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    I'm not sure why everyone is giving this place a 1 star rating. It's White Castle for crying out loud.. what did you expect a 5 star restaurant? This is one of the better White Castle I have ever went to. It's near my house and I go there maybe once a month. Great service (they actually say thank you) and are pretty fast.

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    I love White Castle almost as much as Krystal burgers.


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    Whooohooo.....White Castle adventure!!!  :P  Ate here on 6/2/2011. Uhhh, was fist time at White Castle and very disappointed.  Yukkk!  Thin beef-like patties...not sure what meat it is.  Flavor is interesting but won't be back.  No inside seating, just outside.

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    Harold and Kumar made the long ass trek for a reason, and so did we! No, I'm not talking about going all the way to Chi-town. I'm talking about the journey from the Field Museum to the boonies.

    We took a cab, walked (to save money because the cab driver gave us whack ass directions to the CTA) and, eventually were able to bus it to eat these little bites of deliciousness.

    Aside from the yummy little burgers, the onion ring sauce was the huge stand out! It's 1000 island-colored crack! No wonder this place is all up in the boonies!

    Only outside seating and drive thru.

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    Coming from California and having loved Harold and Kumar, I was anticipating this a lot. These things are TINY! I can fit an entire one in my mouth no problem.

    Anyways, the slider meat looked really pink as if it wasn't really fully cooked. The sliders were also really moist for some reason, so they tasted a bit soggy in my opinion. I'll admit they tasted better than I expected, but the soggy texture of the slider in general was a bit off-putting!

    Also, the location and the place itself are a tad unsettling, but that's just the area that they're in.

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    Four of us were staying up the street from this White Castle. We were walking by and we said to ourselves, we gotta try what all the rave is about these burgers. We ordered the sliders and sat down to eat them. We were pretty hungry at this time of day but we weren't really impressed with the quality of the burgers. They were very greasy and the meat tasted as if we were eating spam (that's because the patty's are cooked ontop of a bed of onion). I come from California where we have In-N-Out and this place does not come close.

    It's worth the experience though, that's for sure.

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    Upon exiting the plane at Midway, I was stoked to stop by White Castle. Finally! I was in a city where it had existed. Little did I know, it was going to be the worst meal I had ever had! I was starving and still, White Castle was just disgusting.

    When I opened the door to the restaurant, I found myself in a little hallway that led to a plexi glass window. It wasn't even a dine in restaurant. Thank goodness it wasn't raining. We ended up sitting outside on their tables. I had the regular slider, a cheese slider, and their new mushroom slider. Gross, gross, and gross. I blame Harold and Kumar for my longing for White Castle. Trust me...it's not what you think it is. The meat was flavorless and since the entire slider is steamed, it's soggy once you open the box! Fries? Tasted like frozen fries you can buy at Costco.  

    Overall, my experience at White Castle was offensive.

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    .., nothing beats eating a Craver's Case in the rain @ 3am w/ Chicago natives.

    Our midwest trip wouldn't have been complete to me unless I had a White Castle burger. After a night of drinking @ Howl at the Moon, our group of friends set off for some late night munchies. Being in Chicago for the first time, they encouraged this decision haha.

    I ordered a Craver's case that had 30 burgers in it. Along w/ some fries & a drink. Our gf's sat & ate inside their car as they watched the guys stand outside in the rain laughing & chewing insanely as if we were kids. It was awesome haha. Good Times!

    Sadly I'm back in CA where White Castle can only be found in the freezer section of a grocery store. I miss you White Castle, I really do!

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    I'm writing this review based upon my experience five years ago! That's gotta be a record breaker on yelp.

    Let me tell you about my adventure to White Castle; it played out as if it could have been a scene in Harold and Kumar.

    I was on a 30 state road trip around the country, and that night we were staying at the Hyatt at McCormick; during my wait in the lobby for my friends to arrive, I witness a fine young lady being carried off from a wedding party by two fine young lads as she began to puke all over the nice lobby floor, priceless.

    As we went on our little walk, I encountered a beautiful little rat that jumped out at me from behind a dumpster; I bid him adieu as he scurried along on his merry way. As we approached our destination, we were approached by a troll, although instead of three riddles he asked us if we had a dollar. Not sure what possessed him to do so, but my friend cracked a smile, and kind of chuckled a bit. Of course it had to do with this land trolls delivery of his all so important question. He burst into a beautifully written prose containing such adjectives as F*, M F'er, foreign M'fer and stupid white M'fer. My group consisted of three Mexicans, but one of us was darker than the rest, upon which the troll decided to label us foreign and white (most white people think I'm white anyway.)

    Upon arrival to this White Castle, we encountered a young crackhead that was ordering ice water. She explained that she mixed the ice water with corn starch and proceeded to eat it. Not sure what kind of concoction this produces, but I was definitely intrigued.

