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    Great bar and one of the best pints of Guinness around

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    This is not a tricky question, but what do you do after a long day at work, then  taking the 6 train, transfer to the N and then get on the #7 to go home ?

    Well, I don't know about you, but I stop at my favorite bar in Woodside, AKA ("La Capilla" / The Chapel) for a nice cold and refreshing GUINESS. Whether my buddy Terry or the gorgeous July are bartending, it is always a great experience.  Most times I simply open my iPad and continue my train reading.    This place also has WiFi so my phone and iPad automatically switch and I can check emails and catchup with news or Facebook non-sense ...  Yeah, I go there to relax, have a good time or simply listen to music.   I'm not into sports, but they do have some good soccer matches and, of course, Rugby.

    There are at least 8 other bars within walking distance, but I only recommend this one.  I've been to the others, but they are not the same ...  and none have WiFi.

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    if you aren't hungry, but just want a beer or 4, terry's your man.  a very friendly publican.  he can cut off a drunk like nobody's business, and then turn around and give a friendly grin to the rest of the bar.  he'll remember your name, and what you fancy.  just what you want in a bartender.  

    and the other reviewers are right: you aren't likely to meet the love of your life here, unless you're looking for a 50 year old irishman.  but if that's what you're looking for, and who you're avoiding, you might do better to steer clear of woodside watering holes in general.  it's that kind of neighborhood.

    beers are cheaper here.  you get a friendly freebie every now and again.  if you don't like the music on the juke (and i often don't), you can always pay a buck to make it play what you want to hear: that's what it's there for.

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