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    This just might be the worst McDonalds ever!  The food is NEVER hot or fresh, they substitute things like sauces without asking you, they sell you extras like apple pies then don't give them to you, I could go on ....  This McDonalds is convient, but I need to remember NOT to stop here!  I have given it a few chances and it is always disappointing.

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    It had been a while since I'd eaten at a McDonald's and probably even longer since I'd seen an eastbound Addison bus even though I'd seen five westbound buses but I digress.

    After taking my order, the cashier puzzled over which Paul Newman salad dressing was Italian by looking at the pictures of him on the labels before making my order even though I was the only person in line.  I got a Shrek McFlurry which was nothing more than M&M knockoffs poorly blended in with soft serve.  After finishing the topping, I couldn't finish the ice cream.  I wasn't full, it just didn't have any taste.

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