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    We order here all of the time.  I love pizza but not the heavy greasy feeling most of it has and homemade doesn't have that.  The ingredients are flavorful and with the whole wheat crust I don't feel guilty after eating it.  Heating it up takes no time.  Yes on the pricier side but worth it!

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    I am a HUGE fan of this place. I have ordered from here twice already. The gluten-free pizza won me over. I am not a gluten-free person per-say, but if I ever came to be or new anyone that was, this would be the first pizza joint I would recommend to them. The pizza is made fresh everyday and the veggies are phenomenal! Salads are also a top of the list dish for me.

    I recommend you get your pizza-on at Homemade Pizza Co pronto! You would love it! Guaranteed!!

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    Truly disappointing. We have ordered from here for a few years. Ordered from there tonight and asked for a friendly voice to come on the phone. I was told that unless i would deal with the individual that  answered before that I should order dominos.   Wowo. My Suggestion should be to never order from this location. Wow!

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    Since going gluten free, I've missed pizza....realllllly missed pizza. I noticed the gluten free pizza sign on the door and had to try it. It was good....really good. I ordered the pepperoni (which is nitrate free). The crust was thin and crispy, all the happy memories of eating regular pizza without the nightmare afterwards. The staff, very friendly and helpful. I'll be back :)

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    Good but overpriced no value for what u spend esp since you have to cook it. Try nearby pizzabella

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    So yeah you have to bake off your own pie but it takes 12 minutes and the crust comes out perfect every time. If you manage to screw that up then you probably should give up any kind of cooking. The pizza is pricey, yes; however, they give away $5 off coupons and 1/2 off coupons all the time. I don't agree that it tastes like a frozen pizza, and which frozen pizza are you comparing to anyway? CPK pretty much tastes the same in and out of the store, Red Baron is so horrific it put me in the hospital one night -- so between the two extremes, I think Homemade is pretty good. But you should ask yourself...Do I like my pizzas hoped up on sodium and fillers? Then maybe I'll stick to Jewel for my pizza b/c to me that's tasty.

    So, Homemade on Roscoe, you have at least one customer that will keep coming back and appreciating a good pie.

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    After going back again the novelty quickly wares off and the price (high) stays the same. There are several places that deliver to my home that taste better (way better) that cost the same.

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    i received a gift card about a year ago.  i was walking by this particular store & decided to cash it in.  since i don't have an oven (only a toaster oven) i purchased 2 personal sized pizzas-one with chicken & pesto, the other with italian sausage.  today i cooked them.  
    they taste a notch up from a frozen pizza.  terrible crust, can't taste the sauce & 5 small pieces of chicken.  all for $17!  
    i would rather eat a totinos pizza.

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    TERRIBLE! $15.95 for a MEDIUM pizza that I have to cook myself??? JUST TERRIBLE! When I brought it home.. it was bland and just crappy. It wasnt bad.. it wasnt good.. it was just "food."  Why.. with all the awesome pizza places in Chicago would I just want to eat "food?" A waste of money.. go some place else.

    PS. Yea.. again.. dont go to this dump.

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    The Homemade Pizza Company opened up in the neighborhood in early November fresh with free samples  - not a bad way to get your feet wet with the locals!  We stopped in the day before Thanksgiving in order to have something other than turkey and wouldn't result in leftovers.

    The place is stark white with the menu on the wall and a very friendly staff that is more than happy to help you when putting your pizza together.  They have pre-arranged pizza on the menu or you can select your ingredients and build your own pizza to take home with you.  If you order something custom - not one of their pre-arranged pizzas - it may take a bit longer as they put it together for you.  We bought a pizza and a salad and had dinner for under $20 - not too bad!

    I think the customer service at the store was great - let's hope it continues past the first month of business.  It's a good addition to the neighborhood!

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    I must admit, when I first heard of Homemade Pizza (long before actually trying it), the idea seemed a little odd.  I just didn't get it.  Order in or heat up a frozen pizza, people, we don't need a third "middle" option.

    Well, perhaps we do.  While Homemade's pizza surpasses frozen in both taste and quality, it will not replace my favorite delivery place.  Some perks, however:

    + You can order online and choose your pick-up time.  Perfect for grabbing something on the way home from work.

    + They are mad coupon-happy.  Seriously.  Boyfriend found a coupon code on their website and we got another with our pizza when we picked it up.

    + Freshness.

    + They deliver (but so does my other favorite delivery place, so perhaps this is a zero-sum kind of perk).

    + They have big cookies you can heat up at home.  Yay cookies!

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