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    Having checked into the Hilton O'Hare hotel around 8pm, I decided to check out the hotel restaurants for dinner. I found this place to be hoping with action compared to the other more sedate restaurant choices so I decided to eat here. Since I was by myself I found a single bar stool available in the bar area, which I immediately seized.

    I started with a 23 ounce glass of the local draft Goose Island Imperial Brown for $12.25 and a medium rare duck burger for only $15 with French fries. I was quite surprised at the good quality and taste of the duck burger and the French fries. Both were tasty. The total cost was $30 excluding gratuity.

    As an airport hotel restaurant I would highly recommend this restaurant especially for their duck burger with fries.

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    Burgers or Wings?

    We didn't make it to the hotel in time for the dinner menu so we had to order off the late night menu as it was 10pm. It's menu offered wings and burgers. Burger choices were beef, lamb, duck, or turkey. I ordered the turkey burger with fries.   It wasn't the best turkey burger but the fries were good.

    I did feel a bit sorry for the lady who waited on us. She was working hard to take care of everyone and running all over the place. She kept our glasses full and checked on us several times.

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    There were few choices when I checked into the hotel so instead of room service I opted to try the Sports Edition Bar, even thought the reviews here on yelp were not the best.  They didn't lie.

    My chicken sandwich was of the greasy panini sort which isn't too much to my liking.  Yet all the ingredients were fresh and it was a generous size as were the perfectly cooked french fries so thus the two stars.  Considering the high hotel restaurant price, the servings should have been generous.  

    They were out of all the specialty beers on the menu and so I overpaid for a draft from the bar. It was served at the right temperature and at least the pickle was crisp.  

    Some large screen televisions does not a sports bar make.  There was some cool sports memorabilia and the decor is attractive enough.  My waiter was attentive and efficient and perhaps had I ordered something else, I might have given this spot another star.  In any case, it might be great for drinks, but I'd think twice before eating here again.

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