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    O.K., I'm a little confused. Everyone has talked about how good their hamburgers are and specifically how good the meat is. The hamburgers would be really good, except the ground beef they use is really tough and chewy. Like after I ate some of the burger there were chewy bits stuck between my teeth. Their fries are ok, but they tasted a little freezer burned. The pretzel roll is nice and all of the toppings on the burger were fresh and good, I just couldn't get past the meat. I really really wanted to like this place, but I don't think I'll be ordering any more of their burgers.

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    I had always pass by this place and finally decided to check it out. I tried the Muncher cheeseburger. It was good, had guacamole, had a great grilled taste, burger was cooked to perfection were it was still moist and not dry or burn. Overall great burger and fries.

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    I tried the bacon cheddar burger with chili cheese fries, boyfriend tried the munchers burger. All three were VERY good. It was SO much food that I couldn't come close to finishing...and i have quite an appetite. All of this food only cost $16...and delivery was free!! This is DEFINITELY a place i recommend to everyone and a place i'll go back to more than a few times. Only complaint--wish there was more on the menu--because i'm sure it'd ALL be delicious!

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    One of the best burgers I've ever had. The pretzel bun is delicious. The burgers are juicy and look like actual ground beef patties unlike other places where you hope its all beef. I've ordered a few times through grubhub and delivery is prompt and FREE! The fries are always crispy and not soggy or dry. Love this place. Only thing I would change is the hours. Wish it would stay open later.

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    Had the cheeseburger and it was good. Loved the grilled taste to it. The best thing I had was the chilli. Only a bit spicy, which I believe is how chilli should taste. It was amazing!!!! Tasted the pineapple milkshake and it was also amazing. This place was cool!!

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