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    The definition of a neighborhood joint.  I wouldn't go out of my way for this one, but it's a good spot for some live local talent.  They have $2 PBR and $3 other generic beer (Miller Lite/Bud).  It's cash only, so stop at an ATM to avoid paying the surcharge at the one inside.

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    This is a nice unassuming lounge to see live music. Very low key, cozy atmosphere. They seem to be very supportive of the performers (from what I've been told). Also, the bartender is good. Cool jukebox. There's a dart room with several boards. The crowd is friendly. I only go for shows (it's usually various kinds of music. Though the bands I've seen weren't local but from out of state and rock) but they have open mic on Monday's.

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    This place made me feel like I wasn't in Chicago any longer, but in a bar in some small farm town out in the middle of nowhere. It just had such a non-city vibe to it. So unpretentious, so unassuming. Just a simple spot to meet the peeps for some darts(they have 5/6 boards) and to listen to some local live music in the back room. Honestly, I am sure all the tatted up CK's will eventually find this place and RUIN it by asking for Morrisey and/or some other sad Emo bands to fill the juke, but until then my peeps and I will make the best of a hidden gem...

    Enjoy Suckas'!!!

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    Similar story to Lindsey A. - except I was there to play!  I realized, being carded as a bandmember for the first time of our tour at Sylvie's, that I had left my ID at home.  Sylvie explained for like 30 minutes about the legal implications of me being in there and we had to pack up and cancel the gig.  (I'm 27).  I'm particularly bummed because we could have played a set during the time that she was lecturing us.  I understand the hard-line attitude of a place of business, but let's just say I don't want to do business with Sylvie again - our conversation was long, one-sided, and bizarre.  Two stars for a good stage and good sound system.  Read the other reviews...

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    Silvies is still weird and still kind of charming.

    They recently redid and improved the interior. It sounds better, the stage is bigger, and the new silvery wall paper looks pretty cool. The stage is now in the back of the room, and the lighting and sound systems are both really nice for a room that size.

    Silvie's husband is still micro-managing everything (in a well meaning, but nonetheless overbearing way).  Still, it's a nice room for a local show. It's cute, comfy and fun. Silvie and her husband are sweet and like music and the people who play it.


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    Went with my boyfriend to see his friend's band play there on Friday, and while I may have tons to say about that, that's not totally relevant. What is relevant is that though the bartender was friendly, she also took FOREVER to recognize my presence and proceeded to help people who were coming up to the bar after me about four times over (mostly men, so I'm guessing she did it for the tips?). It took one guy finally pointing me out for her to come over and get our orders. I kept trying to flag her down, and I had my money out too. Trust me, was not being rude, but was not being a wall flower.

    Anyway, all that aside... drinks are insanely cheap here. If you want a cheap drink, don't care too much about service, and don't mind seeing a (likely) crappy band play, then go here. Otherwise, It's not really worth going out of your way for.

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    Not a great bar. Not a bad bar. Any place that has plenty of darts and some open mic music is good in my book. however, there just seems to be something missing in this bar. Not crazy about layout as bar seperated and from one side of bar you can't see the performing area. Anyway this place has good drink specials and the fact it is located in a cool neighborhood and not the crummy suburbs.

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    I'm assuming the broad sitting at the empty bar on her laptop was Silvie. If so, I find her neither charming, nice nor 'great.' She's an old hag with an agenda.

    I lived in North Center for four years before moving to Andersonville and never once stepped foot in Silvie's. I'm not sure why. But last night, a friend and I were en route to a birthday party and I mentioned I'd seen dart boards inside Silvie's, so we decided to grab a beer and play a game before hitting the party.

    We walked in and NO ONE was there, except the broad at the bar. We smiled, she looked at us and asked what we wanted .... Uhm, a beer? Maybe a game of darts? I asked in return, "Are you open? We just wanted to get a drink." She mumbled something - maybe about a band? about us? I'm not sure. Then she asked for our IDs.

    We handed our IDs over and she asked how old we were and when we were born. I'm 28 and my friend is 29. Thank you for the compliment that we look young, I guess, but check the effing ID and move on. She hands me mine back and then looks at my friend's and proclaims "the liquor commissioner would not accept this."

    It was a state-issued Illinois identification card. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, HAG?

    She proceeds to give my friend a 2-minute lecture about how some bars/establishments might accept the ID but she wasn't going to take the risk.


