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    Mixed feelings. I remember going to this spot about 12 years ago. I remember the pork chops being thicker and juicier. The porkchop entree was ok. Generous portion of rice (which my 2 year old loved). lettuce and tomatoe on the side. And plantains w/garlic. Which was great. The pastele on the other hand, not so great. And that is reason I went there. Had a craving. There was a generous portion of meat inside, and again my baby loved it, but the taste was off and I've had better homemade pasteles. Also had a mango goya drink. Total was 13.80. ok place for lunch

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    Had to update my review from 5 stars to only 2. This place use to be the spot. After a couple of more visits they are just too inconsistent. The pernil I ordered was so dry and the rice was mediocre. Won't be back any longer.

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    I decided to give cousins a try after reading so many good reviews on here. I was sooo disappointed though. I ordered a pastille and steak jibarito w/arroz con gandules. I drove almost an hr and 15 mins round trip for this food and can't believe how bland it was. The pastille was good, but it tasted like canned chicken was used. The jibarito smelled like such garlicky goodness, but when I bit into it there was garlicky goodness. It was extremely bland tasting I'll def be sticking to borinquen for my PR fixes. Also the arroz con gandules lacked flavor too. They probably used Goya not sure tho since I've only ever had home made arroz con gandules. Skip this joint n head right to borinquen where they're serious about garlic just like I like it!

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    Food was good but they must have changed cooks.  Food is now tasteless and stingy with the portion.

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    My first experience with Puerto Rican food.

    Tried several appetizers, as well as their steak and onions and had a few bites of their chicken stew. (ate a meal there, and was impressed so took more to go for another meal another day,  and sampled/shared with the gf)

    The steak was VERY tender and tasty, though mild in flavor.
    The Arroz con gandules really stood out as quite the flavorfull rice.
    Alcapurrias are incredible.  Flavor is somewhat subtle,  but soooo good!!!
    Pastelillo was delicious
    Maduros were great.

    Great food, great value.  I will go there again,  though it's a LONG trek for me... so I won't be able to go as often as I'd like.

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    You better like garlic. That's all I have to say.

    Okay I lied, that's not all I have to say. This is a great little find in an otherwise obscure strip mall. This place is pretty tiny, but even early on this Sunday afternoon, you wouldn't have a problem dining in. There was one big family having lunch, and a few customers such as myself ordering carry-out. I could literally smell the garlic as I approached the door. It's no secret that PRs cook with plenty of garlic, so if you haven't been to many Puerto Rican restaurants, parties or homes, don't be alarmed. The food is great.

    Also great are the prices. Jibaritos are just $5.25, and for a dollar more, you get arroz con gandules on the side. I ordered two steak Jibaritos with rice for less than $15. And it was great stuff. An awesome garlicy, greasy sammich with some pretty phenomenal rice made for an excellent Sunday "lunner."

    I'm actually glad I don't live super close to Cousin's. I'd be inclined to eat here too often, thus making it boring. Not to mention that health problems may ensue. Also, me and everything I own would smell like garlic, making my already clingy girlfriend want me even more. Just kidding baby. Muah. Props to Cousin's for accepting credit/debit tambien.

    I will be coming here again and again.

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    Good food on the cheap. the place is tugged in a mall strip, they have 6 or 7 tables.  they have good sandwiches to go or you can sit in end enjoy the friendly service.  Perfect for lunch

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    I was craving some rice today so I had to make the drive over to this small place. I have been coming to this place off and on for a few years now. Just about everything on the menu ranges from average to good. Not bad if you have a craving for arroz con gandules and don't have time to make the drive to the Humboldt Park area. Stay away from the pork chops if you don't like salt. You will hate them. I, on the other hand, love them.

    The restaurant is in a strip mall that shares a parking lot with Menards so parking is ample.

    It irks me that they won't have some things I go there for. Today I wanted some Rellenos de Papas (stuffed potato balls) but they didn't have any. Sad.

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    This is a cute little neighborhood joint. When you walk in it feels like you're in Puerto Rico. The menu has lots of yummy stuff like jibaritos and jibaritas. The arroz con habichuelas was sooo good! Definitely the best I've had.

    If you're looking to eat some authentic Puerto Rican food then you should come here. At least you won't leave out smelling like garlic (shout out to Borinquen!)

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