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    I actually went here the day that it opened.  Yes I happened to stumble across it when I was at China Bar.  Since then I have been back here a few times.  Sadly, it has actually deteriorated.  This place showed promise on the first day, mixed drinks were real, there were random girls dancing(one you would prefer to not see dance), and the bar food snacks were pretty good.  I particularly liked the star anise edamade, however they keep trimming the menu.  I have not been back here in a while, but as Spring comes I will see how this place is holding up.  BTW if you want to go to the second floor, you need to order a bottle.  Bottles are not expensive, but this again is a place you would just go to hang out with friends and drink.  You can't really chat here, because like all other flushing bars, the music is blaring!

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    Friendly bartenders and great french fries! We happened to be staying close by, so we wandered in for a drink. We came back a few days later and enjoyed a couple of appetizers and a couple of mojitos. Loved the basil popcorn chicken!

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    Went there 2 weeks ago with a couple of friends. Rude service, food is cold and they water down the drinks. Look nice inside but not worth the $$.

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