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    Awesome, no frills bar. There's a pool table and an arcade game (I think Marvel vs Capcom or something?). Usually filled with guys and a handful of girls, but whatever. I don't go here to pick up girls; to enjoy drinks and get drunk with friends at a location that feels as comfortable as a house party and prices that don't piss you off.

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    The drinks are cheap.
    The freaks are freaky.

    And everything about the place is set up to ensure some sort of absurdity. No matter how many times I say 'this is the last time', I can't stop returning.

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    I love, love, love this place.  It's my home away from home. $3 for a shot and a beer, so it takes all the guilt out of getting drunk.  Pool table, awesome movies playing on a projector, plus it's the diviest-of-the-dive, so you could order a whole pizza and bring it in to eat and nobody would bother you.  You can usually count on meeting some interesting folks there (yes, interesting, not sketchy), and the bartenders are friendly.  What's not to love!  In fact, I think I would miss it more than anywhere else in Bushwick if I were to pick up and move.  Keep it real Gotham!

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    Expect no less...but do expect more! Because this bar will also serve as an enchanted portal to transport you back to your childhood. The establishment, while seemingly coated in a layer of M-train gristle, is full of comic book and movie paraphernalia. I wouldn't test anyone's geekdom here...unless you're Alex Trebek...in which case you can probably do whatever you want.

    The drinks are awesome. I got a Harley Quinn. So affordable, so tasty. And afterwards I was all like "Mistahhh Jaaay!". Just kidding. Are you sick of me yet?

    But really. If you're dating some chick that only likes the drinks and scene of Friday's...then you probably don't want to bring her here. However, if you've got a keeper that likes to live on the edge and is also a closet-comic-book-nerd (comme moi)...she will love you for bringing her to Gotham City Lounge.

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    What kinda freaked out heaven did I just stumble upon?! You have to ring a buzzer to get in, which I asked the bartender about, since he seemed to be letting everyone in. He said the owner, who looks like a latin gangster (and is apparently obsessed with comics) was used to Bushwick being a really bad area, and still treats it the same, so he likes the security.
    I was there for about four hours and only saw maybe three other females the entire time. Mostly it's comic book nerds. Every surface: bar, front of bar, walls, ceiling, bathroom.. is filled with comic book paraphenalia. Comics, costumes, pictures, toys... too bad I can't bring my nephew in here, he'd have a field day! Anyway, everyone was really nice, the drinks were strong, and I had a blast, plus it's just a few blocks from me!

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    #1: This is a dive bar. #2: This is a small comic book museum #3: It is cheap, low-key, and fun.

    This is a great spot to hit on the way out or on the way back home. The vibe changes daily and I have been there when it's dead and when it's totally packed and have seen different types of crowds depending on the night and who happened to stumble in. You may go in and see 3 people there playing pool and come back 3 hours later and see a packed house partying on the same night.

    For what it is, it's really a can't miss sort of no brainer... $3 whiskey/PBR combo all the time? Yes!

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    Great place to have your first or last drink of the night.
    Great decor ( im a batman fanatic)
    Space is a bit tight and you def get a fair share of weirdos... but hey that makes it interesting alot of the times.

    I like their cocktails and good beer prices.

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    This bar is about as fun as it gets for the square footage. You get a beer and a shot for $3, you can't beat that. It's got hunnies every now and then, got nerds, and a pool table. It's perfect son.

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    it's like a nerd's basement threw up in a bar.  you can't beat the cheap alcohol ($3 for a PBR and shot of whiskey)  I take my more geeky friends here and they love all the paraphernalia that's on the walls, floor, and ceiling.  10/10 will be back, especially since I live so close.

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    This place is my 2nd living room. It has a pool table, comic book memorabilia, usually a goofy movie projecting in the center of the bar, and it's always welcoming, cheap, and comfortably divey. The owner, as well as all of the bartenders, are fantastic and friendly. And they all are moderately-to-very good billiards players. It's the perfect place to go to be able to throw down a quarter on the table and play a generally good stranger. And, come on, $2 PBR's and $3 PBR + Whiskey Shot...?! Can't beat this place. The oooonly complaint I'd have, if I have to reach for a critique, is that it's a bit testosterone-heavy; a few more ladies, and ladies who like ladies, would make Gotham into Heaven ;).

