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    First things first-- the name of this bar is technically Triple Lakes Tavern....
    +small town Cheers feel
    +GREAT FOOD...!
    +homemade pizza's are heaven sent
    +taco tuesdays and mexican food
    +if you frequent enough, you never walk out of there without a free beer.
    +the bartenders are extremely sweet
    +coldest beer on this side of the river
    If you're ever driving the backroads of Triple Lakes Rd, and happen to stumble this little gem (please dont let it's looks fool you), definitely stop in for a cold brew.!
    Patti, the owner is normally around so be sure to tell her HI! We are "regulars" at this bar, and have been coming here for two years now, and I cant say enough good things about it..
    It's definitely a blue collar working mans bar, but everyone will always talk to ya!
    stop on in if you're ever in the area..! you wont be disappointed...
    Just one thing to know: During the week (Cept Tuesdays) they stop serving food at 5pm, but pizza is available at ANY time.... :)

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