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    Best lil irish pub on Oahu. im a regular here and i can say its one of my favorite places for the fact its almost like cheers where everyone knows your name. granted weekends can get a lil packed but live music every weekend and no cover charge? how can you complain??

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    we came here for a drink and some live music on a Tuesday night. the band wasn't very memorable and the drinks were average. the service was a bit pushy and we assumed it was because it wasn't so busy and she needed something to do. overall, my friends and i got to hang out with eachother and chat and chill.

    while the establishment says NO SMOKING, there is still smoking for some reason and you could smell the smoke from the folks standing outside the building who we

    the review is based on an average weekday.

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    St. Patty's Day review. They killed you with a $10 cover because they know you want to hit an Irish Pub. The drinks weren't really a pint and no bathrooms inside. They packed the place too, keep the money flowing. It's seems like a god place to come back to when its not so crazy. I'd give this review a two, but the live band there was solid and kept it at a good 3 star.

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    Great drinks and live music on the weekend

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    I went to OTooles for the comedy nights they have on Friday nights and brought my family. All the comedians were funny and the whole show was only $10. The server came in all the time and was really attentive. We will definitely go back but they need a bigger room.

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    I'm not one to write reviews but I feel that I have been wronged by this establishment.  A week ago, I was there early on a Saturday evening with friends, had a couple of drink and decided to pick up the tab.  Though the waiter was rude and the service even worse, I pride myself as a good tipper and gave him a more than 20% tip.  A few days later as I was doing my online banking, I find that I was billed a hundred dollars over what I had paid for?!?  So, I called them right away thinking that it was an honest mistake that would be rectified immediately without question.  Well, the manager basically told me that that was what I had written on the receipt, that I could come down there and take a look at what I supposedly written and that he would buy me a few drinks and I assume forget all about it.  Unfortunately, I didn't keep my receipt and it is basically my word against his.  I tried to reason with the manager, Joe, but basically didn't get anywhere.  I think this is something I'm going to have to take up with my bank and the liquor commission.

    Word of advice if you still decide to go to Otooles:  Hold onto your receipt if you use you card, and check to see if they charge you the correct amount with your bank later.

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    Great live band and enjoyed watching the dancing. The female fiddler was awesome. I just couldn't stay long because of the smoke. They allowed people to smoke and the ventilation in the place isn't great.

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    Ehhh, maybe I am not hip enough to be in a place like O'Toole's, and I am comfortable enough with myself to say that. Not every place in the world is meant for everybody in the world.

    The GOOD:This pub serves beer. ... Whatelse you need? Pau.

    The BAD: I don't know how they do it, but they also sell cigars and allow people to hotbox the joint... no pun intended. I don't get it, but hey, I don't really belong in a place like this.

    Overall: I am not trying to say not to come here, it's just not for me. If you have a mustache? You definitely need to come here... if you own boat shoes? Totally a place for you. You dig reggae? A MUST for you. You had all that stuff "before it was cool"? Then I think I found your mecca. Enjoy.

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    Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Wait a minute, Kansas might be exactly where we are at! I kid. But O'Toole's definitely is a far departure from typical local bars. I mean, where else on this island are you going to find a bunch of grown men dressed up in kilts singing along to Irish jingles and bagpipes?!? There's even a leprechaun that hangs out here!

    I avoid those kilted nights, but what I do love about O'Toole's is the fact that a very talented musician and artist by the name of Mike Love plays here with Sam Ites every Monday and Thursday. Even though I'd pay serious money to see this man play, the best part is that I don't have to pay a dime! There is no cover charge here! Drink prices are a little high, but not ridiculous. They always have drinks specials at the bar too.

    I'm not sure how much I'd come to O'Toole's aside from the nights Mike Love plays, but it is a good place to go when you want to get away from the First Friday crowd without having to pay a ridiculous cover. Parking is also easy as long as it's not First Friday. Complaint number one is that the bathroom here sucks. Just hope that you don't have to go every 5 minutes while you are here otherwise you might end up spending your entire night in line at the bathroom. My other complaint (which might actually be a plus for some people) is that you can smoke in here so I always come out smelling sooooo bad. My hair and clothes do not appreciate it, thank you very much! Plus smoking is bad, mmmkay? Aside from those gripes, any bar that lets me see Mike Love for free is awesome in my book!

