This is a good spot in Penn Quarter not only for the smokes that are sold there, but for the fact that there is still a place in ole DC that you can smoke a cigar and not be glared at by the health and exercise nuts.
The food was decent but nothing to rave about, as were the drinks. However, I stick to bourbon, scotch or similar with cigars so there usually isn't anything bad with a double, neat serving of said liquor.
The not-so-good aspect is that other than the descriptions listed on the menu, the waitresses have absolutely NO clue as to what to recommend if you, say, want a cigar that is medium, not spicy and well constructed. However, for the average cigar lover, you'll navigate the terrain well.
Overall: Stick to the liquor you love, stick with a cigar you're familiar with or just want to try, and don't ask for recommendations. Oh, and be sure to not save that full face of smoke for the outside as you're existing before you get the evil eyebrow pointed in your direction by the above referenced health nuts!!