Skylark is a kick ass dive.  GREAT beer selection with very reasonable prices and surprisingly delicious food.  If this was my usual hood, this would be my usual spot.

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    Any day of the week I love to go to Skylark.  Cheap drinks and beers are awesome, with a constantly rotating inventory of microbrews along with their kitchen plates, this place can't be beat.  Yes they opened the "snazzy" "green" Simone's down the street, but it is so pretentious, snobby, snooty, why would you put yourself through that.  To top it off, the service at Simone's sucks!  

    Skylark has been around for a while, and no new shiny place nearby will be able to push it off this corner.  Plus, who doesn't like tater tots?  If you are a tater-head like myself, they are always in stock here.  Enjoy!

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    You know how you have a friend you can always count on to cheer you up? Skylark is mine.

    Whether it's soothing country music on shuffle, live Jazz, a late night bite around 11pm,  or just for an intimate conversation in one of the booths over a delicious brew after a long day at work, Skylark always hits the spot.  

    The Skylark burger is pretty good, maybe not the greatest but never disappointing.
    Never visit without ordering the Tater Tots and 3 different dipping sauces, that's just wrong.  The kitchen closes at 12am, sometimes earlier depending on the crowd.

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    This is one of my favorite bars in the city and we've been going for years.  Parking is easy and it's a convenient place to meet our friends who live near the south side.  It's unpretentious, great beer selection, and great food.  You have to have the eggplant sandwich or the tots with dipping sauces.  Great service, an overall laid back place.

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    Reasonably priced, good selection of booze, and food.  Service is OK, atmosphere is definitely Chicago neighborhood tavern.
    We like the tuna sandwich, and the specials are worth taking a look at on the blackboard in the rear of the place.
    Simple, nothing fancy here.
    Take a look at the decor, interesting mix of Masonic aprons, and knick knacks.
    I recommend this place for a quick bite.

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    Originally built as a Birk Brothers Brewery tied-bar back in 1910, the Skylark has moved from a working-class bar and cafe to a hipster-music hang out in the "new" East Pilsen neighborhood which expanded rapidly after the gentrification of Halsted and the demolition of Maxwell Street thanks to UIC.

    The Skylark is wonderfully preserved on the inside and not much has changed in the over 100 years this place has been a bar. Sure the place is a hipster haven, but it is a great place for anybody to grab a beer and listen to some good music. If you find yourself in this neighborhood, stop in for a beer, and some of the high quality food.

    Yes, they have food. It is a simple menu, but they offer typical bar food, as well as high quality salads, and healthy choices, so you can come here for dinner and get some cool stuff - check the chalk board menu on the wall.

    Parking can be tough.

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    Came here on a Friday night on a whim and in the end, I thoroughly enjoyed my Friday night. I was telling my friend it reminds me of hanging out in someone's large basement in high school except there's a legit bar and a mix of different people you don't know, but everyone minds their own. Even the guy at the door checking IDs at the door was super-friendly.

    Literally on the corner of Halsted and Cermak, it would be easy to pass up. It's dark, a little musty but if you're lucky to grab a table with some good people, your night is set. You might feel like the only clean person in there, but whatever. Lots of beards and black-rimmed eyeglasses. Cash only and the beers are cheap.There's also a photo booth in the back for 3 bucks, which I forgot to do, but I'd definitely come back again for a chill night.

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    I've passed this spot several times but was reticent to go on my own... So I was thrilled that a new friend suggested meeting here for drinks!  

    The bar environment itself is a  bit dark, but there is a great vibe of good energy and friendliness from the staff and the patrons.  I find this true in most craft beer establishments.  So... I was thrilled to see three Founder's on tap, as well as others that I enjoy.  We didn't intend to stay, but the beer was good, the prices are totally reasonable, and the bar crowd was fun!  

    The food was on par with the beer as well - we had the fish and chips, and the ribeye sandwich with tater tots...  which reminds me of Minneapolis (all bars have tater tots).

    So I will definitely return and I'd suggest this spot during the monthly Pilsen art crawl.

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    The first time I came here with friends I thought- Oh another hipster bar. Then I thought- oh really good beers at cheap prices. Then my third thought was- GDamn this food ain't your usual dive bar fare ( okay maybe the tater tots). I love this place...you would definitely not expect to get a goat cheese salad with fresh local corn and vegetables in a tasty lemon vinaigrette. I've tried their burger and fish and chips- all spot on. I once asked the bartender if there were any drink specials and after staring at me for a few seconds explained their drinks were so cheap they didn't need to have specials.

    I also like that the crowd is just a mishmash of all sorts of people. Hmmmm after writing about it I now have a real hankering to go..

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    Love this art neighborhood for it's not eye killing treasures
    Skylark is one of them. You can pass it million times and have not a clue that delicious cassis bear is behind this scratchy door!
    variety of beer is honest. famous totes great as legend says
    definitely recommend this dark place :)

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    I came here awhile back and finally tried the Skylark burger. I have to say I wasn't too impressed with the burger.....just lacked flavor or something. The tots were still awesome as always and the screwdrivers were yummy. I thought the first one was a bit weak, but by my third one I was feeling it.

