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    Here's a basic rundown of all you need to know prior to visiting the den of debauchery, a haven for the viewers of butt crack, also know as "Paris Cafe."

    1. Polish Karaoke
    2. Abercrombie & Fitch
    3. Hair Gel
    4. Underage vaginae
    5. Terrible martinis and even more terrible, the service

    A place where young men go to dream, and older men go to prison.

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    Umm me and my girls walked in.....20 mins later we walked right out! It was nice inside but since we didnt have guys the female bartendars weren't really paying attention to us at all!  Plus the old creepy men wouldnt leave us alone ( he was almost sleeping on the counter ).  Maybe we went on a wrong night but I dont think I'm gonna go back!

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    horrible service!

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    My friend and I decided to check this place out, we've been to Europe and were a fan of the culture and scene.

    First of all, it's called Paris Cafe but it's mostly, if not all, Polish people. Which is fine, the music is good, they mix it up with English and Polish.

    The people come super dressed up, all the girls are in heals with scandalous tops whereas the men in nice jeans, collared shirts, etc.

    The setting is very nice, pretty big in the inside (looks tiny from the outside), lights everywhere, a cafe side and a restaurant/bar side, kerokee, dance, etc.

    The only problem I had was that there is ONE stall for the lady's room, so the line is pretty ridiculous, and the girls are pretty annoying while waiting in this line for over 15 minutes.

    Would go back though, it's a chill environment and just simply fun.

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    This is a nice place to grab a tea or coffee. There are some various things on the menu like sandwiches, etc.   The decor is nice and European dance/techno music is playing along with showing the videos.  The interior is spacious, lots of seating.

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    It was an alright lounge but the people there are ALL the same and if you don't come looking like the crowd, expect some looks.  It's a clubish Polish place. The prices were WAY too high for the food & drinks offered.  I probably won't be visiting again, it's not worth it.

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    First of all this place is Polish not French. I went there on a Wed. and it was actually kind of cool. The interior is interesting and its pretty big. The food was good and I had some good frozen coffee. The waitress serving us was very nice.
    Looks like there are specials every night of the week.  I might convince someone to go and check out the karaoke .
    I definitely would say give it a try if your in the neighborhood.

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    This is a huge place which is called cafe and might be but they also serve alcoholic beverages, so don't let the name fool you. I really like going to this place, to have coffee with a friend and to have a conversation. The crowd is mostly Polish. The staff is very friendly and their coffee is pretty good. They have good food as well. Service is super fast. They play great music. Sometimes there's a delay bringing back credit card/change but I don't mind unless I am in a hurry. It gets busy here even on week nights, usually after 8.

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