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    It's a tourist trap - nothing else. With so many choices in the city, there is nothing other than the name to bring anyone here. Waits for a table can be obscenely long, and the food is not worth the wait. You get videos of music, loud and crowded.  Jimmy Buffet made a huge mistake building such a small restaurant in this area when his group could have done much better with size and location! Look elsewhere unless you're really looking for a tourist trap.

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    Yes, Navy Pier is a tourist trap and prices are all up, but it's always fun to go to a Margaritaville restaurant.

    We just stopped in for desert and some quick drinks. The Perfect Margarita is just that.... perfect. Just the right mix. The "It's 5 O'clock Somewhere cocktail is a crazy rum concoction that also hits the spot with a nice stiff pour of alcohol and the perfect mix of fruity flavors.

    The chocolate brownie desert was huge, but most of it was whipped cream. Since it was real whipped cream we didn't really complain much.

    Our server Justin was the best!

    Although there was Buffett music playing in the background, this restaurant really doesn't measure up to the excitement and crazy style of some of the other Margaritaville restaurants.

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    The worst...not sure what I expected but we came in after wandering Navy Pier our sailor fresh out of Navy boot camp and we asked if our sailor who wanted pizza (nothing like that on the menu) could bring in a slice from next door in addition to his meal in their establishment, along with our drinks and meals (party of 3 that had already ordered their overpriced drinks and appetizers).  But no, even though we explained that this was his last day out before Aschool and shipping out and that he had just finished 8 weeks of boot camp and he really wanted just a slice.  Too stuck on their "rules" too support our military or retain our business.  Not OK Margartville...we spent our money elsewhere.

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