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    Standard pub with no pretense.  Excellent prices with buybacks enforced properly.  Very workmanlike crowd where there's zero frill and an emphasis on sports and normal conversations.  The bartenders are friendly, effficient, and knowledgable.

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    Good place in LIC to kill a few beers and have decent bar food. If you're hopping off the 7 line after a Mets game or it's on your way after work this is a solid place to drop in for a few beers. They sport a decent variety of beers on draft and a menu they can be proud of. I didn't find any of the drinks or entrees to be particularly special, but I also wast looking for anything like that either. I just wanted place to with an uniting atmosphere where a few friends and I could catch up and not have it be too loud.

    It's the easiest place to convince people to go to when you pop out of the subway station looking for your first beer of the night. It's a good starter bar to get some brews and food in your before a bigger night in the town, or it's a good after work bar to kick back and relax at before heading home. Either way, I'm gonna be there for 1 - 3 beers and a bite.

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    Our first venture out into our neighborhood and Sandy didn't hit us too bad except for some ground floor flooding in lower areas. PJ Leahy's was open for business though and it was quite packed with many neighborhood residents discussing the storm. Hurricane Sandy news was on all the TVs and you could see some people charging their phones and checking in on friends and relatives.

    We ordered a couple drinks and some snacks including the chicken tenders, steak quesadilla, and macaroni and cheese. The chicken tenders are always a solid choice here and today was no different. It was the favorite item of the three, with the steak quesadilla a close second. The quesadilla could have had a bit more cheese, but it was filled with plenty of steak so that was a plus. Finally the macaroni and cheese was just okay and not something I would order again. It was a bit bland and on the looser side.

    Service was extremely slow and inattentive but might just be short staffed due to the hurricane. It remains my go-to bar in the neighborhood and hopefully the service issue was just a fluke.

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    Great local pub. i only eat here on Wednesdays for burger and a beer for 10 bucks. Other than that, i come about once a wk to meet friends for a drink, great bartenders.

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    If you want to experience a rude bar maid this is the place to go. So, on a Friday night around 10pm a couple of us went here to grab a bit to eat. We got our menus and strange looks, not sure why. We took about five minutes to make a decision on what we wanted to order. Within those five minutes the waitress/barmaid felt the need to be extremely rude and tell us if we didn't want to eat we can sit at the bar. We told her twice give us a minute to decide what we want to eat. It's not like the place was crowded at all but I can tell why because the service was horrible. As soon as we finished our meal a couple of our other friends came in and the waitress immediately told us we can go to the bar, again we told her these people are going to eat too. Either way I don't know what her problem was but I will never go here again. I've been here numerous times and never have I experienced this negativity before. It's sad because some of their dishes here are actually good. For some reason she wanted to get us out of the bar quickly, its not like we were dressed or looked bad we were dressed causal. If anything there was a tiny group of people in their mid 40s to mid 50s so they should be glad mid 20s people even wanted to go into this place.

    ::::BATHROOM ALERT:::: Make sure you lock the door well because you can be fooled. The inside was clean and that's pretty much the best part of this bar. With their bathroom being clean I was a lot happier with the food too bad the server was bad.

    If you want to go to this place I suggest maybe going in the afternoon because the other times I went this barmaid was not there. I love their open steak sandwich but not with an attitude. The plus side if you like this place with all its rudeness is that the 7 train is right in front of it and also you can never worry about anything going wrong in this place in terms of fighting because it's also called "the cop bar" because the 108 precinct is right down the block. They also have some good drink specials that you can enjoy if you still want to check this place out. As for me they lost a local.

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    I can tell you at least one thing that PJ Leahy's has that can outshine most Manhattan bars: THE BEER IS COLD.  All too often in our European-inspired infrastructure, we tend to have quaint little bars that remind you of an older, and therefore more aesthetically pleasing era.  The downside of the intangible aspects of these venerable and/or hip bars is that they have this terribly annoying tendency to serve warm beer like we're swine and they're just dumping it into our trough.  Is it part of the whole counter-culture irony thing to have warm beer?  Is it charming in some way?  Not in this yelper's opinion.  I honestly think that most Manhattanites just have an irrational and over-the-top appreciation for ALL things European, even their bad aspects like warm beer and small, expensive sodas without ice. That's right, they have yet to discover ice in Europe.  I think we're one step away from charging for ice.   I'll take America all day on those aspects.   Aside from having a solid all around atmosphere, PJ Leahy's has freezing cold beer the likes of which I have not tried since visiting Orange County, California.  It really hit a spot and scratched an itch that has been there for the last 2 years having moderately cold or warm beer around Manhattan.  Having a yuengling on tap with a real frosted mug for the first time in a while combined with not having to pay double digits for the beverage made my bar experience just swell.  

