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    I would certainly not eat here, nor subject my son to it either as I respect his palette at this point more than he does. That said though, as for the games, they are all a single token(I think), and that makes for a cheap couple of hours for the best bud in my life and I to kick it...

    Enjoy Suckas'!!!

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    Depends on when you go but if you go early on weekends or during the day on weekdays, you can avoid the skanky families who do drugs and don't know how to parent.  Went one Sat early evening and a man came in smelling so much like marijuana that I'm guessing he had just smoked it outside.  Why the staff allowed him in is beyond me!

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    This place was a disaster. I had the day off and I decided to take my son during the afternoon. It was pretty empty so I figured we would order pizza and get our order quickly. I ordered two personal sized pizzas and tokens. Almost 30 bucks. It took 30 minutes for us to get one of the pizzas. It took another 15 minutes to get the other pizza. I was starving and my son was growing impatient. Now remember the place was empty, why did the woman question my son multiple times if I was his mother. My son is extremely shy and kept looking at her like she was crazy.

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