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    This is a great place to grab some cheap drinks and chill with a few friends. Superhero paraphernalia everywhere you look, arcade games that actually work, and surprisingly few neck beards. I'm not much of a comics fan but I love how the counter of the bar is completely covered in comic book panels.  My friend and I spent a good chunk of time drunkenly trying to find any with Captain Marvel. We didn't but I'm kind of amazed we remembered our own names by the end of the night so whatever. I wouldn't recommend it for a group of more than 4 or 5. This place is tiny, as is the drink menu and there's only one toilet and like 5 chairs. Still, the drinks are mad cheap and the bartenders are nice enough. The most expensive cocktails are 8 bucks and you can get PBR for 2 bucks. I hate PBR but you just can't argue with that price. I recommend the Mr. Freeze. It tastes like an alcoholic blue slurpee.

    Also I probably don't need to mention it but this isn't a good place to go if you're looking to get laid.

    ADDENDUM: There is a female bartender (the only one at this bar at time of writing as far as I know) here who is really nice and friendly and cool but she mixes really weak drinks. Order beer if she's bar tending.

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    Asshole bartender. Underwhelming decor. Tries to be an in-crowd bar. My advice, if you're not in that crowd, don't stop by.

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    Wanted to give this place a glowing review..I mean, it has character, nice folks working the bar, it's unique..but it could use a little sprucing up. Clean up the joint a little and it will really stand out.

    Definitely worth checking out. I hope the owners can improve upon the great thing they've got going and get it where it should be!

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    Tiny and awesome.

    First off, you can't just open the door.  You have to be buzzed in.  Secondly, you only get so many choices of drinks, but everything is cheap.  This is not a place for picky folk.  Finally, when I went, they were playing the original Total Recall on a projector screen with subtitles.

    I call that a win.

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    Holy dive bar, Batman! Gotham City Lounge satisfies ALL my going out needs. It's quiet, but not deserted. It's dirt cheap, but their drinks are still delicious. You can have a conversation, but you can also play pool. And best of all, it's chock full of the most nerd-tastic decor this side of Alderon.

    If you need me, I'll be drinking a Wonder Woman with a Storm Trooper and the cute bartender with the Green Lantern shirt. Duty calls!!

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    Gotham City Lounge is school teacher and unabashed comics nut Ray Torellas' personal shrine to his favorite hobby-namely, collecting figurines, posters, arcade machines and any other Marvel comic book hero memorabilia you could imagine. By Ray's own account the staggering amount of paraphernalia contained within GCL is only a small fraction of the goods he has stashed away "upstairs" (the Torellas family has purportedly owned the building for over a century, while GCL has been open for going on ten years). If quaffing cheap whiskey out of plastic shot "glasses" while oggling life-size cutouts of Dr. Magneto or getting blisters at an original Marvel vs. Capcom machine is your thing, you're in the right place. Gotham's $3 PBR + shot combo is perhaps the cheapest we've found anywhere. House highball "cocktails" aren't so tempting, considering the slipshod bar looks like something out of a frat house. Needless to say there's no kitchen at this tiny dive, and seating options are limited-grab a stool at the bar or along the outskirts of the room, or recline in the car seat over there on the floor. That's right. Billiards and sports on projection round out the entertainment-on our recent visit the mixed crowd was bugging out over a boxing match. We didn't know the guys who were fighting, and even if we had, we were too busy chugging hipster swill and moonshine to pay attention. After ten shots or so, 2-D images of Jean Gray start looking pretty damn appealing. Mmmm, gotta love that red hair. And don't even get me started on the green and yellow spandex.