    Minute 3 starts and my friend took her ID out of Hag's hand and says, "You know what, you just lost business and two customers who will never come back here again. I've never been treated like this. It's a state-issued ID." and we walked out.

    We went to the Globe (my favorite North Center staple) and had not one, but two, drinks there and talked to the bartender who straight-up said everything that lady said was straight outta her ass.

    When we finished, we walked back by Silvie's - it was still empty and Silvie or whoever that woman was, was still sitting alone at the bar with her laptop.

    I wouldn't go back here if you paid me.

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    Silvie's is a unpretentious place with a comfortable atmosphere.  We were amused (and en-buzzened) but the drink special, which was something like $5 for a cocktail AND a shot.  Silvie's gets extra points for having an open mic night, and will always have a special place in my heart because...

    It was at Silvie's that I first heard the song In Spite of Ourselves, a very fun John Prine and Iris Dement song that was performed at Silvie's by my late, amazing friend Dan and a lovely-voiced friend of his.

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    BANDS: don't play here. This is hands down the worst venue in the city of Chicago.

    If you're a brand-spanking new band desperate for a place to play, try Ronnie's or the Elbo Room. It's just as easy to get a show there, and even though they're not great places to play, they're still a head above Silvie's. Hell, invite people to hang out in your practice space, just don't play at Silvie's. The doorman is a total dick to the band and to the fans. There's signs posted everywhere telling you to NOT drag your amps across the floor and NO photography or audio recording and DON'T do this and that. The only things that get miked are vocals. Nobody hangs out at Silvie's regularly, nobody wanders in there looking to hear new music. It's a fucking scam.

    FANS: encourage your favorite bands to not play here.

    Especially if you don't want to have to pay $1 for a glass of water (which I believe is illegal). Or $3 for cans of PBR. Or if you like your fire exits to be not barricaded (which I KNOW is illegal). Or if you like to go see bands in a welcoming atmosphere.

    Fuck Silvie's. I feel bad saying it, because it's clearly a little mom-and-pop bar / venue. But I'm going to say it again.

    FUCK SILVIE'S. They need to rethink how they treat their customers, and how they treat the bands that play there - you know, we're the only reason anyone steps foot in that bar.

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    I loved it here!  There is nothing about the bar that made me feel welcome.  The surly doorman is dickish, not in a "this ID from Manitoba is a fake" kind of way but more of a "everyone in the band needs to get their hand stamped at the same time, I'm not gonna be stamping peoples hands every five minutes all night" way.  Everyone who arrived at the show spent their first ten minutes commiserating over how much of a douche the doorman over $3 PBRs.  Note: calling that a special does not make is so.  I guess it's better than $5 Bud Lights.  

    The bar is plastered in home office printed signs telling you what not to do.  It's like high school, or maybe the DMV.  

    Do you like bars that charge pregnant ladies $2 for water?  I thought so!  Don't worry, you can still pay for your water if you aren't knocked up as well.  

    The best one can figure Silvie's is trying to drive itself out of business in some sort of Goldman Sachs-style scheme.  I almost never give out 1 star reviews but in this case I'm more than happy to.

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    what a surprisingly supportive place to play music!  i did a gig friday night.  the owner was very hardcore about making sure the bands got the cover charge by asking each person what band they were coming to see, so we actually made some $.  everyone got a free drink ticket & the owner shared his personal stash of polish brandy after we were finished playing.  the place is 3 rooms wrapped around a square bar-the regular bar, the dart bar & the music room.  they are very much into supporting local talent & it's pretty easy to get a gig there.  mondays are a kind of open mic-they hire 6 groups or single people who want to come out & try new stuff.  it keeps it pretty rockin' on that night of the week.

    i'm looking forward to playing here again & supporting other bands.  it's really pretty awesome as far as chicago live venues go.  and absolutely NO pretention.

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    You like to support your friends.  So, when your two good indie band buddies tell you they are doing back up for a hip hop group at Silvies Lounge you are curious.  

    You arrive at 10:30 because they are supposed to play at 11:00.  That leaves you  30 minutes to get sauced.  Sounds like a challenge?  Try paying $25 for an all-you-can-drink special that ends at midnight and you arrived at 11:45.  I can't really tell you how that went.  I just woke up stuffed in a tauntaun like Luke Skywalker.  Apparently I discovered a previously fictitious species that night.

    Anyway, the U-shaped bar is quite spartan in appearance.   At 10:59 I find out my friends are 4th in the line-up that is about to begin.  Plenty of time...