    The downside you might ask given my 3 star selection?  I had to take two trains to get here under the misinformed idea that they would have NBA League Pass waiting for me when I arrived.  How foolish I was.  Could this be just another outer borough bar lying to me just to get me to come and patronize their business?  The cynic in me, which is most of me, says yes.  But, given the fact that I haven't the heart to assume such things without hard evidence, I did leave a decent tip and did not raise a fuss because I decided to assume the best in people for a change.  New York is one of the worst places to practice that mentality, but I'll give it a shot.  Everyone has to understand the annoyance in New York of having to take multiple trains to get to a destination only to find out that you did it for no reason whatsoever just because someone misinformed you.  I'm sure it's happened at one time or another to each and every one of the 22 million + we got living in our tri-state area.  I didn't feel like I had too much of a rapport with the bartender (that's a very subjective thing for every bartender to patron relationship), but how can you not love a woman who pours you such a frosty brew? A+ on the crew, the patrons, and the atmosphere, assuming the crew didn't lie to me about NBA League Pass.

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    Was in LIC a few weeks back and came by with family who live nearby but had never visited. Our host Frances, from Co Armagh, looked after us real well, I had to request more tonic in my G&T, not often that happens. I will be by next time i visit NY. Thanks Frances, hope the 1916 Proclamation reaches you, hope to see it displayed next time

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    Typical sports bar.
    A good place to grab a quick drink, or to watch a game.
    Packed with regulars.
    Attracts a largely 30 and older crowd, and kind of a rowdy one at that.
    I've never eaten here, but watching the food come out of the kitchen always gives me an appetite and I've heard nothing but good things.
    This bar is not a place you travel to.
    It's a place to stop by if you happen to be in the area while you're on your way to your real destination, or want to grab a quick drink before heading home for the night.

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    PJ Leahy's right off the 7 train Vernon Blvd Stop, next to Domaine Wine bar.  

    Saturday night sign outside says women drink 2 for 1 from 9pm-1am so me being the lush I am, walked  right in leaving my date outside wondering where I went.   Usually 2 for 1 does not include top shelf but I was told 2 for 1 apparentley means anything (awesome!)   I'm use to bars offering buy 2 get 1 free but this place was buy 3 get one free which is a little odd.    The prices are very reasonable and because of that I will be back.

    They renovated outside recently and it does look better than before but inside still looks pretty cheesey, I felt like I was at my friends basement/bar, but this is a dive bar after all.  


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    In the era before LIC was destroyed by development and overrun with transplants from who knows where, this was one of the few bars in the neighborhood. Despite walking past it every day when i got off the 7, I never ventured in.

    However, all that changed when I didnt have cable in 2006/2007. I began coming in occasionally to watch the Yankees and before long I was coming in about 3 times a week to watch the Yankees game, drink some cheap Bud and have dinner.

    The bartenders (particularly Gina and Kerry) were great - remembering my name, what I drank, where I worked and asking me where my girlfriend was. Buybacks after three drinks at the bar and great food.

    I came here for years to watch football on Sundays (you can easily reserve a table for a low minimum) with your own tabletop TV with a remote.

    Its the only bar I've ever felt like I was treated as a regular and whenever I am in the hood, I stop by for a drink.

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    My local spot.  Best bar food I've ever eaten, no lie.  If you're around Long Island City and want a low key spot to have some good food and drinks, this is the spot

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    Bar atmosphere. Excellent prime rib and seafood plate at great value.

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    I went into it one night thinking it was a dive-bar but left finding a good, go-to spot. Cheap beer and reasonably priced food. It's a real local spot, including the old-time locals. They remember you and go out of their way for you. A great spot to watch a game (flat screens at every table and a few behind the bar) or to go to just grab a good drink and catch up with friends. Nothing fancy, but doesn't pretend to be. Their food is great too. Their burgers are the best in the area. Definitely try the Zingers. They're addicting.

    If your'e in LIC and just looking for a good spot to hang out or grab a pint, I'd highly recommend it.

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    I went here for dinner on a Sunday night during a Giants game and it was a blast.  They had specials for $1 Budweiser mugs, an $11 steak and free shots anytime the Giants scored a touchdown.  The crowd was into the game and they have a number of TVs to watch including one's at the table.  The wings were a little bit better than average and the steak quesadillas were pretty good.  I bet it's not as fun when a football game isn't on but its still a good bar with decent bar food.

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    Don't bother coming here except for when specific conditions apply.  The beer selection and food is lacking when compared to Lucky Mojo.  The condition I speak of is when Lucky Mojo has open mic night for Bluegrass bands and you really want to watch the football game.  Then I advise ditching Mojos and hitting up PJ's right up the block.

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    typical sports bar with typical sports bar clientele

    pros: cheap beers ($5 Guinness), lots of flat screens (that you can adjust at your table so you can awkwardly watch PBS while everyone else is jeering at the Mets), friendly staff, uh... you won't have trouble finding the subway?

    cons: random loud music playing even when everyone's glued to said Mets game, food is aggressively bad (we had soggy fish&chips and a middle-school cafeteria worthy cheeseburger)

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    Before hopping back on the 7, we figured we'd stop by here and grab one last drink.  The crowd largely consisted of guys who dressed and acted like frat types, but who were about 20 years too old for that.  The beer selection was limited and it was relatively pricey.  On a bright note, the place was quite clean.