    One Drink Ahead

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    It gets the job done. Super cheap (like $3 for a PBR and a shot cheap), super dive-y but with the added touch of comic book/sci-fi theme. This place is a great neighborhood haunt if you're not terribly picky about things like artisanal gin and exceptionally clean floors and countertops.

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    Cheap drinks, friendly people, awesome decor. This is a dive bar for people who like their bars divey, divey, divey. Don't let buzzer to get in scare you off-- the last thing this place is is exclusive. Interesting house rule on the pool table: scratching on the 8 doesn't lose, but the 8 has to be sunk in the same pocket as your final ball.

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    Well, this is different.

    A tiny comic-book themed bar! Pool table, little bar, sparse seating, but charming in it's own dive-y kind of way. Comic book stuff everywhere, including drinks named after superheroes! The Iron Man was quite tasty.

    It was chill when I rolled in there with a friend around 11pm on a Friday, and then this place blew up around midnight. It's not really my thing, but there's little to offend the open-minded bar-goer. Also, $3 PBR and a shot of some godforsaken whiskey that gets the job done.

    Oh, and they started screening Hellboy 2 around 11:30. I *love* Hellboy.

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    Look, if you need a review to convince you why you should check out a superhero / marvel themed dive bar, then I'm not exactly sure why you're not reading this in the goddamned bar. What's not to like?

    It's a great bar, empty or full. The beer is cheap, the staff are exactly the level of communicative you like your barstaff to be, and have the decency to be cool about it, too. God damn it, I think I'll go there tomorrow night.

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    5 stars for being the diviest dive bar ever and it has a way cool theme!

    $2 PBRs and $3 PBRs with a shot.


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    Finally, a place in New York that has ACTUAL cheap beer.  

    It's basically just a square room with a few tables, but it's so much fun to look at all the Things on the walls.  It's comic book themed but there's also some star wars memorabilia and a big Sephiroth poster (that sexy, evil beast!) and a big Uruk Hai in the corner on top of the broken arcade game.  There's a pool table and a sketchbook.  Check out my picture of a sexy lion tamer!

    Despite the fact that there were 3 skanky girls trying to get me and my friend (the only other girls in the bar) to go home with their friends (if they're so cute and handsome and awesome, why don't YOU sleep with them?  FRIENDZONED.)  that has nothing to do with the bar itself.  i also talked to some nice people and had an overall great time.  Check it out!

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    I love Batman...
    With that being said... I would like to note that this place has Batman all over the fucking place. I came here on a Friday night, and it was relevantly quiet, but who cares! My friends and I enjoyed some beverages while kicking some poor shmucks' asses in pool and drooled over all the kick ass shit on the walls and in display cases. I mean... How much better can your drinking experience get? (I mean, it would be better if Batman actually came and we made out, but, you know...)

    Drinks are cheap. Place is chill. Go drink there.

    I love Batman...

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    Would I go out of my way to come here? Nope. But since it's within walking distance of my apartment, I do.

    It's tiny, and they are currently updating it (or were the last time I was there a few weeks ago), so their selection is kind of meh.

    But, it's a good place to get the night started. Get a few cheap beers/shots and head out to somewhere else.

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    This is my favorite bar in Brooklyn and in all of New York.  The owner's are sweet hearts, the bartenders are rad and the prices can't be beat: 3 dollar specials (PBR or Rollling Rock and a whiskey shot) Oh and it's decorated all over the place with different figurines and nostalgia from comic books.  My personal favorite is the 3 feet tall old school Yoda.  "Content you will be, yes" (Yoda voice)

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    There was never a point in my life where I really liked comic books, PBR, or shots of well whiskey... until I came to the Gotham City Lounge and that's what was cheaply offered to me, two and a half blocks away from where I live.  GCL is a small cramped space where every inch is covered in comic books and memorabilia and whatnot, even in the bathrooms.  I especially like that Batman and Superman are busting out of the front wall.  I'm sure that actual comic book nerds would go crazy in here.

