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    This may not be the prince of the middle eastern restaurants on far north Lincoln Avenue, but it's better than a 2.5 average.  To order takeout is inevitably an awkward service experience, for a few reasons, but mainly because of the layout of the restaurant:  there is no clear-cut ordering counter, just an open kitchen and a dining room separated by a display cooler containing produce (for storage, not sale).  So you can stand near the kitchen, uncomfortably close to the staff preparing your food and conducting other business, or you can pick a spot somewhere in the dining room--impossibly awkward if there are diners sitting at the tables.  Your best bet is to stand outside or sit in your car.

    And you will have to wait a while because they make the food to order from scratch.  Of course, that is preferable for most people.  I'd rather wait a few extra minutes for fresh food myself.  It is gratifying to see them back there forming falafel balls and putting skewers of raw meat on the grill.

    The food is mostly pretty good.  The wraps are full of crisp vegetables (not too much lettuce) including red peppers, a nice touch.  Their babaghanouj is a fine example of the chunky, smoky variety that really scratches my babaghanouj itch (yes, it's an affliction).

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    4 stars it is
    I've had food from this place on many occasions and for the most part, I'm very satisfied

    The best thing out of this place is Beef Kabob and Fish dinner, I don't like much chicken and don't think the owner cares much for chicken so maybe you shouldn't get the chicken

    so why did I knock 1 star away, nope it's not because this place doesn't look great but consistency is a problem and the patcha was below average

    would I go again? yep I will do it again

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    Chicken shawerma is good!

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