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    My first time here wasn't a good one on a first Friday night of the month. This place was overly crowded and me and my friends had to wait outside about 10mins till some of the people inside leaves.

    After our first task of getting in we had a second task, finding seats. Luckily there was seats right by the door but had to wait for the folks seating there to leave.

    When we finally got our seats we try to order drinks but because this place was so overwhelmingly packed that it took forever to get a waitress and the time for her come back with our drinks.

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    Good music. Shitty service (miserable bar tenders) and a smoky atmosphere.

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    Good Irish pub, makes you feel like you're back on the mainland.

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    I'm a fan of this Irish pub because the bartender on Sunday mornings knows how to pour a correct pint of Guinness. I was introduced to this bar by my buddy "Holliday" -an ex-Navy guy - and yes it is every time we go there.

    For the most part, the atmosphere is pretty casual and the patrons are friendly enough considering I'm a stranger and tourist. The bar itself is properly adorned with Boston spots memorabilia, but what I was told, the neighborhood is kind of sketchy. Not sure what they meant by that, but it seemed fine by me.

    I highly recommend visiting and watching a football game there when you're in town during the NFL season. I'm sure it will beat watching it at the hotel or the local tourist trap.

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    I would like to review this place higher but it's just a decent place. Perhaps if the drinks were better and friendlier bartenders it would be higher. It's a good place nonetheless to relax in during the winding hours before Chinatown shuts down or during the late afternoon on a weekday since it's virtually dead.

    It's nice that they have some passionate bands that play regularly but after awhile hearing the same songs over and over gets grating. The decor and lighting is homey. The Red Sox paraphernalia is not obnoxious at least. Loathe that they allow smoking so rarely frequent the place anymore.

    My favorite things about the place would have to be the funny doorman with the glasses and the Southern sandwich guy in front. Those sandwiches are a perfect way to finish up a night. Juicy, flavorful and fattening. The homemade sauces really make the sandwiches. Now I want one of those damn things.

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    Fun place.

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    The head cushion above the urinal in the men's restroom always makes me laugh.

    This is, after all, an Irish bar, the kind of watering hole less known for its class and restraint than its raucous patrons who order three Powers with a PBR back too many. Your fellow barmates may get out of hand - and suffer too often from Baby Bladder Syndrome - but again, remember where you are. Lewers Lounge this ain't.

    Aside from good scotches and older Irish whiskeys, top-shelf booze runs $8, which makes me happy cos that means I can have a couple more Bulleit Manhattans than I could elsewhere. And more of those $4 Killian's, please.

    If you're going solo or with a smaller group of friends, sit at the bar to avoid the consistently clueless and inarticulate cocktresses (my abridged word for cocktail waitresses - you like?).

    No food here aside from a gratis bowl of pretzels, so grab a bite at Murphy's for some solid sustenance before you get down to business.

    And for all the whiners who wish to not be exposed to secondhand smoke, there are PLENTY of other bars you can go to whose regular clientele care.

    Again, it's an Irish bar. We don't like rules here.

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    I'm not much of a bar type of person, at all. But that being said I do love O'Toole's! When I do decide to have a drink - the bar selection they have is great. They have what I always order - so that is a plus!

    I also LOVE the atmosphere of the place. It is laid back and relaxing. I like that I can hang out in the bar area, or take a seat at the table with a group of friends. The atmosphere really makes the place. I also love the music they play.

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    This coming Friday - 16 December, 2011.....THE MIXER'S ARE PLAYING MUSIC!   HOOORAYYYYYYYYY!  
    Can't wait.

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    Oh O'toole's, my first time I came here was on the BF's birthday a few years back, we wanted to get wasted drunk and party into my birthday which is a day after so we did. Oh and it was fat Tuesday so we got even more wasted drunk, talk about a street full of people with beer in hand and mask to wear fun times!

    Looking for a good place to drink and smoke this is it, no more walking outside, around the corner to smoke and down the street. I loved it! Everyone at our table had a cigar in hand or a smoke and we weren't moving. Sooo much beer and STP shot's it was a blast, the service was good and quick just how we wanted it. The bathroom was the only fail two stalls and a long line of women makes me want to find a bush. lol J/J no seriously.

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    This bar is great! It has a great beer selection. Great live band selection too. It even has cigars that you can buy.