    Have you ever been to a hip-hop show or gig or whatever it's called?  It was sweet (overall), although when a couple of obvious hipsters begin their set with "This is to all my homies on lockdown", I couldn't help but scoff.  On lockdown?  Really?  Like, in the pen?  How many friends do you have in prison?  For what?  Tax evasion?

    The place is wide open, which is good for the bands acoustics.  Or something.  

    My friends played at 1:15ish, and they were bar none the best group.  I even got to join in on the action by bringing them beer while they were on stage.  Aren't I special?


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    Play here if you're a band!

    (1) Silvie and Danny renovated the place, the sound is good, the stage is good, and the sound man is well-versed, and can handle both experimental and standard types of music.

    (2) Independent booking is easier here than at other bars. If you negotiate with Silvie about a particular bill, and present a full bill to her, she will actually consider it, and your show can go on as planned, with an actual concept or theme behind it. She will book with an agent when she needs to, but if you want to actually work with a bar owner to put on a successful evening, this is a place to check out.

    (3) They actually pay you based on how the entire night works.

    There is a severe lack of independent venues in Chicago, and frankly, with the renovations made to this place, this is a potential gem sitting near the Brown Line.

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    I went to Silvie's to check out a band that was playing.  Loved the band (Bird Talk), Silvie's, was kinda of so-so.  The pictures on their website look great but just has a different feel once you're actually there with other people.  It's a good place for bands, but I can't see myself going there just to hang out and have a couple of drinks.

    Beer was a little pricey and the specials are weird (each night seemed to be a different beer paired with a shot).  I'd be willing to go again, but probably won't be until the next time someone I know is performing.

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    I've been signing in all day and dealing with email confirmations just so I can write a negative review of this place.

    So, looking at what other people said it seems like Silvie herself is a cad.  A real go getter.  Someone to talk to.  And if you get the chance, ask her to go to some other damn place.  Everything said about the sound quality, drink specials, and especially her husband at the door is true.  I didnt expect top notch sounds, and $5 for a jack and coke is fine, but the way this guy is a door man...

    ouch.  I walk in, no ones checking IDs so I go to the bar, say hello to friends, and go to buy a drink.  I get ripped around by an old man by the arm- no apologies- no "sorry, i need to check IDs/ you guys have to pay door."  Just "Wheres the other one."  Guy never explains who he is or why hes touch me.  Place was not crowded... no excuse for his behavior.  I get the idea he hates all the kids there and has had some drunks ruin the idea of patrons forever.  Basically he wants no one to go there so he can close.  so oblige him.

    drinks are just fine.  Bartender was very nice.  The guy also runs the show schedule.  Some people go on late and a 12 show is 2 am, in this case we came for a 12 show which started at 11:20.  meh- wayyy better bars.

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    I went to Silvie's last night to see my boyfriend's band play, as well as our friends' band. While Silvie herself wasn't there, I've heard that she's extremely nice and awesome.However, this place sucked.

    Silvie and my boyfriend had talked about the price of the show and it was to be $3. When we walk in the door, the door guy (who I guess is Silvie's husband) says "Five dollars." After my friends and I explained that we were told it's three dollars, he demanded that we pay $5, go into the bar, and wait while he talks to my boyfriend to figure out the price. So I stood there for a minute, kind of confused and he says, "YOU GO AWAY! I TALK TO HIM!"

    So 20 minutes later, the guy comes around searching everyone to make sure that they have stamps and that they've paid. Those who haven't, he tells them "Three dollars." He checks my wrist and I'm thinking "Okay, am I going to get my 2 dollars back?" but no, he grabs my wrist, hard, and holds it while he walks behind me.  It was awkward and I felt a little threatened.

    So! I then said, "Can I have my change since it's $3, and I gave you a  5 earlier?" So he hands me a dollar...And I said, "I should get 2 dollars back, because I gave you 5." and he said, "FINE!" And hands me the other dollar. WHAT. A. JERK.

    Everyone there had similar experiences with this guy. He basically ruined the mood for the whole night, making things awkward and frustrating. I realize, it's only $2, but the guy was a jerk. And they charge for water!?!

    This place only gets one star, because I've heard that Silvie is a sweetheart.

    I'm never going here again.

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    I've played here on 3 different occasions for the acoustic music night. I've enjoyed my times performing here. The sound guy when I played was great. The atmosphere could use some tweaking...I think they are working on some renovations. Silvie is a peach.

    A solid performing venue that has room to grow.

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    Over the last year, I've spent too much time at Silvies.  I'll go ahead and explain the place to you.

