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    This is about all you can get in the C Terminal. Grab a chair, some suds, but beware what you order. The food here is just pre-made, reheated. Just be real hungry to eat anything.

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    If this weren't the only sit down option in the Terminal this would be a 1 star but since it is I will give it 2..

    Service? Terrible.

    Food? Pretty awful as well.

    Dirty? Yes, disgustingly so.

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  • 0

    The menu here is very limited: 2 salad types and hot/cold sandwiches ans there is also the soup of the day.
    The bartender was supernice and attentive.
    There is a full bar in case you're in the mood for a drink.
    This id a Sunday evening and they haven't majority of the sandwiches, nor little snacks.
    = ok for booze
    Not for food...

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    I sat down and waited for 15 minutes. No one came. I went to the bar and ordered a beer. The bartender said ok. I sat back down at my table.  15 minutes later, I still did not have my beer. I left

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    Had the Brioche Breakfast Sandwich, which was so moist good size and so tasty !!!! Service was very good too. Thanks !!!

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    Our waiter sucked pretty bad. I ordered a Bloody Mary with salt which came with no salt. 1st strike. He did not fill the empty water glasses sitting in front of us, EVER. 2nd strike. I passed on the food b/c it all sounded gross, but my 2 girls ordered Caesar salads. They came out fast, but they both said they were dry. Easy fix if the waiter ever came back to check on us. Nope, 3rd strike homey. I went across the hall to a cold stand to get a chicken Caesar wrap for the same price as they're salads with no chicken. Guess what, it's not dry, it's delicious and I got better service from the lady at the register than that douchey server. Avoid the Big Apple if you can, as it's the only restaurant in this terminal. That doesn't mean you don't have to give a shit!

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    This place sucks. Even for airport bars. 8 bucks for a bottled beer. I've never gone to a bar where the bartender recommends the cold cut sandwiches and salads at the kiosk outside the bar. What a joke

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    Having spent the last few days in Manhattan for quarterly meetings, Jeffrey & Bobby are delayed at LaGuardia Airport for several hours waiting for the shit show of the US Airways terminal to get its act together...

    Bobby: The Big Apple Bar? Corporate card!
    Jeffrey: Sure!

    ANNOUNCER: Attention US Airways Shuttle passengers - all flights will be delayed an additional hour.

    Scores of business travelers: ARGHHHHHH

    Bobby: Another drink?
    Jeffrey: Sure!


    ANNOUNCER: Attention US Airways Shuttle passengers - all flights will be delayed an additional hour.

    Scores of business travelers: ARGHHHHHH

    Bobby: Another drink?
    Jeffrey: Sure!


    Bobby: Omggg. That girl is so hot. Isn't she hot? She's so hot. I'm going to give her my number. HEY GIRL!
    Jeffrey: Bobby that's the bartender. ANOTHER DRINK!


    Jeffrey: Hey Bobby! This lady works for Heineken! She's handing out free bottles of the light beer!
    Bobby: Hell ya!


    Random girl: Hey! Are you a yelper? Nice bag!
    Jeffrey: Hell ya I am, in Boston!
    Random girl: Friend request tomorrow!


    ANNOUNCER: Attention US Airways Shuttle passengers - all flights will be delayed an additional hour.

    Scores of business travelers: ARGHHHHHH

    Bobby: Another drink?
    Jeffrey: Sure!


    (Stage goes black)

    Jeffrey awakens in his bed in Boston covered by a (stolen) US Airways blanket alongside a (stolen) half eaten sandwich.

    -End Scene-

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