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    In general, my standards for Subway restaurants are low.  Subway sandwiches are good for when I don't have a lot of money or time, but really don't want greasy stuff.  It takes a lot for a visit to Subway to affect me in any direction.  If the food is edible, I'm happy.  Well, this location is sketchy, even considering the low bar I've set.

    First of all, there's never anyone in here.  It's in a shopping center with a Chase, a Costco, and a bustling Ulta location- shouldn't more people be eating here?  Red flag.

    When I entered this last time, the only employee was sweeping the floor.  She was doing a good job, getting behind all of the chairs, scaring up lots of dust, etc.  She stopped sweeping to serve me promptly... but did not wash her hands.  Ew!  I know the gloves are clean and all, but come on!  

    She did all the scripted bits nicely- asked if I wanted my sub toasted, offered the combo meal, etc.  Thing is, the toaster wasn't working properly.  She put my sandwich in there several times, summarily darkening the bread and cheese until they were hard and crunchy, yet not at all warm.

    My favorite sandwich is the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki.  I get it all the time at other locations. The meat on this one, however, was filled with gristle.  It was so unpleasant that I ended up throwing away the second half- a CRIME in Subway terms!  

    Oh well.  At least there are other Subways and Jimmy John's in the area.

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