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    One of the quickly disappearing Chicago style diners. Five stars for what it is. Relatively clean, reasonably priced and good basic lunch and breakfast fare, you can sit down eat and be gone in a typical half hour lunch break. I almost don't like reviewing these types of places, because herds of yuppies looking to slum in a classic Chicago place like this can ruin it in short order.

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    This is a subjective review of course. Not everyone likes cheap and fast but I do!

    I ordered the steak and pancakes and all that stuff for breakfast. I just MOWED down on my thin, flavorful steak and drank coffee. I was full without finishing it all.

    Friendly service. Great atmosphere. Great prices. For me a diner doesn't get better.

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    If your bus driver and mail carrier used yelp, then there'd already be a review for United Grill.  

    My egg sandwich was thick, the coffee was strong, and my OJ came with ice and a straw.

    United has a seriously positive vibe and if I lived in Chicago, I'd be here every week.

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