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    A much more acessible location compared to the east side establishment. With Starbucks across the street this Delight is competing and Starbucks definitely had more traffic. Plenty of fresh donuts and the crossant was excellent for a quick service shop.

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    I visit a Donut Delight for coffee and Breakfast 4-5 times a week.

    The Elm Street (stamford) Donut Delight has always done a great job as far as service and product delivery are concerned but they are always so busy especially the drive thru.

    I had a few poor experiences here on West Ave but they have been consistently GOOD for about a month now. My coffee is perfect the food is prepared correctly and I am not delayed any at the window. They may have just grown used to me/my order and know to put the proper things in my bag so I can just grab & go. In any case.

    The service has significantly improved.

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  • 0

    This is a complete knock to management.  What breakfast place puts up a sign that says "We do not toast from 7 to 10"?!?!?!  I will never go back here and neither should you.

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