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    I use to come here a lot when working in Greenwich but haven't been.  Its still not bad.. no issues, the cashier are friendly and didn't rush me to decide on their huge menu.  Free refill drinks.

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    Worst taco bell of my life. They got our order wrong twice, forgot half of it once. The stoned kid taking orders at the drive through was a surly jerk and also wouldn't let us add on to our order at the window. Made us drive around three times and then wait in the parking lot for our food which by that point was cold and horrible and wrong. NEVER AGAIN.

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    I've never ever been to a taco bell like this one. The service is amazing, and yes I'm saying that the service at a taco bell is amazing, but you will understand when you come here. The food every single time is made perfectly. Also very fast, I was still standing at the register when my food was ready. I live in New York City but every time I go to Connecticut I go out of my way to go to this taco bell.

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