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    Good pizza for the price IF YOU CAN GET IT.  This place is on my way home from work and I try sometimes but its never hot or ready here. They either don't have my pizza ready or they don't come to the front to take my order. Today I stopped by and I could see the pizza but there were just people standing around and no one helping. Finally I left went to Wendy's drive thru and got my food in 3 minutes, If you drive way over to the Addison Little Caeser's you probably will get your pizza faster. The Addison has got it together.

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    when i ask you what the freshest pizza is i want you to give me the one your coworker is cutting just a few feet away. i can see her.

    don't tell me, "they all just came out of the oven," and then give me a pizza so decidedly not-fresh that i had to nuke it before eating. i know my lil' caesars and that has never happened before.

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    only updating to say that the fella who was workin here round 5pm is one of lc's better employees...hes polite and the pizza made during his shift is way better than others :)

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    For $5 you get:

    Medicore pizza at best
    "Hot-n-ready" which really means "pizza that has sitting there for hours under a warmer"
    Sometimes the wrong pizza completely

    Although I will give him props for nice customer service and their hit or miss crazy bread.

    They do have a private lot which is great and you are in and out in a matter of seconds.

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    Am I seriously writing a review for Little Caesars?  Yes, yes I am.  

    Dude... $5 for a pizza (sausage, pepperoni or cheese)?  And it's already ready and waiting for you to just walk in and pick up, no ordering necessary?  

    It's dangerous.  It's yummy.  It's an excuse for me not to cook dinner.  

    I'm always looking for one of those.

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    Four stars is probably sufficient, but my boyhood memories of aimless summers filled with Jean Claude Van Damme flicks, big league chew and Little Caesars pretty much knocked it up to 5.

    I mean, let's level here: you can't fuck with a $5 pizza.  For $5, a piece of baked cardboard with bum turds on it would probably be adequate, but a real honest-to-god pizza?  And the fact remains, i really think that Little Caesars is the great American pizza.  Not thin, not thick, tangy sauce, a fair amount of cheese and it's so damn cheap the working man can easily afford to feed a family of 10.  Now, I realize they've gone through some changes, basically getting rid of their menu.  But I welcome the hot and ready concept.  You get three choices, one size, one price...has anyone thought about opening some franchises in Soviet Russia or China?  

    It's not an everyday sort of place, but I always find myself with a hankering and willingly make the pilgrimage on Lawrence avenue.  Find me a better pizza for $5 and i'll eat a big 'ol bag o' bum turds.

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    Why am I reviewing Little Caesars, you ask?

    A simple question that has popped up over the diminished chain that was once my boyhood food mecca.

    What happened to the cheese?!?: When I was a kid, Little Caesar's used to have this salty, buttery cheese that is to this day some of the best cheese I've ever tasted on pizza. I noticed that about 8 years back, or whenever the pizzas became $5, the cheese changed (bland, flavorless).

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Also, bring back pepperoni and cheese stuffed crazy bread! I used to have wet dreams about that stuff.

    Final note: The crazy bread had gone down hill too: They top it with less of the garlic cheese stuff resulting in some pretty sane crazy bread.

    Eager to hear any tales of Little Caesar's nostalgia from the Glory Days. Pizza Pizza!

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    Well, dip me in sugar and call me sweet-potato pie!

    I haven't had Little Caesars in YEARS. Way over a DECADE. Was I thrilled to live near Little Caesars? Not until today. In the days of yore, I ate Little Caesar's pizza several times a month. Not Domino's, not Pizza Hut, Little freakin' Caesar's. Sadly, the only location near my home in VA closed.

    I ordered two cheese pizzas today for Football Sunday. Sometimes (particularly on Sundays), I just want to eat whatever the hell I wanted and not worry about the caloric intake. The $1.50 breadsticks were tempting too.

    Anyway, $5 for a large pizza? Hell to the YES!

    They had several flavors of dips from Jalepeno Cheese and Buffalo Ranch for the buffalo wings, but I used them for the crust (since I never manage to eat it). 2 for $1, pretty sweet deal.

    The pizza (16", I believe) was actually decent. Like, better-than-Sbarro's decent. It ain't NYC style or California Pizza Kitchen quality (eh), but it'll do. I had pizza that cost more than three times as much and tasted so much worse.

    Whether you're a starving non-vegan artist, football party host, or just want cheap-as-hell carb fuel, get your ass over here.

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    There's no excuse for not giving this lovable toilet five stars. You get a freaking whole pizza for $5, period, which is cheaper than an average combo at the burger king right next door. And it's really, really not bad. That's all it claims to be, it's all you want, and it's what you get. Five stars. No excuse for anything less.

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    So, I've never tasted this pizza. I was at the post office, starving & only had $5 in my wallet.  Some dude with missing teeth suggested the crazy bread, so I crossed the street to check out the place.

    The crazy bread with marinara sauce was $2.50 and super tasty!!! By far the best recession meal out there. Big bag of Parmesan cheese covered breadsticks, a decent helping of dipping sauce & enough $$$ afterwards to buy another one if I really wanted.

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    I am not going to lie. It's as good as I remember it being in 2nd grade.