    Afterward, a real life pimp with a cane and a white suit walked in the door. We struck up some conversation and he proceeded to tell us about how great and how delicious White Castle was. I was surely convinced after such an adventure that we were about to consume the best food god has blessed the world with.

    Boy was I wrong, the burgers are flavorless, and instantly gave me heart burn. I'm not sure if you could describe the meat as meat. I'm sure Taco Bell's recent lawsuit should actually be redirected towards White Castle as I was convinced the patty was not of a substance from this planet. In the end, I enjoyed my dinner and a show, but was sadly disappointed in what White Castle had to offer.

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    Cheap. Fast. Friendly. No indoor seating.

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    I am a native Chicagoan and love me some White Castles. I don't drink, so have never had them while intoxicated. It's a true love of the tiny burger with the big taste.

    I used to get them in Cali frozen which were ok -- and I'd add pickles! I was grateful to get them because there really wasn't anything even close to like them. I'd had bar sliders at other restaurants and they always had too much bun, often not soft enough. And as most things in Cali are, way too much money for the privilege of being disappointed.

    I moved back to my beloved hometown in October. I live in the Gold Coast and there are NO White Castles! OMG! i did not know this. I just assumed that there would be at least ONE nearby.

    I had occasion to find myself with friends on the south side, so always took advantage of getting some while i was there. I'd get a sack to take home for later and they would either get eaten and then not replenished before I got back, or I'd leave them in my friend's freezer. So basically, I have STILL been eating the frozen version! i hate to admit it, but I was. I love to have them in the freezer for a quick snack. Sometimes I even dress them up like a real burger with lettuce, tomato, mustard and mayo. Don't laugh; they're good!  I always get the cheeseburgers.

    I've been aiming to get down to this location, the closest to the north side where I live. I hear there's one on North Ave., but I think it's further away. I may check it out in any case.

    Today I finally decided to make the trek down there. As it was around 20 degrees out -- I knew it wasn't gonna be that easy. I took the Red Line over to Chinatown and walked a few blocks in the wrong direction (thanks, Google Maps) -- then walked the other way 'till I found it. I've heard this neighborhood isn't the greatest. I think because it is cold out, the streets were pretty deserted. But there were some random people walking around, some of which looked a little sketchy. They were kinda checking me out, at which time I pretend to be on my cell phone just in case anyone decides to try anything. This was several blocks away on South Wabash. There were some other folks kinda hangin' out in the street which was a little odd, but I just mind my own business and get where I gotta go. I'd imagine when the weather gets nicer, there will be more street action. I don't plan on being in the vicinity at night unless I happen to be in a car (which is unlikely, given that I gave up the rolling tin can when I moved here).

    It's a tiny store -- no where to sit. The staff was friendly. I ordered a sack of 10 cheeseburgers, 5 of those marvelous pulled pork numbers they just came out with and got a free sweet potato fries order. They're really good, as well.

    I waited quite a while, during which time a few other people showed up and because the place is so small, everyone kind of lines up along the wall. I was glad to wait, because that means the burgers are fresh. I shoved 'em in my backpack, grabbing one, hot, steamy little burger to have for lunch before heading off to Target on the #29. I ate it by the large trash can because it was too cold to be eating outside, no where to do it anyway and I was starving, dammit! Then at the bus stop just up the block and around the corner, I scarfed down another one while waiting for the bus. A woman who appeared to be on crack was dancing on the corner, a travel mug at her feet, hollerin' at friends as they walked by (they talked back and sounded like they knew her). God only knows why she was hangin' on the corner in this cold. Doesn't seem probable that she was a hooker, but one never knows. There was some random guy hangin' out with her. In true form, the bus came in around 5 minutes. Great timing!


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    OMG i have to laugh. because i knew what i was getting myself into at this white castle, but i have a strong dose of thanatos so i went for it anyway.
    dry, shriveled buns. grainy-textured fries. watered down beverages. what more do you need to know?

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    went through the drive through and they "forgot" to put my jalepeno burger in the bag.....WTF.  didnt realize til i was at home.  i also paid with my credit card and so i guess ill find out later if they start stealing my money from my card.

    also the buns were kinda soggy already like 5 minutes later when i got home.

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    Great chicken sandwiches, but the burgers were mushy and lacking any meat flavor, which left me wondering what the percentage of beef they contain!

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    Hey it's White Castle, if you're expecting great food what were you thinking? You drive through and in a short while you'll get that hungry monkey off your back, cured that empty feeling is gone.

    Satisfied? Well tomorrow is another day, so pick better.

    Again, hello... it's White Castle!

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    I am totally bias because White Castle was made famous by Harold and Kumar and there are none here on the West Coast but ... I LOVED IT. It was the most awesome meal I can remember of this caliber, even more so than McDonalds, Burger King, Carls Jr ... you name it. I would come here every day and be a fatty if I could.

    I ordered the regular white castle burgers, the bacon, and the peppercorn jack one. I liked the peppercorn jack one the most although the regular is also good. This is not at all like the grocery store ones you can buy at Safeway. There is a difference between fresh and non-fresh and this is it!