    Silvie herself is the best thing about the place.  She's nice.

    The guy taking your money at the door is her husband.  He shouts a lot, and he once stamped the inside of my wife's wrist so hard that she wouldn't go back into the bar.  

    The drink specials are not special.  They're just overpriced drink options on pieces of paper above the bar.  The drink chips they give you if you're performing in a band are also below average.  They're good for a can of beer, or for a glass of well vodka.  Seriously.  That's it.  Oh, and it's a can of beer because there's no beer on tap.  Which is weird. You can get a draght beer at Chuck E. Cheese, for cryin' out loud.

    The clientele is...well, probably just you.  The only people at Silvies on a given night are the bands who are playing, their friends, and their significant others.  And there's about a 90% chance the other bands are on par with the drink specials.

    It's nice that silvies doesn't require you to bring in an insane minimum number of people to see your show.  The problem is, in my experience, shows here are impossible to promote.  I've played no fewer than 3 shows that were slated to start at 11 and didn't start until after 12. Awesome.  

    Even coworkers and friends who do come out to shows are going to feel insulted about spending $5 to get into a bar with expensive crappy drinks, and then being told they're going to have to stay up until 2 a.m. on a Tuesday night to see you play because the Doors cover band who was supposed to play the terrible slot talked Silvie into bumping you.

    I think I'll hang out across the street at Snappy's instead.

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    I really wish I didn't have to give every small venue in Chicago a bad review, but here I go again.

    Silvie's is another place where small bands can book shows without requiring a booking manager and a guarantee to draw a million people, thus making the venue a million dollars.

    The soundguy doesn't know what he's doing(if he's there at all). You cannot turn up very loud. The employees are cranky.  The drinks are expensive ($7 for some cocktails).  At least they let pretty much anyone play here that would like to.

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    Came here for the Dr. V concert and felt it was a great way to showcase a classic American, college targeted, music bar. My friend and I loved it. Everyone was nice, drinks were average price and all of the bands playing that night were very good. We walked away with a few CDs.

    Place could be set up better to accommodate clients and it was stuffy. That's my only complaint.

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    I gotta say, I'm not a fan. My first experience shouldn't really count, but it set the tone for me. A couple years ago, I was on foot and in need to tinkle. I was right in front of Silvie's so I was going to run in really quick and use the ladies room. As I was about to go into the restroom, someone stopped me and told me I could not use the bathroom since I was just walking in from the street and going to leave after. Boy was I bothered. It's a bar. C'mon! Luckily I was able to dodge traffic and hit up a place across the street. So first 1/4 experience at Silvie's = not good.

    Two years go by and I find myself going to Silvie's twice within a week to see my man's band play. Grabbed a seat at the bar and decided to just start with a water. Much to my surprise tap water is $1! and a bottle $2. I was so turned off. This moment brought back the memory of the restroom incident. Strike 2 Silvie's!  

    The drinks were a little over priced from what I saw and the sound quality for live music was just so-so

    For a weekday or weekend the place is pretty dead. I must say that the older gentlemen who works the door or hangs at the bar is quite friendly and comical once you start a convo with him. But if you don't get his sarcasm, you won't be a fan.

    So Silvie's I give you two stars. Yes I am still bummed from my personal experience, but there are much better places in the area that I'd rather hang out at.

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    After reading all of these mostly bad reviews, I was a little nervous about going here to see a friend's brother's band play. The band was good, and I thought the sound was fine. The drinks were maybe a little over-priced, but I've certainly been to worse places. If I just wanted to have a drink and chill, I'd rather go to Foley's or The Globe which are both right near there. If I knew someone playing a show here though, I wouldn't have a problem going back. I didn't think it was nearly as bad as everyone on here says.

    I think the best way to describe this bar is: I've been to better places, but I've certainly been to worse.

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    There's something about this place that just doesn't seem great.  And maybe thats just me, but I don't particularly find anything redeeming about this.  

    I went this past weekend to see my friend's band play and for a "venue" they have a horrible sound set up with no sound person to help the bands out.  They had to check with the audience about levels and when there are a few bands playing it sucks to have to figure it out so quickly on your own.  

    The location is good its near the brown line...but I feel like its set up is weird with one part of bar not being able to see whats going on on stage.  Also the stage is cornered in so its awkward for the whole room to see.

