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    Crowd is sooo off and then so on sometimes..it will be empty then another weekend a nice size crowd is seen here, I usually pass by and chat grab a drink and leave,nice TV's, very cozy! like none other in Bayonne!! Always gonna be my 1st choice!

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    Not terrible, but not great. This place is akin to every other bar in Bayonne: A little bit "off". The bars in Bayonne are strange, and the clientele even stranger. The decor of every bar feels like someone's basement (unfurnished) from the 70's, with maybe some flat-screens adorning the walls.  The chick I was there was was pretty hot, so that made the experience a pleasant one.

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    And the adventures of Allie and Aly continue...this time...Bayonne, NJ. No elks involved.
    Our good friend Marty O'Kane of Spiraling did a solo gig at SevenfortySeven last night, and so we jaunted out to Bayonne to check it out. Marty played brilliantly, as always, and the bar did not disappont. It was, well, cute. Bi-planes, cozy bathrooms, sofas to lounge on and enjoy the music..and very affordable drinks. Allie and I shared a massive pitcher of sangria, however, next time I'm there, I'm rocking the Siberian husky alll the way. Rumor has it yummy mojitos as well.

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    This is a gr-r-reat neighborhood bar! It's cozy, there are large TVs, nice and simple decor, exceedingly friendly bartenders and staff, and yummy drinks. (I recommend the pitcher of sangria!!) Additionally, the bathrooms are really nice, and there is plenty of seating for a more relaxed evening.

    Also, they sometimes have live music, which is awesome! Be sure to check this place out when Marty O'Kane (<a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspace.com%2Fmartyok&s=2d8db8f5fbbce43cbb655de9e85c154a0d47fd04cd966bec36bec129acfcaa11" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.myspace.com/m…</a>) is playing! He plays every other Thursday!

    The drinks are reasonably-priced, very potent, and generously-sized! I love this place!

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