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    Nice guy who talked to me about liquor stores sold me the pizza slices and salad. Good salad and italian dressing. Not exciting pizza but, nice people, average pizza, and good salad.  Decor and wall hangings in the store tell a story of chitalian history.

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    Pretty good pizza...nothing to write home about, but I'd eat it again.  For the price and quick delivery, it's a pretty good value.

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    Better late than never.  I've been driving by Chiki's for years and never gave them the time of day.  I think it was their sign that kept me from taking them seriously.  But after finding them through Seamless and reading some very solid reviews, I gave them a shot instead of any of my usual delivery stand-bys.  I'm glad that I did for two reasons:  first, this is the quintessential version of Chicago-style thin-crust pizza.  Second, they have a vegetarian pizza featuring onions, peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli; I love those first three, but I pooh-poohed that last ingredient.  I'll eat broccoli in a lot of formats, but no way in hell does it belong on a pizza.  Well...I later had to admit shamefacedly to my wife that I actually didn't, um, mind the broccoli.  Actually it fits right in with the other vegetables.  This was a real victory for her, who is always trying to get me to broaden my vegetable horizons.

    Oh, and on a lark I ordered guacamole and chips which was pretty bland too.  Oh well.

    So last weekend we tried the pan pizza (again the Very Vegetarian variety) but I have to say that this was a mediocre effort.  I did love the crust, but the bland cheese overwhelmed the pie.  There was a good proportion of vegetables, but not enough sauce.  I will stick with the thin crust from now on and definitely plan to give Chiki's a regular slot in my pizza rotation.

    This is truly a 3.5, but I'm rounding up to help support the little guy.

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