    Parking is expensive those and theres a long wait for the bathroom. Overall it's a-ok

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    I cam here for one reason.  This commercial interested me so much that I had to try it one night.   <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DPZZ5X8AhI1E&s=c7f9cf9cf4f8ee80d555558c09b2d192129f2e4f26d2d2b4ef735b2d13aed74a" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/w…</a>

    If you watch the commercial, Kimo asks if they have free pupus over here.  Sadly to say they don't.  They actually don't have any food over here at all.  If you want to eat food, you can order it from Muprhy's Bar across the street.  Interesting, considering that's probably their competition.

    They have live music and drink specials, when I went it was $4 Killians and Foster.  

    **There is also smoking allowed in this bar.  Lot's of people were smoking Cigars some even cigarettes (thought that was illegal, but idk) That might swade you more or less to come here since I feel its a deal maker or breaker.

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    Yelp 365 Challenge: 38/365

    One of the last bastions of bars from days of yore. Where anyone could find a stiff drink, conversation if desired, and a place to enjoy a smoke before hitting the road. O'Toole's fills the niche of that dark and divey bar with an Irish flair. Moreover, they've got a big middle finger to the law and allow patrons to light up should they desire.

    So let's break it down...

    Basically, it's a dive bar. It's dark, smells like cigars, and it's small and intimate. The crowd varies from pau hana business folk from downtown, to young hipsters checking out some live music. The Irish pub vibe is provided by the decor found along the walls. If you're looking for that refined Irish pub, turn around and go to Murphy's.

    There's no food service, so it's liquid diet only here. The bar includes all of the usual suspects, so no one is left out of the reindeer games. Prices are about average for being in town.

    Service is adequate. I don't come here expecting white glove service. Bartenders are generally good and offer something to munch on in light of no food. Think pretzels....

    At the end of the day, O'Toole's doesn't pretend to be something it's not. It's an old school bar, for old school people, with old school vices. If you're a fan of the dive bar scene, this has to be on your list of spots to frequent.

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    Good Irish pub for drinking.   O'Toole's has a large bar, live band and a good crowd.  However, there are a few problems that make me not want to go there.  

    First of all, there's Boston Red Sox crap all over the place.  And I really hate Red Sux fans, they're the worst losers and most arrogant winners in sports.

    Secondly, you'll wait a long time to get your Guinness refilled.  If my pint glass is empty for longer than 5 minutes, I tend to get grouchy.

    Lastly, there's no food.  How the hecky durn, do you not serve food in Hawaii?  Beer and pupus are like peanut butter and jelly - they just have to be together.   Argh!!  And that's when I realize, "hey Murphy's is across the street . . . "

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    I've been to O'Toole's twice now and I enjoyed it up until I was completely yelled at by a bartender for his mistake.

    I really wanted to like this place; it reminded me a bit of Boston and I found the live music to be pretty good.  When I went to close my tab, I was charged for four drinks instead of two.  I can understand where there may have been some confusion since each time I ordered a drink, my friend ordered one at the same time.  However, I was totally under the impression that she had paid for her own drinks (and when I talked to her later, she said she had).  

    I politely told the bartender that I only ordered two drinks.  Rather than figuring things out rationally, he proceeded to yell at me and tried to make me feel as though I was "pulling a fast one" or ripping him off.  He treated me as though I was some dumb drunk person who had absolutely no idea how many drinks they had had.  Funny, I had a total of 3 drinks the entire night and knew EXACTLY what was going on.  After treating me horribly, he told me he would void out the two drinks I didn't order as if this was some grand gesture of kindness.  

    Before I could explain why there may have been confusion, he angrily slammed my card down in front of me and walked away.  Needless to say, he got absolutely no tip.  I have NEVER in my life not tipped someone for bad service.  This was more than bad service.  You should simply not treat another human being that poorly. EVER.  It is never OK to scream at someone and try to make them feel awful for something as easily reconciled as putting drinks on the wrong tab.   I have worked in the service industry, so I understand a bad night.  However, there is no excuse to ever treat someone that poorly.

    If I do ever end up in O'Toole's again, they will not see one dime of my money.

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    Having worked in Waiks for years, I have been stuck in the rut of Waikiki bars for way too long! I recently made a trek downtown and was so so glad that I did!

