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    This place is such a nice cozy spot! I came here for a Yelp event but then came back on my own with the coupon that they gave me. We had a very intimate experience (cozy in the booth... mood lighting... the whole she-bang) and enjoyed a caraf of great red wine (couldn't tell you what it was...I want to say Malbec but not sure...). The took really good care of us and made sure to give us our privacy as well. The only reason that I knock one star off my rating is because the menu could use some more variety...I definitely understand that it's a new restaurant but some options that are dairy/gluten free would be helpful. Just something with meat + veggies, or throw in something creative like zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash as a pasta substitue. People really appreciate that these days and that would definitely make them unique. Don't mean to be picky but just a suggestion! The food was very tasty though, and it's easily accessible as it's right off the freeway (101) in the Westin hotel (MIllbrae exit). Check it oooout!!

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