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    Went there once and that was enough, that's pretty bad coming from a tradesman who eats two day old sandwiches out of my lunchbox.

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    Back open... like the big green sticker from the city smacked across the locked door never happened.

    Whatever. I'm not scared. Until I find something wrong with my food they're officially back in my biscuits and gravy rotation.

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    Dear Carol's Chicago Style Diner,
    You may not be the friendliest of diners, nor the fanciest, and sometimes your patrons are the sketchiest of drunks that somehow found their way to your restaurant when getting kicked off the Blue Line but GOD BLESS! Your grilled cheese and scrumptious greasy fries and chicken noodle soup really hit the SPOT on cold winter nights.

    Considering I went to school for a year at Pivot Point (which is down the block) this place was my savior on evenings when I didn't feel like taking the extra steps to Subway across the street or getting take out from Hot Wok/Cool Sushi around the corner and what I really wanted was some hot comfort food.

    Yay to Carol's for always being there for me...never got a chance to check out the old school gambling machine in the back, though. I guess some things are just sacred. lol.

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    OK, so this is not haute cuisine, BUT I work at a bar nearby and it's open 24/7, so it saves me from after-shift starvation and/or going out of my way to overpriced, bland Golden Nugget.  Breakfasts are pretty good (hard to fuck up an egg, admittedly): the Jason's breakfast, for $3.75, is a bargain (2 or 3 eggs, meat, potatoes AND two or three EXCELLENT pancakes).  They also have biscuits and gravy (decent) and corned beef hash, for you other hillbillies out there.

    Lunches/dinners are hit-or-miss (meatloaf, burgers and fries are good, steak sandwich was grissly bad).  

    Funny, smoke-filled gambling machine room in the back, very charming, who ya kiddin'?  Friendly, quick service.  Don't go outta your way, but it's fine for cheap local 24/7 dining.

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    This place got a name change from Chicago Style grill to Carol's Chicago Style Grill (probably to hide from my accurately harsh review of the former title)  Well let me reiterate for this one.  I can't stand the food unless I'm dead drunk, and the regulars look like extras from a meth lab scene.  This place gives the neighborhood a distinct flavor, just one that doesn't suit my palette.

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    This was the best food for the price I have had in a long TIME!! quick service, great prices, HUGE omelet's and Carol could not have been sweeter, really just a real down home feeling Diner. I go by there every morning and get a egg sandwich with tomatoes and onion, and this aint no Mcdonald's egg sandwich, and for 2 bucks "I'm loving it!"

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