    First off, I love the feel and the decor of O'Tool's. Legit Irish pub feeling; reminded me of the type of pub you could find in San Francisco. Good selection of beers on tap; I think there was about 15?? All I know is they have ice cold Sierra Nevada, so I'm happy! We sat at the bar--bartenders were very attentive. Side note: we were there on a Tuesday night so it wasn't busy at all. However, they did have live music, which was nice and unexpected for a slower weeknight.

    Bathroom was clean, but there is only one, so I can see as how this might be a pain on their busier nights. Also, because they are related to Kelly's and Irish Rose, there is smoking allowed inside. My friends are all smokers--so, plus for them, but I am not, and if had been busier, I probably would have had to grab some fresh air once in a while! (There is a small patio out back by the bathrooms which would had been perfect for this!)

    All in all, I had fun here, and will make this a regular on my new, and growing, downtown bar lineup!

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    O'Toole's has a great relaxed atmosphere and I love the bands that play (My feet, shoulders and head tapping to the music). The drink selection is great and I love that they carry Red Bull for my wake-up mixed drink needs. The bar tender was great fun during my most recent visit.

    During the expected large crowds (ie St Patricks Day), they have another bar section in the back, past the (clean!) bathrooms. for the overflow of demand. One qualm is that seating is hard to come by during peak crowds.

    The back alley also gives you a chance to step out into the fresh air and escape the (already exhaustively mentioned) smoke. The smoke is helped by the vaulted ceiling above the stage area and by the fans, so the air quality is tolerable in and around those areas to a limit.

    Enjoy a beer and go dance a jig. Your inner Irish is a calling!

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    I love Irish pubs!  O'Tooles didn't disappoint.  The guy working the door was very nice and quirky.  He had my friend and I laughing when we stpped out for some air a few times.  There was live music and a pretty good crowd.  I wasn't surprised there were no seats on a Saturday night.  I was still able to order a drink easily and the bartenders were cool.  

    This place has a back patio and a fairly clean bathroom.  I'm not sure if this is always the case, but I was here Saturday and Sunday, and it was quite crowded with men.  Smoking is allowed inside, so if you hate smoking, I'd suggest you go elsewhere.

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    O'Toole's is my FAVORITE bar.  If it weren't for the smoking I'd go there at the beginning of the night and never leave.  It's always fun, drinks are cheap, the sandwich guy is usually parked outside at the corner, and on most nights I'll run into someone I know :)  I'm not sure of the name of the band - but I LOVE the weekend band that's usually there.  They always hear my "MORE JOHNNY CASH" cry and oblige.  It gets really, really crowded on First Fridays and holidays (Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, etc).  

    The smoke, however, is too much to handle some nights.  I have to wash my hair twice before the STANK goes away, which is why O'Toole's only gets 4 stars from me.

    In all honesty, I met my boyfriend here 2.5 years ago, although I don't recommend dating just any-old-O'Toole's patron without a background check :)

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    I like the place - in small doses. I actually have just one gripe - the smoke. You have a couple of beers and find yourself poppin aspirin in the morning. The clothes need to get washed.

    I love the live music, the beer selection, the service.

    The beer could be a bit cheaper, but I take it that part of the price is going towards the live music. I would like the place even better if they served food (without the smoking, that is). Overall, another classic, just gotta be in the mood for it.

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    Second one-star review ever given.  Like a teacher of mine once said, "It takes a lot of effort to get an F in my class."  So true.  

    Interesting that this establishment gets away with allowing smoking (along with Anna Banana's).  I get that management is against the smoking ban and are offering an alternative to smokless places across the city, but it's the law!!  So are they saying, if you don't like a law, just don't abide by it and you're fine?  Juvenile thinking.  Maybe I have an aversion to paying my beer tab, is it free?

    Rational Choice Theory?:  
    "Rational choice theory uses a specific and narrower definition of 'rationality' simply to mean that an individual acts as if balancing costs against benefits to arrive at action that maximizes personal advantage.  The practitioners of strict rational choice theory never investigate the origins, nature, or validity of human motivations (why we want what we want) but instead restrict themselves to examining the expression of 'given' and inexplicable wants in specific social or economic environments. That is, they do not examine the biological, psychological, and sociological roots that make people see the benefits encouraging them to [say] kiss another, cheat on a test, use cocaine, or murder someone. Instead, all that is relevant are the costs of doing so -- which for crimes, reflects the chance of being caught."--WP  

    Okay, so a business decision to allure smokers and alleviate them of their money is worth the risk of getting caught and paying fines.  So the burden now lies with whistle blowers or employees (is it a requirement that they smoke?) offended and HPD for enforcement.  It seems to me no one is taking anything seriously.  Peculiar.  Business as usual?  Hawai`i no e ka `oi.

