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    A huge step up vs seeing a show at, say, the River Market. Where the River Market is all asphalt and concrete (that can wear on your feet if you're there for a long show) CKC@Grinders has a huge lay down of basically soft wood chips. Where River Market has an odd diagonal set up of the stage vs crowd with a lot of potential for bad sight lines, CKC@Grinders starts elevated at the back with a high enough permanent stage that you can easily see what the performers are doing all in a single straight line. (Basically a giant rectangle box)

    I'm not sure if it was just the nights I was there, but the staff that checks your bracelet coming in and out of the adjacent restaurants (to make sure you aren't sneaking in for free) were also very polite and courteous.

    No need to bring cash, every spot that sells drinks will take your card, and bottled water isn't a rip off.

    The smoke can pocket pretty easily in the sitting area in the back, but that's my only minor nit. On a breezy night, and with a few minor amenity upgrades, this place would be basically perfect. (Of course, it's up to the performers to carry the rest. ^_^)

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    This is one of my favorite venues to catch a show everyone's always super nice and helpful.  Being outside in the middle of downtown also adds something to the experience.  The picnic tables are great if you wanna grab a slice of pizza during the show.  For alot of the shows you can bring your own chairs and blankets you just need to check the web site in advance to see if its allowed.

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    Not only is this one of the best outdoor venues in America, the staff and security crew are friendly, and helpful.  However, the KCMO POLICE, and their PARKING NAZI'S CAN LICK IT!!!  That's why your DOWNTOWN is RUN DOWN, because those pigs have nothing to do but harass people.  
    Thank god there is one venue in downtown KC that does not have an ignorant staff, the people at Crossroads are top notch!  The VIP area and lounge are an awesome addition to this place, it really is a nice area they have put together back there.  
    Thank you Crossroads, screw you KCMO PD.

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    I'm not the outdoor concert type. You know, it's not terribly easy to navigate the great outdoors (and crowd of shiny happy people) on a hot summer night (it's always a hot summer night, don't try to convince me otherwise) wearing 5-inch heels and carrying a purse stuffed with all my essentials. I'm at the point where I just want to be inside already. It's August. The average temperature seems to have been 105 this summer. The mosquitoes are feasting and frolicking like Eric Northman and Vampire Bill in a swamp full of hot fairies. Don't ask me to willingly spend my evening outside, OK?

    Now that we have that out of the way, I'm here to say that last night's Crossroads KC show at Grinders may change my mind about outdoor concerts. For starters, you can't go wrong with a "chilly night" (78 degrees). Second, although I felt slightly violated by the girl employed to feel me up before I entered (ostensibly to make sure I wasn't carrying a weapon, but i have a feeling there may have been cameras recording the whole sordid deal), the entry process was quite seamless. There was plenty of breathing room out there and there were libations and refreshments (beer to shots to H20). VIP areas are in the bleachers closer to the stage (anyone can be a VIP if they're willing to pay for it, by the way). Sound is good. Scene is good. The picnic tables toward the back provide respite should you need it. I even smiled a couple times last night.

    Now don't go getting any ideas. I won't be signing on for season tickets or anything. And you'll never find me with one of those diamond dollar  LED-lit hula hoops shaking my thang like a filthy hippie.

    But these folks sure do put other outdoor venues to shame.

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