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    i loved this place  when mike owned it. then it switched owners and although it made more money, it got a lot more rowdy. I will always have fond memories of union jack pub.

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    this drinkery is a really dark place. the open doors illuminiate this place.
    there a large projecter tv here and a dj station set up. there are 3 pool tables near the entrance. the crowd here is very working class. the bartender is friendly. the drinkery is really runned down.

    menu: no draft, limited hard liquor  selection.
    entree: gin   tonic(4.00) pretty strong, mgd bottle(3)

    only my bud johnny walker is in the house, jack daniels, samuel adams, jim beam all no shows.

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    Been here twice, both times i went i witnessed bar fights that prompted the police to break things up.Now i may have caught this place on bad nights but come on 2 years apart and i happen to see brawls both times.Coincidence, i think not.1 star for having a jack in the box in the same parking lot, that way you can have a jumbo jack while you wait for the police and the paramedics to arrive.

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    So, a friend took me and my boyfriend here for the first time Friday night.  Its a fair sized place with 2 pool tables, a decent sized bar ,and a small dance floor.  They have one of those Internet jukeboxes that will play almost anything.  It wasn't very crowded when we went, but we didnt want the club scene, just wanted to play pool, have good drinks, hear decent music, and not pay a cover ( I think they charge $3 after 11pm on Thursdays and Saturdays).  Well we got all that.  The bartender that night (happened to be named Jen also =) was very generous.  She made the drinks worth our money  and even hooked us up a little more because I was tipping her well.  All in all a good time was had by everyone.  We were told it gets fairly crowded on Thursday and Saturdays... will be back to check it out.

    **UPDATE**  So, I guess they have a much larger cover charge now for Friday and Saturday nights!!! For this place?? Heck no I'm not payin to get in, especially when there are a bunch of people lookin to cause trouble hangin outside... stick to this place on a weekday evening or during the day on the weekends!

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