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    I had such a wonderful dining experience.  The food was delicious.  I had the adega fish, my friend had the mixed meat meal.  I added a side of black beans.  We were both stuffed and I get black beans for breakfast tomorrow.  I love Brasil and my time spent here took me back to a restaurant I loved in Rio.  The live entertainment was perfect.

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    The food itself was tasty, but service was painfully slow and we actually felt like we were being ignored at times. The waitress would ask half our table if they wanted refills and run off before the other half could say anything. Drink orders were forgotten and most of us spent our time with empty glasses. The worst part of it all was that we were there for THREE HOURS after ordering the Rodizio and they only brought meat to our table 10 times. I kept track. That's 1 thing for you every 18 minutes. And they kept bringing the SAME cuts of meat; the cheap sausage in particular we had 3 times. Included in that 10 rounds was the grilled pineapple several times as well. I paid for meat, not grilled pineapple, good as it was. Also they did not bring enough for our party of 10 so every time at least one or two people would not get anything, and they did not come back with anything for them. For the price it was extremely disappointing. I would absolutely not go back and would not recommend anyone else visit this place. Maybe if you had a smaller party they'd be more attentive but it's doubtful. They had ONE guy bringing meat to the entire restaurant and I felt bad for him, but not enough to want to go back to this place.

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    Service was friendly, but that's about it. The food was mediocre at best, and my wife was given the wrong meal all together. The woman next to us also received the wrong food. It was also severely over priced. I won't be going back.

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