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    11:15 pm This must be a great place for high school kids to pick up a deal on a sandwich. For them that return daily and see the same faces that make their sandwiches day by day, get hello's, this place is a nice location and a great deal. For me, it's crap. I once thought it was a deal and also that they made sandwiches with a quickness. I stopped in this evening, its late, I need something cuz' I'm just way too lazy at this point of the night to prepare something fresh. McDonald's and Burger King are not an option, I don't want to go to bed ill and plus that's late night after the bars food. Ugh, that reminds me, doesn't the state of IL's fast food options just blow. Everything is burgers, Whoppers that, Big mac this. Tired of this. That's what made me think of Subway. Even though my friends that have worked for Subway always told me, dude.. you don't know how they process the meats, don't eat there. Still, $5 for a foot long is a decent deal and all the sandwich toppings are fresh, nice looking veggies. I wanted something light, I only have 5 1/2 hours of sleep before I have to return to work. The sandwich I wanted, Seafood sensation is not on the $5 menu, Attention Americans Subway is now weaning you off the $5 menu. So the sensation sandwich is $7 for a foot long with tax. First.. no entrance greeting. Second, the lady making my sandwich almost chokes when she realizes she hasn't enough to make my sandwich. Her coworker alerts her to this but still she carries on. Four small scoops of sensation are dropped onto the bread and quickly smeared across the expanse of the bread. Spread thinly across the bread, you can see that there isn't enough. It's late and I'm using my bed voice when I ask, "is that the correct amount of spread for this sandwich?" "It looks too thin to me". The looks the second lady gave the one making my sandwich rocked my nerves. She knows it's too little, sandwich lady responds "it's four scoops" And.. they aren't fucking level. Seriously, $7 for a crappy made sandwich. Knowing I'm disappointed she tops off the sandwich with a crap load of toppings. An over abundance of lettuce doesn't make up for shit. Let me break down this sandwich so the kiddies at home that want to save $7 can. Let's say you walk down the street to Jimmy John's and buy yourself day old French bread for the measly cost of $.50 cents. A head of lettuce at any corner grocery store, $.79 cents, $.99 at the most for iceberg. Jalapenos only cost $.49 cents a pound. Some money spent on Mayo and fake seafood, is still going to cost under $5 and with all that's in your hand at this point, I've just given you the instructions for feeding yourself all week! Things lost: This is where customer service came and died. I like store workers that CAN talk to me. Thank me for this stupid purchase, assure me that you've created a decent sandwich for me. Twenty minutes of time I could have added to my sleep. $7 which could have gone towards a better prepared meal. Time wasted on parking in a shady parking lot. It was scary back in the day when this place was a Tastee Freeze and kids would get their asses whipped by gang bangers, it's still scary now when you go to park and idiots rolling a ----t are sitting in their dark colored SUV's, just loitering. This sandwich SUCKED, I can make a way better lettuce and hot pepper sandwich at home.  Damnit.. now I only have enough time for maybe 5 hours of rest.  Maybe I'm being harsh, I mean it is late right?  It's a 24 hour Subway, so their food should always be stocked.

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    First time in this Subway and its just your typical store.  But the food and service were pretty good....They did run out of my bread of choice which was disappointing....but they did put alot of meatballs in my meatball marinara sub.  What can I say....one of the better subways out there....for cleanliness, decent service and a satisfying sub to fill my hunger pains.

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