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    Besides forced accents and homicide, what do all the Boston Irish movies have in common? TOWNIE BARS. This place feels like a bar straight out of Good Will Hunting, Mystic River, The Town, Gone Baby Gone, minus the violence or math equations. And maybe it's just me, but I like my bars that way. I used to take the Metra to Deerfield and this place is a GREAT stop-off after the train. Patrick, the owner/bartender is a classic. He is exactly who you would hope and expect to be there. Don't pass by this unmarked wonder if you're in the area. Maybe have a few cheap beers and go to a Hava'd bah to beat up some smaht kids!

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    I live right across the street, but i'll admit this place looked a bit intimidating at first.  Local dive bar and it took me a year and a half to step foot inside.  Did not know what I was missing!  $3 Guinness on tap!  Met Mike the bartender, who was a nice dood.  Others were friendly too.  Solid place to grab a drink and chill...

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    What a delightful little dive bar!!! A friend took me here on Friday night and I'll be honest upon pulling up I was a little frightened but this place is great! I heard it can get a little crazy after cubs games since its right next to the metra stop. The bar isn't too big but theres comfortable seating, great jukebox, great service and best of all the prices, $3 guinness on tap!!!  Nice place to relax and enjoy a drink.

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    This place used to be called "The Irish Wolfhound". Some of the regulars caused some trouble a few years back when they were joking around with a FBI agent and said it was a local headquarters of the IRA.

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    I've been to a few bars in my 6 years of professional drinking and none compare to Pat's place.  
    Before I even moved into the apartment building just across the street I went in for a pre-apartment-viewing drink with my boyfriend and basically got the neighborhood run down.  Pat gives the best advice and knows pretty much anything you would want to know about that neck of the woods.  

    The bathrooms are clean, great jukebox, and one of those touch screen bar game thingys that I think i've been spending more money on recently than beer....

    Couldn't ask for a better neighborhood bar or bartender!

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    i'll start off with a cliche and just say this place is the shit.

    grayland pub?  Patrick's?  i thought it was called Kennedy's.  there's no sign on the door so how would you know.  only reason i thought it was called Kennedy's was I was sitting there drinking with some youth basketball referee's who were telling me a story about coming back from reffing a game in deerfield and they said hey fuck it let's stop off at Kennedy's.  i dunno.

    the prices are awesome.  where else can you get a $3 Guiness in Chicago?  the owner/bartender is probably the coolest bartender i've ever come across in Chicago.  he'll sit there and talk to you for hours about sports, and pretty much any other topic.  i bought a round one time and now every time i go in there at least one person buys me a drink, bartender included.  

    i've always had good company with whatever patron happens to be in there, i guess that says quite a bit about the drinkers in this neighborhood.  

    i'd definately bring friends or a date there and i'm sure at first they'd be sketched out but by the time we left they'd also be saying that place is dope.

    five stars all around even given the fact that they need to fix their ATM machine.

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    The #1bar / bartender in Chicago. Only bar I know with Gluten free beer. Get your drink on here.

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    Great Atmosphere, Great People, Great Prices. Great Dive Bar.

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    Grayland Pub?! Who knew? well obviously everyone other than me. I always thought it was called "Patrick's" but i guess that is because that is what the drunk at the bar (no, not me, the one of the other drunks) told me it was called.

    It is great place and as the dive/old man bars are disappearing lets hope this one can hang on.

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    This little old man/ dive bar is a total gem.  We've driven by this stretch of Milwaukee God knows how many times and have never noticed it.  I think that they have renamed it Kennedy's.  This a great place to meet friends if you are planning on seeing a film at the Portage Theater or just want to hang out and avoid the usual bar scene.  The prices are dirt cheap.  $1.25 PBR's!  Patrick, the owner/ bartender is super cool, we'll definitely be back!

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    This dive bar's quite a find: cheap Guinness, absolutely lovingly poured by a guy named Patrick Kennedy, in a tidy space.

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