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    Very relaxing spot. Love it here

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    I don't know anything about cigars but I can tell u this place is very non-pretentious. I went in a few times and was treated well. This is the spot for cigars.

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    Absolutely classy cigar lounge that lacks absolutely nothing. They have a great selection and the staff is incredibly knowledgeable. Listen, I am Cuban and I know my cigars, but I was very impressed by the sheer knowledge these guys demonstrated. They only offer quality cigars at this place, so don't come in looking for the cheap bundle of 20 or 25 you find in other spots. I like this place and I can't wait until I go back!

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    Great place to try if you are into cigars. The place is pretty small. When you walk in, the bar is right there. A few steps away is the humidor room, with many great cigars to choose from. Behind this, there is a lounging area with leather sofas and a TV. They always have some sporting events on their 3 TVs.

    Its nothing glamorous. It looks like some guys house. But everyone is friendly and is there to relax.

    Of course, don't forget you will REEK of cigar smoke when you leave. I took off all my clothes when I got home and threw everything outside to air out. But it was worth trying!

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    This place is definitely a haven for all things Male. Havana Dreams sports a great walk in humidor with a fantastic selection of cigars. Everyone there is friendly as can be.  You pick out your cigars, walk up to the register, tell them what you owe, sit down and light up.  On my way out, the bartender told me to sign up on the guest list to be notified of various events.  They get all the pay per views and everyone is welcome.

    I can't think of a better place to get together with some friends, and enjoy a good smoke and a glass of bourbon.  While this might be a bit too far into Queens for many folks living in the city, the trip is worth it any day.

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