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    Was down in Chinatown doing work for some Triads and celebrating the Chinese new Year, Eds Potsticker house was crazy packed like a bowl full of potstickers so I wandered down the street smoking Marlboro menthol lights until I happened upon this place.

    My child paused to zip up her coat and a couple got in the door ahead of us, they took the last table open. Then they ordered a coke, and a water, and got up and left. They made us stand up for like 20 minutes for no reason. Such prickles. Anyway.

    What an interesting little place, worth a stop in if you are in the neighborhood and looking for some authentic Chinese food. Its a small little place that has a lot of actual Chinese people in it. Enjoyed immensely the variety of choices that are available, the fish was a little fishy tasting for me, but the nice caucasian couple who left so we could sit down in this small restaurant gave us the rest of their bottle of wine. I asked what was good here and they said this was their first time but they really liked the cabbage and pork soup but warned how sour it was. Sounded a bit much for the first time so I got:

    Celery & Pork Dumplings: this was on the special new years menu, way good and tasty, loved the dipping hoisin sauce. It wasn't hoisin I dont think but it was awesome and sour.

    Hot & Sour soup - highlight of the meal, best thing ever. Warmed my black soul.

    Pancake & Mackrel - the lady told me this was awesome, and it was on the specials menu for CNY, taste was superb. Very good, but so filling I took like 3 bites and that was it.

    Spicy fish - forgot what this is acutally called, but it was spicy and good, again 3 bites and I was out.

    Nice place, may return if I am in the hood and Boss Chan wants me to go to war with the Flying Red Scorpions again.

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    I didn't get deep into my options because there were so many and I didn't have a bunch of time for lunch so I just got the sweet & sour chicken but I loved it. It was very fresh. They serve complimentary tea if you'd like and I believe they have hot pot too. I'll definitely be back, the service was great too. It's a small place but quickly on the rise, as soon as they open people are headed in, check them out!

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