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    After reading other reviews, I realized that I went to Cozy Corner at an off time. It was roughly 4pm on a Wednesday afternoon and the place was dead.

    -Cheap! $16 for 2 beers and a cocktail.
    -Dark! The only light appeared to be coming from some dusty overhead fixtures and the TV glow.
    -Cross-Section of Locals! We were the only non-regulars in the place.

    -Silent! No music... no talking.
    -Cash Only! Bartender was not certain where to find the nearest ATM. (there's one in almost any direction)
    -That Smell! Like years of cigarette smoke has permeated the walls and recently been covered up with cheap cleaning agents.

    Don't get me wrong, I love a good dive bar... however, something about cozy corner was missing the mark.

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    Updating this place for the third time. Bumping this back up to four stars.

    Finally saw the dining room in the back. The retro pink wallpaper was to die for. One of these days I'll have a meal here. In which I will update this review for a fourth

    Oh yeah...Cozy...update your beer tap...but don't you dare update anything else. Leave antique wooden mermaid behind the bar alone. Don't you dare defile her. Also don't remove the pink wallpaper in the dining area, and don't touch the tiny vintage bathroom signs. Cause if you do, I will be PISSED...and will never return again.

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    I came here shortly before Sandy for a party, and it was a whole different vibe. Full of people who were friendly and putting great tunes on the internet juke box. The bartender was a young woman, very friendly, and my boyfriend and I had a few cheap beers and hung out talking until pretty late. I guess this place is hit-or-miss; this last visit was fun enough that I would go here again.

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    What a warm place.  The bartender is so sweet and friendly, and immediately called me over to chat once I came in.  I was welcomed like royalty as a newcomer.   The beers are cheap, and she hooked me up with a free shot after just two beers.  It's a cute, cozy, friendly place - a good place for happy hour drinks.   They also had a huge room in the back with beautifully set tables and it looked like a great restaraunt.  I haven't had the food, but I'd definitely like to try it in the future.  This is a great locals spot, a bar where everyone knows who everyone else is and everyone is glad to see you.

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    Dive bars are not my kind of scene but I went to a local meetup here and I had fun. The staff was extremely friendly.  Evidently they have a very big back room that they showed my fellow meetup members. (I was too engrossed in my conversation to look.)  They have big plans to transform this place.

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    Typical Local's hangout...But they have Neal Diamond on the jukebox...awesome!

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    Besides being an enthusiastic boozer I'm also an NBA basketball fan without a television.

    I walked in around 9:30pm on a Thursday night and the place was dead. A couple of girls playing pool and two guys quietly drinking alone at either ends of the bar. They were watching the Yankees take an 11-nothing lead on Baltimore - and to use the word 'watching' is kind of an exaggeration - so I asked if we could switch to ESPN for the NBA Playoffs. The bartender was quick to oblige and nobody seemed to mind.

    A little later the place was deserted; just me and Carol, (the friendly bartender). She made a few phone calls and kept the $2.50 Budweiser pints flowing. Some dude came in with a ladder, we smoked cigarettes, Oklahoma City beat Dallas, another guy came in and started playing video poker and the three of us talked about gambling.

    I left The Cozy Corner thoroughly inebriated and hadn't even spent $20, plus my team won and I was home in 2 minutes. I will most definitely be coming back.

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    Cozy Cavern is wonderful. Vintage feel, good vibe, more of a dive but without having to put up with anyone too rowdy or obnoxious. It's a great neighborhood hangout with amazing prices (seriously, amazing prices!). The bartenders are also ridiculously nice; laid-back, friendly, and not constantly hovering around you like so many manhattan bars. This place is one of the best. Hipsters love it. Locals love it. Everyone loves it. Check it out!

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    This is an excellent neighborhood bar. Good people who play good music on a jukebox that is adjusted to the perfect volume (clearly audible but not overbearing). Pool table in the back, plenty of banter in the front.

    The fun meter rises a notch when Judy is bartending, and weekends are your best bet. Come on a Wednesday and you may very well be watching TV alone with the bartender.

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