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    It seems to be a very fun place, a little upscale for the neighborhood but definitely a nice place to go.  They make really good drinks, there's good music if you're into Latin scene and they also have a lot of hot DJs and bands.

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    Brand new Latin style night club. I liked the place with it fresh club look and cozy atmosphere, nice sound system and light show and the co-owner doesn't come off as a snob but a guy with some really good ideas. Dress code is no hats, sneakers or t-shirts and there's a mandatory free coat check (but tip the girl) and be prepared to be patted down. they also have a pretty good line up of guest DJ,s. and a good live bands line up.  All in all the music was good, the staff was friendly and helpful and we had a good time, oh and How could I forget the hookahs!

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