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    If you are ever in need of flights and shafts for dart part replacement, Silvie's conveniently has a cabinet with various flights and shafts of varying sizes and materials.  I grabbed a set of blue aluminum flights and some low quality flights that felt like a baseball card.  I would say you are better off getting parts from Mulligan's a mile down the street as they charge $2.50 for flights and shafts while Silvie's charges $4 each with lower quality.  Silvie's will work if you are in a bind and the owners are generally friendly.

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    Intimate music venue & old school bar.  This is a "shot & a beer" place, and their drink specials reflect that...I think an Old Style & a Jameson shot was $5.  They even have a little pizza oven and will fix you a frozen pizza right at the bar.  Their mySpace page (<a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspacec.com%2Fsilvieslounge&s=e3d594149d8eb9ea5a7ca793351f18b6859dd5622109973b94c24a5af4cd27fd" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.myspacec.com/…</a>) has an updated calendar of the band lineups.  Also check out the video on mySpace of some brothers dancing at Silvies: <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DgITrN1FTS2U&s=0c7d0fe91a272ac9d1cb6c3d0039b71452ff1db8f7b4f51aee703c11a8ec2a43" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/w…</a>

    happy drinking my friends!

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    $5 for a bottle of beer on a Monday night at a shithole? Who are they kidding?

    The only "specials" you're going to find involved mixing a shit beer with a girly shot. (see: Miller lite and a lemon drop for $6)

    Between the weird ambiance of no music and "The Bachelorette" blasting on a big screen TV above the bar, it couldn't have been a more uncomfortable bar.

    The one star is for hosting the freedom tour last night.

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    I went to Silvie's to see a friend of a friend's band. Cover was $5...I typically don't do the whole cover thing, but to see a couple bands, sure why not? My vodka tonic was $6 for a well drink...sort of pricey. Definitely a diverse clientele which was cool. Silvie's is not somewhere that I'll go to have a drink, but I'd go back to see another band.  Cash only!

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    On a list of 100 people who you should meet before you die, if you look around number 16, you will find a picture of the sweetest, funniest, and most generous woman I can think of off the top of my head.   Silvie, the bars namesake,  is amazing.  If you ever have the chance to talk to her...take it. you wont regret it.  ok on with the bar

    The bar is really nice, kinda small but go around the corner and the lounge/music area is very large and cozy.  Most of the staff is super cool.  The prices are not bad, and they do have specials.

    Music wise the stage is kinda small, but the sound is good and there is tons of space.   We have played on several occasions and hopefully will play again.

    Do it

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    In case you think the other reviewers are exaggerating...it's true. This dive charges 5 bucks for crap domestic beer and they expect you to cough up cash at the door to see a band. This is perhaps the dumbest approach to booking live music in a city where plenty of venues offer free entertainment and reasonably priced drinks. How do they stay afloat? Money laundering? I wouldn't be surprised because whenever I played there, the manager/whoever treated us with all the tact of a Serb war criminal.

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    Yeah, Silvie's. I have definitely been to better bars in my lifetime. Silvie is the owner, and she is really nice. What isn't nice are her beer prices. 5 dollars for an import bottle, 7 bucks for a low-end mixed drinks and PBRs for 4 bucks a can. YIKES!! No beers on tap and cheap alcohol behind the counter. Not cool.

    A few of our bands have played here and have enjoyed themselves. I'm just not a big fan of the atmosphere. The bartenders are boring, the clientel is just there and it is just an old-school setting. Not sure why I would ever come in.

    There are other options in the 'hood, I suggest you go somewhere else.

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    If I could give this zero stars, I would. There are tons of great bars in this city that push Silvie's down to the bottom of the list. There's no need to give it as many great stars as I've seen on this list.

    I went there last night because my boyfriend's band was playing. I was the band's only guest and if you've been around indie rock long enough, you know that most venues, in exchange for the paltry pay, give bands a guest or two and some drink tickets at least for a brew or well-drinks.

    Well, I got there two hours before the guys were scheduled to play (they were booked for 11:pm, didn't get to touch the stage till 12:30am) and figured I'd just hang out and watch the other bands and drink a beer. I walked in and a crabby old white-haired guy asked for my ID in a tone of voice that implied that I'd tried to sneak past him. Then he told me it was $5. I said I was a guest of the band and he said, "No guest. You work it out with them later."

    "You mean, they have to refund me out of what you pay them later?" I asked. "You talk to them. They refund you."
    "They shouldn't have to refund me. I'm their guest."
    "No. No guest. You talk to them for your money."