    I still love you Skylark!

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    Great place where everybody more or less minds their own business. Although it's tucked away in what could arguably be the 'middle of nowhere, but still somewhere,' Skylark is a nice place to have a few with some good food, or to just get liquored up (whatever meets your fancy).

    If this place is missing anything - based on appearance alone - It's a chicken wire fence that cordons off a band.

    There are a decent amount of places to sit; whether it be at the bar, in one of the three booths, or one of the various tables. The bartenders are nice, and the food is great. If you're looking to watch a game, though, don't bother, as there are no TV's.

    With regards to the crowd, I wouldn't even know how to break it down (oh, and dancing isn't too big here; at least not that I've seen). I've seen people of all ages and styles walk through the door, so lumping everyone into one category would be ignorant. The bar is sandwiched between the 25th and 11th wards, so the demographics aren't necessarily easy to pick out either.

    The derelict buildings and elevated express way offer interesting visuals, and can spark even more interesting discussions as to what the city does with the space underneath said expressways, what the life expectancy of our infrastructure really is, and how on earth the expressway doesn't collapse under full, 21st century loading during rush hour.

    Pinball machine, too. Can't forget that.

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    This is I think my favorite bar.  It's little, kinda crappy, dark and has some pretty delicious beers and food.
    I have never had a bad time here whether I was for a birthday or just a chill night for a drink.  
    They have great tater tots and mac n cheese.  haven't really tasted anything else but after reading some of these reviews I really want to.
    Bartenders are super nice and I'm strongly considering become a regular here.

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    I seriously had the most fabulous prosciutto and mozzarella sandwich here.

    Not even exaggerating.  The sandwich was on delicious bread...had amazing aioli,  Ugh, so good.

    Sadly, this was only one of their specials, but I'm hoping it makes it onto their regular menu.  (Hear that, Skylark owners?!)   Anyway, my friend ordered a regular burger and said it was pretty good.  He raved about the tater tots...and the $3.25 gin and tonics.  Yes, $3.25 (as my friend liked to constantly repeat).  Beat that price, Northside!

    Skylark has character...like it's right out of an old school movie or something.  Sure, when you get to the door, you're not sure if they're actually open for business, so you might be a little hesitant to open the door.  But, once you get inside, you will definitely be happy that you are there.  Skylark has those round, vinyl booths, metal chairs and an awesome, awesome bar.  The bartenders are always super friendly (which definitely makes you want to return, for sure!).  

    *Cash only!
    *Street parking usually easy on Halsted

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    This is one of the best bars in Chicago.  Not just because it's a classic, handsome, quirky place.  Not just because they've got an outstanding beer selection at reasonable prices.  Not just because they also have great food and tater tots in abundance.  And not just because of its scenic South Halsted location.

    The skylark is all this.  But it is also an establishment that is so proud of its vintage urinals that it features them on its website and in advertising materials.

    And for that attitude alone, Skylark deserves five stars.

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    I remarked to my companion, "If I had a den, I would want it to look like this!" The dim lighting and somewhat eccentric decor (a plethora of antique odds-n-ends) reminds me of my grandfather's basement, but it makes this the kind of place I'd hang in all night. A live jazz band played the first time I sank into a spacious booth, adding to the relaxing environment.

    There isn't much food for a vegan, per se, but I did have a spinach, fruit and nut salad without the cheese. It made a perfect light meal.

    Cash only, but an ATM is conveniently located near the entrance.

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    I love Skylark unreasonably.  Where some might see a place that is a little dingy or odd, I see every quirk as a lovely accent.  From the Freemason's aprons that adorn the bar to the very mixed crowd to the pinball machine to the food - it's all lovely.  Dive paradise on earth.

    A strong, hand poured drink is cheap - $4.  Don't bother ordering a double unless you're a booze hound like me.  It's just gilding the lily.

    Biggest bonus this time around?  The amazing bartender, NICK.  I lovelovelove him.  Down to earth, friendly, gothcha covered.  He's the kind of character I love to meet when I go to a bar.  We felt so welcome and appreciated.  Someone give that man a raise!! (but maybe not a day off, what if I miss him? Just kidding, Nick!)

    Really, leaving Chicago and Skylark is so hard to do.  Chi-town, you're the shznit!

    *and I just wanna respond  to someone's earlier concern that Skylark doesn't seem to treat people of color well.  I disagree.  Every night we went this time around, I didn't see that.  I take that kind of comment seriously. Didn't dismiss it out of hand.  I'm Asian, my husband's Afro-American, and we were treated well.  We saw many people of color and didn't see any bad treatment.  Happy people all around.   I hope what the other reviewer saw was an anomaly.  Cheers!

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