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    Mainly for the billiards.

    I came here once KTV, it was on par with other KTV places.  The sounds are great but some songs were missing.

    I mainly used to come here for the billiards.  It's relatively close to where I live so it was always convenient for me.  Over the course of time, they have renovated twice.  But there are many things that haven't changed.  There are still old men smoking inside the building (wtf?) and since they are regulars, they are allowed to.  This makes the atmosphere very unpleasing for nonsmokers like me.  That is why this place always faintly smells like cue chalk and smoke.  The cue sticks are also low quality.  For a while customers had to go looking for a working cue because all the other ones had their tip broken off.  But those have been replaced.  The felt on the tables are sub-par.  The owner obviously doesn't take care of them; they are always dirty and thus, have rips.  I would rather go to other places in Flushing for billiards.   One thing that they do like about here is spacing between tables.  Also, they charge a dollar or two less than other places.

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    used to hang out here back in the days when it frist open but stopped going due to too many fights that they had. Went back there a few weeks ago, it has changed so much. They have the newest songs and rooms are clean.

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    I went there before and after the renovation. After the renovation, everything improved!!! it got so much better! personally, im a huge fan of karaoke and this place is cheap and luxurious def recommend going there.


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    I went here on Sunday for my birthday with four friends. We were on the second floor in a small room ($30 an hour). It was a very nice room with a great selection of songs. However, the drinks were expensive ($12 for a screwdriver, although for some reason we were given the drinks on the house?) so I'd recommend getting drinks somewhere else beforehand. Also, we were informed when one hour had passed but not when two hours had passed, so definitely be sure to keep an eye on the time so you're aware of how long you're there for. But overall, it was a really good time! (I would have given it 3.5 stars if that were an option)

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    This is my new local karaoke spot. So far, there's nothing to complain about. Their snacks taste good, their cocktail drinks are decent, prices is cheap ($40/ small room for 6 people), and they have more updated songs to select from(even the English songs are more current). The $40 includes the room and $40 worth of food/beverages. The best part is the sound system; even if you're terrible at singing, you will sound like a Mariah Carey.

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    My friends and I went there to celebrate a friend's birthday. The man at the desk estimated roughly a $150 total for our group of 15 people. Which we were okay with because he had explained that it was for the room, food, drinks, tip, and tax. We decided not to order any food or drink because we had just come from Picnic Garden (Amazing Korean BBQ place btw), so we were just expecting to be charged for the room, service tip, and tax. We received our bill which was around 108 dollars, which isn't bad considering some of the KTV places around the city and such. But one of the workers came back into the room and demanded a $25 dollar tip. Which is outrageous considering since the recommended tip percentage in New York is 15%, or being if one is generous, 20%. The receipt had said 18% gratuity tip. So after some quick calculations we realized he had asked for a tip between 23%-24%. When we brought it up with a worker manning the counter, he said that it made sense because we had a group of over 8 people, and their policy was to charge a 20% tip for groups with over 8 people. So when we asked, then why had he charged us 23-24%, he became rude and agitated and asked if we thought he was overcharging us. I believe one should know what he or she is being charged for, and one in the service business should be able to explain adequately while maintaining a polite demeanor.

    All in all, that final spat was terrible and he refused to offer us any other reason besides the fact that we were a big group, then continued to insist that a group of 8+ had a mandatory tip of 20%. Logic? Not really.

    I would not recommend this place to people who pay close attention to their bills.

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    I was here with about 20 other people and we rented out a VIP room. The food was decent.

    They didn't have any J. Cole or N'SYNC songs, which disappointed me. Otherwise, this would have gotten 4 stars. Other than that, I had a great time and the atmosphere was good.

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    I was waiting for this place to have a Yelp page. This is one of my most visited KTV places and my default one to go to because of their cheap price. During weekday afternoons, its only $10 for a small room. When I don't want to get fancy with karaoking, I go hear because most likely they will have a room open.

    The song selection is mostly Chinese but they are updated with it compared to other places. Also like other karaoke places, you get free drinks and food up to the amount you paid for the room.

    It is kind of dark and decor could be better but you get what you pay for.

    Seems the first floor was under renovation when I went couple of weeks ago so we had to go to the more modernized second floor.

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    Besides the sound quality, this was a pretty cheap decent place for KTV. Great selection of Cantonese, Taiwanese, and English songs. I approve.

    We got a VIP room for $20/hr (because it was before 7pm; after would be $70/hr) with our own bathroom.

    Service was speedy.

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