    He was immovable about it. I'd already gone to the trouble to park, so I paid him. When the guys found out I'd paid, one of them said, "I told him you were our guest." But he didn't even ask my name.

    Apparently that's just the practice there... to be a jerk to every band about their guests.

    I could see if a band was being abusive and asking for 5 or 6 people to get into what are pretty poorly attended shows, one freakin' guest? Come on.

    The uh... drink-chips are good for a soda or a PBR. I didn't partake. And I didn't buy a beer since I gave the jerk my last $5 of spending money for the week.

    Oh also... aside from the dart-boards, the only good thing about this bar is that you can side on one side of the bar and the noise of the band is filtered through the other room. Other than that, it's dingy... a real hole and not a charming hole or a 'hole-in-the-wall.' If you sit back on one of the couches and you're taller than five feet tall, you'll smack your head on the shelf that runs along the wall.

    Lame venue. Don't bring your band to play here. Tell your friends in bands, that unless they want what equates to a 'free practice' in front of uninterested patrons, late on a Friday night, don't even bother carting your shit to this shit-hole.

    If you wanna have a good time in the neighborhood, go to the Globe down the street.

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    Going to Silvie's is like drinking in your great-aunt and uncle's basement, only if your great-aunt and uncle made you pay to admire their barware.

    The drink prices are a little on the steep side, and the bar itself is dingy all around, but Silvie's is definitely not without its charms--mainly due to its shabbiness, its open layout, and its steel-tip dart boards.

    It's not my favorite place to see a show, however.  I suppose a lot of that depends on the type of show you come to see (or at least I hope it does).  We went for an acoustic set where much of the crowd ended up sitting on the dirty floor once the couches lined up on the outskirts of the room were filled up.  Having your rear end fall asleep isn't my idea of a good time.

    Silvie is not without her own charms, either.  Starving, we ordered a pizza from her after the show, and even she acknowledged that the pizzas they make are quite possibly the most foul-tasting in the city of Chicago, if not in the entire state of Illinois.  Rock on, Silvie.

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    Wow.  Five dollars for a Rolling Rock.  Ouch.  Wait, then there's the cover charge hassle.  It had to be explained to the doorguy/owner that we only wanted a beer or two, then on to the next place.  Well as it turns out we had one beer and bailed.  You guys should do something about the beer prices.  My guess is you'd have a bit more business.

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    owner's hubby's likely to cop a feel and it's incredibly overpriced (both the weak drinks and the cover)...seems like a place i went when i was underage and didn't want to get caught.

    completely dead unless the band brings in a ton of friends.

    steel tip darts are the shit though.

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    Jebem mumato, those drinks are expensive.

    I saw a friends band play here once and have only gone back once. I had a great time both times I was there because it has three of my favorite things (well, besides the obvious), live music, beer and darts. When the bottom lounge got the wrecking ball I was kind of hoping this place would become the new Fireside but it hasn't really happened.

    Honestly, I would like to hang out here more but all my music friends don't like the high prices and my dart friends wouldn't want to pay the cover for the music so...

    Tip: If you Speak Serbian you may get treated with a few free shots.

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    I have only been to Silvie's on a handful of occasions when one of my friends bands was playing.  It is not a bad place to see a band.  There is a decent sized stage and some couches that line the walls.  It is a bit pricey for a divey bar.

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    my friend steve works here. it's a super chill, random place. they have steel tip dart boards!

    i have seen every type in the known world at silvie's.

    i also agree that silvie is a dear.

    i likes it.

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    Silvie's makes me happy.  People from my work go to rock out/ jam on Sunday nights.  It's a great atmosphere, it makes me feel like I'm at somebody's house.  They have couches, darts, and a pool table and it's easy to just float around the place and talk to people.  Plus, Silvie is hilarious.

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    Silvie's is the local rockabilly hangout.  I used to really like frequenting the California Clipper back when I lived in Logan Square.  Silvie's doesn't have the same bitchin decor as the Clipper but the bands and the music fans make up for that!  I saw the Forgotten Four there a while back and they were awesome.  I highly recommend checking them out if you get a chance.  This is one of the better places to go if you have a jones for some Misfits, Reverend Horton Heat or Supersuckers type music.  Lots of Psychobilly heads sport the appropriate dress code which is why this place reminds me a bit of the Clipper.  But you don't have to sport a rat tail, biker jacket or saddle shoes if you don't want to do that.  This place is right off the Irving Park brown line stop and there is plenty of parking on Irving Park Rd and in the surrounding area.

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