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    i don't do fast food often, but when i do, i hit this place up.  i used to work at wendy's in high school, so i know the food is handled with care (a lot of people who have ever worked fast food would never eat at that place.)  the manager seems cool, and all the employees seem happy, so he's doing something right.  i have a thing for their fish sandwich, so i hit it up a few times during lent.

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    Get the Choose2 deal. Half a premium salad and a baked potato for 6 bucks. Healthy and filling!

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    I think this might be the world's most inefficient Wendy's.  Everytime I go here I wait what seems lik an eternity.  

    The food is the same as it is in every Wendy's, but there are consistently missing items, and loooong lines at the drive through for no apparent reason.  The service is extremely slow.

    If I wanted to wait forever to get fast food i'd just go to white castle!

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    Hey, sometimes you're in the mood for some fries and nuggets for dinner and have to eat while you're driving. That's when you gotta love wendys. Otherwise, I think we all know this isn't the daily meal.

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