    And it just might be the best cheap pizza money can buy. What did I just say?

    Sure, it's not amazing, but it ain't bad. It could hardly be cheaper. Crust and sauce are vegan. Toppings are limited, but they're always fresh and never nasty, and the pizzas are *never* cut into squares!

    Breadsticks can be ordered without cheese topping for full veg carbification. Don't believe me? Check the website. Ok, check the website anyway, 'cos it's loaded with nutritional info and availabilities for different delectables.

    Plus ordering a pie with 3 veggies and no cheese gets surprised comments from the guys in the store about how tasty it looks.

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    With all the other great  pizza joints in the city.........why would one even go to Little Caesar's?? Why? You like cardboard?
    It's a very good question......but I would only have one explanation.  CHEAP & FAST!  Bottom Line.  
    The pizza..........eh, it's ok if you are starving and need something to eat.  It's not the greatest but sometimes hits the spot.  For $5 you can get a large pizza with one topping, which for some people can feed their family and bunch of kids running around.  
    The Bread sticks are always solid........need that extra dipping sauce to dip your pizza if they make it dry!

    I was gonna give this place 1 star........but i made it 2 stars for one reason.  For the workers that stand on Lawrence in the orange construction vest holding up the "$5 pizza" sign.  Hilarious.  I hope they pay those poor people well, how fun of a job is that?  I say if they need to boost business, lose those weirdo's and throw some hot girls out there.......then again, that may cause traffic accidents!!!

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    I'm a pizza lover.  Pure and simple.  I've tried pretty much every pizza joint in the area and honestly, nothing tastes spectacular.  So when you can just walk into this place pay $5.51 and leave with a large pepperoni pie, it's not too bad.

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    This location in-particular i have some beef with. I went in there ordered a pepperoni pizza. i was told they were cooking and would be done in 2 mins.....15 mins later...i ask, um wheres the pizza....the girl behind the counter looks in the warmer, says....OH! and hands me a pizza that had been sitting there THE ENTIRE TIME i was there. I said that "you need to pay attention. and that if something is going to take LONGER than 2 mins tell the customer!" Maybe if she wasn't getting hit on by her boss she might have noticed.

    i like the chain...but not this particular store... morons.

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    The three-star rating is based simply on the fact that the $5 Hot-N-Ready exists.  The Hot-N-Ready, much like Communism, is a great concept and works very well on paper.  In practice, however, it falls apart once the slice hits your mouth.

    I once had a roommate who ate here almost exclusively.  Barf.

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    If your a pizza connoisseur, and you know what you like, don't come here, lol, this place is the place that hits the spot when:
    a. you only have $5.50 in your account
    b. don't have time to waste waiting for pizza
    c. don't like domino's or pizza hut
    d. can't be bothered to cook

    This place was great, no waiting, you go in, pay, and they hand you, your pizza, just like that, i know it sounds ridiculous, but its the truth, no waiting, unless there are people infront of you, and if they don't have your pizza the wait is around 5min, max!

    I liked this place, it was quick, cheap and I was sick of pizza hut anyways!

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    Hot and ready? Yes. Cheap? You bet. Tasty? Only if you like cardboard slathered in grease.

    I've been by here a few times when I'm tired, hungry & broke.. and I could tell you all that I probably won't go back, but we'd both know I'd be lying.  When I'm tired enough and hungry enough, I don't mind sacrificing quality for that which is quick, cheap & filling.  

    And, its mildly entertaining to come here at a busy time and watch the kitchen staff scurrying around, being loudly reminded by their manager not to use their bare hands on the food. Mmmm..

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    Cheap...not especially good...actually it's kind of gross and greasy. However, it is FAST and it's a great last resort for when I'm not up for cooking as it's right by my apartment.

    Little Caesars is not the kind of place where one goes out of their way to get to.

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    Like the local Subway location, a Joan Jett song comes to mind when I think of Little Caesars - I hate myself for loving you.  As you can tell from most of my reviews, my palate is thoroughly unsophisticated.  However I've sworn off Little Caesars pizza about as often as Whitney Houston has sworn off crack and Bobby Brown - and I have even less willpower than she has.  Every time I walk into the door a part of me dies, probably due to the lack of blood flow through my clogged arteries.

    I became an addict in high school, back when you could get slices and/or crazybread for lunch.  Little Caesars became one of our regular places for lunch, along with McDonalds, Tubbys, Subway and Taco Bell.  After high school I thought I'd cleaned up, having my choice in Ann Arbor of pizza places like Cottage Inn, Pizza House and Bell's Pizza.  I could also get a fix for a slice at the Backroom at 2:00am before calling it a night.

    Now that there is a Little Caesars one block from my place I have fallen off the wagon - hard.  I am good for ordering up a pizza a week.  Back in the day their thing was pizza!pizza! which was two pizzas for the price of one.  Their evil marketing department has come up with a new plan, which is to sell one large pizza for $5.  They also have a dude who stands out on Lawrence avenue with a sign announcing they have their pizzas "hot and ready" meaning you don't even have to wait the 15-20 minutes for the pizzas to be made and cooked.  It is just about the food equivalent of crack cocaine.

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