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    I am not sure what the other people are talking about on here with only one star. I have not eaten in the restaurant, only had delivery service. But from what I can say is that they have the best vegetarian suizo burrito! My boyfriend had lomo and he said it was very good. The delivery drivers are always very polite. The food is always delievered on time. This place is top class compared to most of the Mexican restaurants I have ordered from. Perfecto!

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  • 0

    This is probably the worst Mexican food I have ever tasted.......The size of these tacos is a joke. Even the atmosphere almost makes me depressed. I think I would rather walk down the street for a $5.00 Little ceasar pizza.

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    I gave it one star because I couldn't figure out how to give it no stars :(

    First time I went: tacos were small and the meat tasted like it wasn't really seasoned the right way. I don't think I finished my food.

    Second time: I'm thinking I should give them another chance. NOPE. Still crappy.

    Only good thing about this place is their horchata, which is hard to mess up. The inside is not that cool and the people are generally OK.

    I haven't tried their other locations. I'm sure they are better, but I haven't mustered up the strength and courage to try another one.

    Boo@bad Mexican food.

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