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    I've ordered from these guys at least once a week for over a year, and maybe once or twice has there been a hiccup. They're good and fast, just like they say.

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    Sandwiches are great but they have never gotten our order correct. Every time I order, they get something wrong; for example, we ask for the sandwiches cut in half, they forget to cut the sandwich in half, we ask for avocado, they forget the avocado, we ask for no lettuce, they add lettuce, we ask for no tomato, they add tomato, we ask that names be written on the sandwich, they do not, making it difficult to figure out who ordered what.

    We order the sandwiches online to avoid these kinds of issues. The receipt we get on the bag lists all our requests and is correct. Someone just doesn't double check their work or the order before they send it out. And I am not exaggerating when I say every order I have put in online from this shop has always been wrong in one way or another. And I have never ordered more than 4 subs. I wish there was an other jimmy johns that would deliver to our house.

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    Delivery didn't bring my chips. No refund or chip voucher. :(

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    Ya know, I love me a beach club(no mayo- add dijon) and your pickles are the shiznit, but the attitude I get when placing an order has GOT to go. Seriously, every time I call the location on Roscoe in Chicago, I get huffs and puffs like I'm interrupting her day by making her DO HER JOB, no total on my order, and get hung up on. Every time. Today she hung up on me twice. And it's not like they're busy..

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