    It is otherwise a nice space for non-comic book nerds.  The bartenders are chill.  There's pool and DVDs/TV are projected onto the wall.  There's bar food (Chex mix or popcorn) and fun themed mixed drinks.  That are cheap.  Not to mention 3 bucks for a PBR and a shot of well whiskey.  It's really difficult to go wrong with that kind of deal, at least in the 'Shwick.

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    Right before I moved into my apartment in Bushwick recently, a buddy of mine and I were just scoping out the neighborhood a little and passed by this place. It looked cool from the outside but we didn't bother checking it out.

    Then just about two months ago or so, I reconnected with an old friend of mine and we went out to have a few drinks and catch up. I decided to give this place a shot and it turned out to be awesome.

    Comic book shit everywhere, Avatar DVD playing on the pull down projection screen, $3 PBR-and-a-shot specials, party mix filled bowls on the bar. Everything was just really chill. And it's one train station away (walking distance) which is great.

    Nothing more to add, this place is cool to just hang out and chill with some buddies. If you're not from the area it may not be enough to get you to make the trip, but if you're close, why not? Unfortunately the MvC2 machine was busted but that probably would have made it a perfect 5.

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    This place is cute, cheap, and adorable! Growing up I was a huge comic book dork and still kinda am. So this place is just my style. The atmosphere is very impressive, and chill. It looks better then most comic book shops that I've been to! I love the projector and the movies they play. The Superman and Batman heads outside the bar are awesome.

    I definitely recommend this place to come and release your inner dork. The only down fall was that this place is a little small, so you might not always get a seat. I also ran into a perv-y kinda crowd here the first time I went. Keep in mind I'm certainly not a bra burning feminist by any means, but this group of guys made me feel like a piece of meat, and very uncomfortable....and I was with my boyfriend! It was pretty disrespectful, and I was well dressed, but modestly. Hopefully those guys don't hang around there often!

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    This place is really weird! You have to go to see how weird it is. There is comic book memorabilia everywhere. You can play marvel vs. capcom and pool. It is pretty cheap and the staff is nice. Super nerded out. If this bar is in your neighborhood, I say, what the heck, go there every once in a while.

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    Spot for
    But 2 Liter
    Of coke and plastic cups loses a star.

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    Tuesday $1 PBR and Wednesday $1 Rolling rock is only until 10PM (earlier posted as until midnight) Still a good deal since the price only goes up to $2 after 10PM.

    Cheap brews with friendly staff and patrons make this a definite return for me.

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    It's like going to the tricked out garage of the nerdy kid down the street... complete with a pool table, cooler of beer, Christmas lights, and a projector showing cartoon network or an avid game of Guitar Hero. The 1998 me thinks the comic book theme is hot, but 2009 me is indifferent to it. The "awesome" 80s 90s (but really mostly 90s) music on Friday night sparked a deep suppressed nostalgia I really really wish had stayed banished to the pages of my yearbooks. I now live in terror that I will inadvertently blurt out "uno dos tres cuatro cinco cinco seis," no thanks to you, Gotham City Lounge! Please keep your beer cheap and all will be forgiven.

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    I went here with a few friends a couple weeks ago and had a good time.  The drinks are cheap and the place is pretty small, so basically it fits into my idea of a "good bar."  

    It has a LOT of superhero memorabilia which I don't really care about and the majority of the patrons didn't seem to care about, but it's an interesting aesthetic, at least.

    I'll definitely be back.

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    I've been to this bar one and had a blast!!  we went for a friends birthday and pretty much packed the tiny bar with all our friends.  they let us play guitar hero which was a blast. dirt cheap drinks and if you know your comic books you get a free drink.  by the time I left around 1a.m. I was starving, unfortunately there are no places open late to eat around this part of the hood, McDonalds, Tony's pizza even KFC was closed.  Although it was a bummer nothing was open late for grub, it's not enough of a reason to not go back.

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    Great spot that offers cheap drinks specials, a plethora of superhero memorabilia, and a pool table. Been there 3 times and counting.
    For some reason you have to get buzzed in, but maybe it's to keep villains out?!
    Anyhow, if you're in the mood for wine, don't go here. I had been drinking wine prior to Gotham that night and felt like keeping it that way. When I asked if they had wine, he said yeah, but not red. Then the bartender started pouring me white --from a box!

