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    Never again. I'm burning my Admin's copy of the Halsted Street Deli menu. My cafeteria makes better sandwiches. I tried the half a turkey sandwich (yuck) and half a Rick's Chicken Sandwich on Pretzel Bun (not much better). The Pretzel Bun gives any sandwich an unfair advantage, so it was tolerable. The real problem is the meat. Its puny and processed. Was I eating Chicken or Turkey? I couldn't tell. The sandwiches are also ridiculously small and too expensive (my sandwich was even free, so what does that tell you?). There are not many toppings to choose from.

    Halsted Street Street Deli makes Subway look gourmet.

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    Wish I had checked out the recent 1 star ratings!

    Was just sold a Baja sandwich at the 555 W. Monroe location that was not just generally sad and thin, but contained alfalfa sprouts that were already brown and slimy - ie, ROTTING. This place just sold me rotting food, and since I bought it at about 2:45 after the usual lunch rush, there was no one to complain to but the pissy guy who made the bad sandwich in the first place!!

    Not only is there no accountability at that store, there's no accountability anywhere! About half of the Chicago location phone numbers on the website are wrong/not working, the comment box doesn't link to a valid email address, and the catering office seems to have left the office a few hours early!

    Bottom line: DISGUSTING. Both food & service.

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    If I had never tasted Italian Beef and had it for the first time at this place... I'd never touch beef again. First, considering the menu consists of copyrighted names of sandwiches from other local joints, this place is not original. Second, the price I paid for a sandwich led me assume the price included a side and drink. Strongly suggest walking a couple blocks and finding the same food, with a better price abd def better quality.

    Not to mention... they MICROWAVE the croissants for their breakfast sandwiches. I may not be a chef, but certainly not an Idiot.

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