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    There are too few places like The Teddy Bear left in Chicago.  Like any well run business, it is ownership that makes the difference.  Stella has owned this place for over 20 years.  She is incredibly generous to her clientele (long-timers and newcomers alike) and hires beautiful women who have personality to burn!   It is always clean, reasonably priced and, believe it or not, full of people that watch out for each other.  If someone is out of line, they'll hear about it from the bartender and the regulars.  Have always loved the Teddy Bear.  Always will as long as Stella is the owner.  On an out of the way stretch of Pulaski Road on the "real" northwest side, you'll find a gem when you stop in The Teddy Bear.

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    This is a place for old dudes with big fat city pensions to come in and talk to pretty bartenders buying them shots. I couldn't beleive how much the blond Polish bartender was drinking and this place seemed a bit dirty. nonetheless, it is what it is and it is a dive. A kind of bar with kind of people you would of found all over the city decades ago.

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    To put simply..."a hole in the wall"

    To be a little more descriptive, a nice little place to go to where it isnt too loud...too classy...or too expensive to drink!

    I went there for the first time this past wednesday and upon arriving @8pm, the entire bar turns to watch you as you enter!  Yeah, the place is obviously not that big and has your typical wood paneling and laminent tile found @ an old school dive bar.

    The people around the bar seemed to be "regulars" as they all chatted amongst themselves.  My buds and I sat @ a few tables on the outside and were amazed when we heard $1.50 Old Style drafts!!!!!  After putting a bunch back, the owner even came by and bought us a round on her.  Very cool...

    Bartender was also a nice addition to this scenerio.  She was an attractive young woman wearing that was very sweet and introduced herself to everyone as we sat @ the bar later on.

    The place was a nice starting point or ending point for sure, but dont think i would be able to stick around ALL night there.   Defintely a 'fan' for what it is...

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    The middle-age dominated group at happy hour is a riot- health conscious men drinking "pink lady," the women drinking miller lite, all singing along to Belafonte or oldies on the jukebox even if the songs are an octave out of range.  Based on the good-natured ribbing between customers, the regulars go way back.  The ambiance is highlighted by fake plastic brick with teddy bears, but I'll be forgiving here- this is probably the only bar in Jackowo I'd feel comfortable recommending to a woman drinking on her own- not that you'd be ignored here, but it is all around safe and friendly.  Sure, the crowd is a bit older than the Yelp mainstream, but don't we all need a break from self-consciousness and taking our jobs/dating lives/image too seriously?

    This is the second-to-last Avondale bar for me to review on Yelp (not counting the two unlisted dives for which I respect the owners' wishes to remain anonymous).  It also turns out to be one of the best.  The reason I didn't find this place sooner is that it's in the distant reaches of Avondale in an industrial section of Pulaski.  It's a good two mile walk for the Yelpsters concentrated in south central Avondale, just far enough to burn off the calories of a couple of $1.50 Old Style drafts and call the day a wash in terms of physical fitness.

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