    This scored them some major dive points in my book. Every "cool dive" has PBR for your trailer trash needs, but box wine?!?! So for a good time and decent "scumraderie" I highly recommend you go Gotham style next you find yourself bushwhacking in Bushwick.

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    Upon entering Gotham the first thing you'll notice are the comic book themed posters and action figures that litter the bar. I know, cheesy right? Wrong; it's awesome. Inside you will find cheap drinks (go for the $3 pbr/whiskey combo) and great company (the owners are usually around and if they don't know you they will introduce themselves).

    Gotham is best Thurs-Sat after 11. This is when things start to pick up. However, stop by on Sunday for some guitar hero action on the big screen, and if there isn't anyone rocking out there is usually a movie being shown. There is also a pool table and an old school comic themed arcade game for the gamers out there. I wouldn't recommend traveling too far to come here given the lack of other bars in the area, but if you're thirsty and in the neighborhood, definitely check it out!

    Important note: Next to the entrance outside there is a life-size figure of Superman sticking halfway out of the wall. Next to Superman is a video camera. Inside, above the bar, there is a video monitor that everyone in the bar can see with a live feed to the video camera. There is a chance you may drink one too many of the pbr/whiskey combos and subsequently feel compelled to have a conversation with Superman not realizing he isn't an actual person. If this happens, and you then decide it's a good idea to go back inside for another drink, you will get made fun of. True story.

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    I agree with Ethan C., Gotham is a perfect little dive bar.

    I encountered less than a handful of people hanging out here on a Sunday night, gathered in front of the projector playing Guitar Hero. Everyone was welcoming and I instantly felt as if I was among friends. The decor is cluttered and eclectic, much like Goodbye Blue Monday, except that everything--inside and out--is comic book themed.

    Cheap, fun, friendly, awesome.

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    This bar definitely stands out alittle because its in an area mostly comprised of puerto rican bars. The location isn't ideal, but it's only a 10-15 minute hike up Central Avenue from Life Cafe and the Wreck Room if you're coming from the L train. Its also right underneath the Central Ave. M-train stop.

    The other reason this bar stands out is because, as erica said, its comic book themed. Posters, figurines, and on the outside next to the door, a Superman seemingly busting through the wall. Very fun.

    $2 dollar PBR, and only $3 for a PBR and whiskey shot, an amazing deal. It's normally never very busy. Gothams basically a perfect little dive bar, and I wish it was closer.

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    ATTENTION Guitar Hero playin', comic book lovin' alcohol drinkin' cheapskates:  

    I got just the place for you...

    Ok you are pretty much guaranteed to have an awesome time at Gotham City Lounge.  I've been there 3 times now.  It's a very warm and friendly neighborhood dive bar.  From the outside you'd never even know it was a bar, except when it's open and there's a handwritten sandwich board and people outside smoking cigarettes.  

    But once you walk in, the fun begins.  The bar is comic book themed and there are comic book collectibles all OVER the place on the walls.  And there are two more really good catches to this bar, besides the comic book thing...OBVIOUSLY.   They have Guitar Hero on the weekends.  But not JUST Guitar Hero, the entire Rock Band set up.  GIANT screen, all the instruments, the whole joint.  And here's cool thing #3 - A shot of whiskey and a PBR for $3.  That's not just a good deal for NYC, that's a good deal for like...Omaha, or anywhere on EARTH for that matter.

    There is also a pool table, and the owners Ray and Louisa are really awesome.  People tend to come back to Gotham City once they go one time, so you're bound to see some familiar faces and feel really welcomed when you return.  

    The only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 is because I never know when they're open.  I KNOW they're open Friday - Sunday nights and Sunday night is movie night, which is really nice.  But other than that I just don't know.  Sometimes I walk by and it's all locked up.  But if you go there on the weekends, they WILL be open.  And you WILL have fun.

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