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    It's Thursday night/ Friday "morning," with 4-5 customers (including myself & bf),  why the F**K do you have the music BLASTING?! I mean, REALLY? JUST BECAUSE YOU PLAY THE MUSIC LOUDER DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL ATTRACT MORE PEOPLE AND IT'S NOT FUN WHEN EVERYONE NEEDS TO SHOUT. Be kind to the bar patrons and neighbor and lower the volume. My ears bled. Plus, my svdc was served in the smallest glass I've ever seen. Thank goodness for Yelp. We jetted over to LIC.

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    Ahhh, the rumble of the 7 train underneath!  The 2:1 ratio of TVs to patrons! The cheap gin!

    I realize that LIC is up and coming or what the fuck ever, but the massive amount of attitude I was served everywhere I went that night was finally dropped when I entered PJ Leahy's.  Simple, traditional irish pub.  No muss, no fuss.  No 'tude.  Finally. Plenty of seats. And I was continuously amused by the ridiculous variety of tunes - Radiohead to (vomit) Bon Jovi.  

    So welcoming in fact that both Mets and Yankees decor adorned the bar. Worth a shot if the undeniably trendiness (or... something...) of LIC has got you down and out. Or just unwanted at the rest of the local strip.

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    I really enjoyed this place.  I was here last weekend for the first time after a few friends had already gone a bunch and recommended it.  I really enjoyed myself.  The bar has a really great 'hometown' feel to it.  I mean, the entire LIC neighborhood really feels that way to me--not including the gigantic condos going up by the water, but in a block, where all the restaurants and things are.  And this place also has pretty decent drink prices.  I got a pint of Harp's for around 5 which is cool.  Also, there was room to sit down and just chat.  The regulars could tell we didn't come in a lot, but they were still welcoming and didn't harass us or anything.  I can't wait until I wander down to LIC again so I can get off the train and go here.  They also have a kitchen that seems to serve pretty decent bar food which I want to try.  $10.50 for prime rib?  Yes please.

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    So close to the subway you can feel the 7 rumbling under you every 20 minutes... Cool atmosphere, nice people - pleasant girls, no pompous dudes. When we first walked in we found old dudes with Irish caps, 40 year old sports guys, and mid-twenties with nice irish girls.

    Bartenders/staff were very inviting, pleasing to the eyes and ears.

    My friend said his PJ Burger was spectacular - it must have been... It must have been the mozzarella stuck to the burger with mushrooms and loads of bacon on top. Wings looked awesome, so i had to get an order even though I came in full. They were done well, although didn't taste quite as good as they looked. Honestly, it would be hard to live up to that appearance...

    Great prices, good food, easygoing clientele - found it because Dominie's Hoak is barren of have television - and we were there just to watch the pats/colts game. Glad we did.  I'll be back.

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    Enjoyable. This is literally, right off the 7 subway stop, so you don't have to travel far at all to get the night going. Typical sports bar with video games, flat screen televisions and loud music. Nicely set up with tables and a bar area. The bathroom area is small, but expected in most bars.

    A nice stop to begin or end the night. Especially if you're coming from Queens.

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    This bar grew on me over a couple of pints. At first it seems like your typical smaller sports bar: tv for every side table, low ceiling, not really that spacious back, a couple of windows. It's the basic ingredients, plus a mammoth Internet digital jukebox as well as one of those mini-game booths (photo hunt, poker, etc.).

    After a while a few things dawned on me. One, the toilet seat in the men's room stall doesn't fit the toilet. Two, the second time I went to the bathroom, something was different: the seat definitely had crap on it. It wasn't there the first time. That's not really relevant to the other dawnings, but it was a bit odd.

    The other dawnings goes as follows: it's probably the sportiest of the couple bars we went to around the area, and it does have food fairly late (the smells were quite strong, ventilation must not be strong). Another thing is that people seemed confused as to whether or not to go in here. It's literally right outside one of the subway exits on the 7 train going further into Queens. These two incredibly attractive women were debating that or the wine bar next door as we were walking out. It's one of those places; where you're like, "eh there's not much going on" but wait, the guys are laid back while the girls are just yucking it up in there. Must be a respectful atmosphere.
    It's a Mets bar. That's just a note. Everything's done up in light wood. It's not too loud. The bartender was very nice, and Bud pints were 3 bucks. The back is just sort of dark, I'd probably keep children away.

    Other than that relevant stream of consciousness, not much else to say, but it's a good first stop. Oh they had about six signs outside and inside regarding their 8 dollar brunch or Irish Breakfast. Now that is a good deal.

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