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    Great for BYOB and hookah but uncomfortable benches and too loud with the music.  Some days it's good for studying and chatting, other;s you are better off just drinking and being annoying with your friends

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    I've been consistently disappointed with their hookahs over the last few months. My friends and I use to come here often, but we've all agreed this place doesn't have the pep that it use to.

    However, I have absolutely no complaints about the service. The waitresses have always been very  attentive.

    The decorum is great--I love the archways. Improve the quality of the hookahs and I'll come back as a customer.

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    The hookah is so bad here. I have a feeling they never clean out their hoses. I ordered mango...why the hell do I taste mint? The parking is so inconvenient. "Who's driving the....you're blocking so and so." Horrible. It's full of high school kids and the music is funny at first but after awhile you're begging for them to shut off that 90s R&B. The waitresses take your drink order AND they never show up with your drink BUT they want to charge you for it. What kind of shit is that? No ma'am! I will never waste another cent nor minute of my life here.

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    There is no food being served here anymore!  But you can bring in your own food.

    Hookah was not bad, but the benches are not so comfortable, I kept feeling like I was going to fall off!  Hookah kept going for a few hours without any problems and being smoked consistantly.  Decor was nice, but I feel bad for the houseplants that are grown, aren't they choking on the smoke and lack of sunlight?

    Music was not so great, I got sick of the old school R&B fast....sorry I don't feel like smoking hookah and listening to RKelly's "Your body's callin"....

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    North Park Hookah Lounge is right down the street and is MUCH better also NPHL staff is alot friendlyer and DOSN'T LET MINORS IN

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    This place is okay as a last resort. This place is kinda small, so finding a place to sit on a weekend night is pretty hard. Especially if you want one of those spaces in the room with the benches.

    The parking in this place is also horrible. Instead of parking your car on the street, people pack their cars behind other cars in the parking lot. Almost every time i go there, they're paging some ass hole to move their car cause they're blocking people who are leaving.

    Other than that, the price is right... esp on Student night when they give discounts to college students (no student ID needed)

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    Really good shisha, mediocre service. A friend of mine really loves this place and so we dropped by the other night. Doesn't really seem to be anything special. Ok music, sub-par food. Everyone here keeps raving about the food, but when I tried their hummus it was watery and tasteless. Maybe I ordered the wrong thing, but it seemed like they just opened a pack of Jewel brand hummus, watered it down and threw it on a plate. Oh well. Not in a rush to come back, but I didn't have a terrible experience or anything.

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    My rating for this place would be higher, except for the terrible service.  The servers are excellent here, but the kitchen, even after this restaurant has been open for a year or so, still can't get its act together.  If you're willing to be flexible, have a lot of time to spare, and won't freak out if they mess up your order, this place is worth a try because of the good food.  They recently changed their menu, adding more salads and breakfast.  The salad ingredients are very fresh, and the menu contains some rather unusual combinations not often found at Middle Eastern restaurants.

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    I am a regular customer of Carthage cafe. I live a couple blocks  down the street, So on occasion will  go here to hang. the foods not half bad and is priced well.  The inside is also decorated very tastefully. But I must say after a reviewer was attacked by a obvious employee of Carthage cafe I have lost my taste for this restaurant. I for one will never step foot inside this place again. I feel  that the review was fair and was very constructive.  There was a comment made in talk thread where Kalina y.  says she has plenty of regulars. Well say good bye to this regular.

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    i've been to this place several times, because they're open so late, and close to the heart of 'little arabia.'
    the hookah is a lil rough, and sometimes it tastes like the pipes haven't been cleaned.
    the decor is awesome though. i adore the gold etched piece of artwork on the wall, with the ancient egyptian woman smoking a hookah. i'm trying to find one to buy.
    i wasn't impressed with the food. their vanilla chai is very good, but their shawerma is NOT. i had to ASK for the sauce for it, and it didn't not taste the same as the traditional garlicy sauce that is used on shawerma.
    their mix of music is very good though - it's eclectic. at any time you can hear rai (north african), arabic pop, turkish, reggaeton, or trance.
    oh, but the servers are hot, and the prices are fair.

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    Three stars.
    Mainly, because I liked the food.  All dishes are under $9 bucks.
    Sandwiches, Apps, salads & sides all under $5 bucks.  Shwarma is pretty good, not traditional, but it is tasty. Vegetarian entrees also available.
    They've got fresh smoothies, but, my friend said it tasted like over iced watered down, sediment water. You could taste the mix particles in your mouth. Blah.
    Hookah is $10 bucks.  This place is fairly new and they must be new to Hookah.  The pipes weren't secure, so when you take a drag, air is seeping in through unsecured areas, its like jump starting a jalopy. Pointless to smoke it.  I think they use the flavored water instead of like most places adopting the Gel.  The flavored gels give a more pure taste to the hookah.  When we smoked here, we thought maybe they didn't clean it out well, so, though we ordered Double Apple, it tasted like a mixture of all the flavors that had been through the hookah that night.
    Management also needs to learn how to divvy up the hookahs to incoming patrons.  You could wait up to 20 mins or more at a table.  Some tables have less than 6 people and 3 hookahs.  
    The smoking area could be alot more cozy.  They've got loong benches, covered in a fitted stitched covering.  Its cushioned, with a few throw pillows scattered. Not comfortable for long sittings.
    Check it out though, very nice layout.  One day, this could be a great place to chill.  Customers are mostly 17-22, maybe even younger.  Music is varied, dance, hip hop, whats' popular.

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