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    They have this very informative poster on the counter. It tells you of all the health benefits of a plain baked potato. Then gives you ways to make that healthy spud into the embodiment of gluttony by topping it from everything from steak, chicken, cheese, and anything else imaginable.

    Even though I haven't partaken in one of the baked spuds, I really do love their french fries, especially with a dash of the seasoning salts the have on the counter. The steak sandwiches? Meh.

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    Ah!  I don't know what to eat for lunch!  I'm a little faklempt.  Talk amongst yourselves.  [waves hand]  I'll give you a topic: The Great Steak is neither steak nor great.  Discuss.

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    Not a bad cheesesteak.

    On a side note, who the fck puts lettuce and tomato on a cheesesteak?! When the guy asked me that I asked him if he was kidding.

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