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    I really love OTooles...i think the best part about it, is that you can smoke in there.  They usually have really good music too.  When I went on Wednesday night, they had these twin haole brothers from Kailua playing, and they were awesome.  Really into their music.  It's pretty dead on weekdays, so it's perfect if you just wanna relax and have a few drinks with friends.  There were some people there this past time that I went, and they were getting pretty nuts.  I think too many beers in their system, but they weren't crude or obnoxious. Just really wanted to have a good time and dance to the music.  That's my kind of place.

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    I'm torn.  The service, beer offerings and live music (esp. Mike Love) is 5+ stars, however I can't handle all the smoking inside, so I don't come here often.  

    The servers are very nice and helpful and their beers on tap are FREEZING cold!  I love it when there's a little ice at the top!

    Mike Love is performing Thursday nights during May and I'm loving it, however, I can't handle much more than an hour of smoke inhalation before I run over to Murphy's for FRESH AIR!

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    Since Murphy's has turned more into a yuppie hangout these days, O'Tooles on Nu'uanu Ave has always been the new alternative. Although they don't got a food menu (nor kitchen), they usually have live music every time I go there. Did I mention that young waitress with the glasses and tattoos is very attractive, friendly and is an awesome server?

    If you like your pub dark, dingy and a bit Rock N' Roll, you might actually dig this place. It reminds me of those younger days, where I wore gas station jackets, covered in patches and safety pins, running around town before or after a show, in worn down vans/converse, always drunk and bumming cigarettes off everyone. Well those day's are long gone and since then, I work a full-time job and have quit smoking those dreaded cancer sticks.

    This pub could be called a dive, I guess? Although it does house my type of crowd (cept for punchy, drunk military da kines), I don't like the fact that they allow people to smoke in there. Then again, I'm not bar person these days anyway.

    Sam Adams on tap anyone? See youz on St. Patty's Day.


    3 stars
    O'Tooles on Nu'uanu Avenue

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    I discovered this place because I heard I could smoke inside. It's like an oasis in a desert of anti-smoking establishments.

    Came to like the reasonable prices and live music as well.

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    If I lived here this could easily become one of my local bars. The service was good and the locals were fantastic. There was a band playing and they did a fabulous job. The  best and worst part of the night was when a drunken guy puked on the dance floor. That was the worst. The best part is how efficient the staff was at cleaning up the mess and the fact that though it was right in front of the band they just kept playing.

    I thoroughly enjoyed my night here including being spun around the dance floor by a nearly toothless older man, an old Irish man who looked wriff when he walked but danced to Irish music like nobodys business, my best friend, and two sailors. I made a best friend in the bathroom and friends with a great waitress. If you're looking for a neat bar and like the Irish this is the place for you!

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    Meh. I can see why people love this place, especially if you are a regular, but I am not...then again, Irish Pubs were never my cup of whiskey to begin with.

    It does always have live music, and I love that the guy at the door cards me whenever I stroll in (seriously! waaaaaaay past 21 here). Occasionally, the music is so loud, I can't talk with the people I came with - that and the fact that the service is borderline belligerent, it just doesn't feel like much fun. Maybe I should sit at the bar.

    As to the whole smoking thing - I don't see it. I see people smoking on the little patio out back and they don't seem to discourage that in the slightest, but I wouldn't say that smoking is encouraged (maybe its a "regular" thing?). The bathrooms are, well - gross. The good news is, if you are in Chinatown and in desperate need of one...this is one available...

    All in all, if you are in the mood to have your mettle tested in an Irish Bar kind'a way and don't feel like getting all dressed up...I can see O'Tooles being a good choice.

    Its just not mine.

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    First thing's first... O'Toole's is NOT a restaurant.  It is a bar.  It specifically states on the Irish Pubs Hawaii website that O'Toole's Food Menu is no longer available but catering is still available.

