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    I had their carne torta with everything on it. I love the seasoning and how tender the meat was. Their salsa was extremely spicy but delicious none the less. Definitely going to come by here again and try some other things on their menu.

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    Worked late so decided to stop in and pick up a late dinner on the way home. They now accept credit cards, which is great. The steak meat was a bit salty than I last remembered, but the food was good overall.

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    Fast and fresh food.  Don't know about the review that said cash only.  I used my card.

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    Good service and great tasting food. The meat is seasoned and fresh. The only reason I didn't give it five stars was because of "cash only" other then that downer the parking lot is big the eating area looks clean and food again was awesome.

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    This is the best Mexican restaurant! The service is wonderful and the food is just as good. Classics like the veggie burrito or chicken tacos are truly to die for.  Their salsas are amazing, especially the green one with chicken -- yum! The restaurant is also cheap so you can eat there often without breaking the bank. The servers -- especially Mary -- are friendly and fast and you can expect the same great service every time. Check it out!

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