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    Without question - WORST SUBWAY EVER!!!

    Being a vegetarian stuck in too many rural and suburban places throughout my life, I am unfortunately well-versed in the ways of the Subway.  This location is hands-down the worst I've visited.  The food is sub-par, even by Subway standards.  It's hard to screw up a veggie sandwich but they have so few options (e.g. no avocado, etc.) and the produce they do have looks like it was in the reject pile at jewel.  
    They also seem to have higher prices than any other Subway.  I just paid nearly $8 for my crappy, brown lettuce and green tomato sandwich.  To top it off the service is bad.  I have seen more people argue with the cashier than any other business.

    The one bright spot is this location is so bad it will actually encourage me to bring my own lunch from now on!

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    Could just be one of the smallest Subway restaurants I've ever seen--seats maybe 10 people total, so most people order to go.  The front door is also not that easy to find, but the food is all the same.  Get here by 11:30 to avoid lunch lines, although the line moves FAST.  I'm usually in and out of here in no more than 10 minutes.

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