    Moving right along..... If you're standing on Nuuanu at Merchant St. faced with the difficult decision of which Irish Bar/Pub you should enter, this is all you need to know.

    O'Toole's is not the "classy" choice.  The music is loud, the bathrooms are dirty, the patrons can get a little rowdy, and the proprietors of this fine establishment are dedicated to overturning the ban on smoking by setting an F-U-to-the-man inspired example by not only allowing, but encouraging smokers to enjoy a cigarette/cigar or 5 inside the bar.

    It can get a little busy on Friday & Saturday nights (ESPECIALLY FIRST FRIDAY) but even on the slow nights, it's a great time.  Plus, on the weekends, the sandwich/spicy hot links cart (like the one outside of Kelly O'Neil's) is parked on the corner of Nuuanu & Marin Ln.  Personally, I recommend the pulled pork.

    In fact, the only complaint I've ever had with this bar is that the bathrooms are dive-y and kind of disgusting.  It doesn't help that there's only one toilet allotted per gender (though the men do have a urinal as well as a stall) and if some chick drinks a little too much, the ladies' room is usually shut down for an extended period of time.  On the upside, this usually only happens on Friday/Saturday & Murphy's is right across the street. I've DEFINITELY been known to scurry across Nuuanu to use Murphy's MUCH nicer bathrooms and then scurry right back on such unfortunate evenings.

    Generally speaking, this is definitely one of my favorite bars downtown but I attribute this primarily to the very friendly staff.  I admittedly am a bit of a regular there to the point where nearly everyone knows my name and my usual preferred drink selections.  I also appreciate that everyone here is really nice & laid back so it's not all that difficult to attain "regular" status.  But as far as the more casual bar choices downtown go, you can rarely go wrong at O'Toole's.

    Oh, one more quick observation: especially on the busy nights, I must admit, that the typical O'Toole's patron is extraordinarily polite as far as movement through the bar goes.  It might just be because I'm a girl, but anytime I've tried to go from one end to the other, there's always numerous fellow patrons who very politely allow me to pass which encourages me to return the favor.  Oddly, a rare occurrence at the downtown bars, except for MAYBE Murphy's....

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    Probably our favorite bar in Honolulu. It's got a lot of character, and the right atmosphere for a night of fun. The waitresses are usually pretty good about remembering to get to your table even on a busy Saturday night, which is great because you're never really left with an empty glass for long. We really enjoy coming here to hear live music on Saturday's because there is a great band that plays every week. They also offer good drink/beer specials.

    My only complaint is they still allow smoking even though smoking has been banned in public places in Hawaii. As a non smoker I would enjoy this bar even more if smoking wasn't allowed, but it doesn't really deter me from wanting to go there.

    It's nice that there is no cover charge, or dress code, and everyone just there to have fun, so it's pretty unpretentious. We like to take a deck of cards and a cribbage board and sit and listen to music, talk story, etc.

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    I really, really like this bar. O'Toole's is Irish, smoky, and has a little outside area. All those things make me happy.

    Some nights are more exciting than others here. I can't really pinpoint which nights those are, but usually weekends. One bartender tends to be grouchy every time I am there. Maybe it's just me that angers him or maybe he's just angry at the world, but the door guys are super nice and always remember me and there are other nice bartenders that I always chat with and they are nice.

    Mostly I enjoy this bar because while downtown, I can still roll up there in flip flops and jeans and no one cares. I can also drink like (and with) a sailor and no cares. There is also live music. Like all the time. Some nights are better than others, but overall it adds to the ambiance of the place.

    Oh yea and sometimes the sandwich cart is outside on Fridays and Saturdays and all my drunky friends say that they are the most amazing pulled pork (or beef) sandwich you will ever experience in your life.

    One last thing...I am not sure why this place is listed under Restaurants because I would definitely throw it under Bars...unless they serve food there in the day time...however, I wouldn't know because I have only been there during drinking hours.

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    Facing Murphy's Bar, this is Honolulu's home for the riots, I mean St. Patty's day. You can smoke in this little joint. Frequently feature bands on their little stage, most of them local (not neccessarily local sounds though).

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Warning: include(/home/indulgery.com/htdocs/db_down.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/indulgery.com/htdocs/classes/database.class.php on line 157

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/home/indulgery.com/htdocs/db_down.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/share/pear:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/indulgery.com/htdocs/classes/database.class.php on line 157