    This place is open all night so it's great for after party noms as Leesha M. mentioned and the drive through is quick. This place is also close to Chinatown where you can partake upon additional noms if 4 white castle burgers does not satisfy the craving.

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    This was the first time I've had White Castle since I was like 5, so I decided to try a kids meal with two burgers (if you can call them that).

    The food was disgusting.  Are those burgers actually beef?  Do they even claim they are?  Do they claim they are burgers?  Those are nasty, and I was drunk.  I can't imagine why anyone would eat them.

    The fries were bland.  What's up with that?  I could make better fries baking frozen ones at home!

    I got fruit snacks in my kids meal, and that was by far the best part!

    I tried a couple of onion rings, and those were pretty good.  The mozzella sticks were okay.  If I ever had to eat here again I would probably get the onion rings and maybe try to chicken rings.  I sure as hell will never eat one of those "burgers" again.

    I did give them 2 stars though, because this place was convenient from the club.  And the drive through service was fine.  (By fine I mean they gave us everything we ordered, which is my standard for drive through places.  That may be a low standard, I don't know, I rarely get fast food, and so I really don't go to drive troughs.)

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    Om noms! Post-party om noms! I just love when you're placed in a walk-in situation and all sorts of people wander into the kingdom of the Castle! There were so many laughs as we waited to for our food, it was like being in a sitcom.

    On to the food. It was fab. I went small with a kids meal, 2 burgers, a small fry and drink, but wait, there was a BONUS: Fruit Snacks! Made me smile :) I wish they had White Castle in Cali. If someone wants to front the money, I'll manage to chain restaurant out here and we'll make a small fortune. :)

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    Dammit why is this location always sooooo slooooow. Sure the service is friendly and the burgers are piping hot and delicious but why do they have to torture me with the long wait?

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    Sure, Harold and Kumar made this place look like Heaven but in real life, it was gross.

    First off this place is not in the best of areas in the Chi, so keep your windows closed (until you give your order) and your doors locked. The wait in the drive-thru took forever, and I was sweating bullets and praying someone doesn't try to carjack my rental and try to cut me in the process.

    When I finally got to the window to receive my order, the employee took his sweet time and was very unfriendly. All that to get disgusting hamburgers is not my idea of a good experience. Worst part is, you have to order multiple sliders! So, feeling guilty, I was forced to finish my 4 mini-burgers and fries. Oh, they're fries are really greasy. I'm talking "will-give-you-acne-if-you-rubbed-it-on your-face-greasy". But then again, what fries won't?

    I'll just stick to Mickey D's.

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    I now see why people eat here while drunken...

    Unfortunately, I was not drunk. Not even close...and ya know, as much as I'd like to cash in on the hype of mini-burgers-in-a-box, I am not sold. I felt a tad "unright" for the rest of the evening...not sick, but not well. I know, vague...hence the 3-stars...

    1 star: friendly, albeit SLOW.
    2 star: fries were hot.
    3 star: Um, friendly?

    I'll come back some other time after 8 or 9 martinis and give it another whirl ;)

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    I've only been in here once and never knew it was so small. Order.Wait.Get food.Leave.

    We usually go through drive thru if we don't want to drive all the way to the Ashland one. It can get entertaining here.

    Once we were waiting for food and people were walking up to the drive thru. Some guy behind us was getting impatient so he got out of his car and went up to the window. He was trying to ask the ladies what the hold up and was like  "Was that your sexy voice?" Then he goes on about how he got a naked lady waiting at home.

    This is what you go through for what you "crave."

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    Keep your eyes and ears open around this establishment. The neighborhood is not the best and there are suspicious people hanging around. I would recommend doing the drive thru just in case you need to use your vehicle as a weapon. Ok, ok, I'm being dramatic. Anyways, this is the third time I've had white castle. Its a tasty small burger. What more can I say? If you're hungry and want something fast and cheap, check this place out.

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    I've always wanted to try these burgers, they started in Chicago actually. The building design was designed after the old Chicago Waterworks building. I ordered like 20 cheese burgers, and knocked out like 12. I'm a fatty hoe. It was good but not the greatest burgers in the world. but still good. This location isn't in a nice area, i was there at like 11pm, but I'm mad niggerish. I stay on the black/brown side of town. =)

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    You're gonna want to stay out of this joint.

    Let me preface this by saying that I LOVE White Castle. Was born and raised on White Castle. Will die requesting a slider with cheese and extra pickles and ketchup.

    That said, you're gonna want to stay out of this joint. Forget that it's ghetto fabulous with servers with monstrously bad attitudes and slow, bad service. Forget the rats running rampant in the parking lot (which should be the first tip-off that you don't really want to eat here...)

    I will never patronize this particular White Castle again because I was poisoned here twice. Seriously. Clutching the porcelain, thought I was going to die poisoned. Sliders might give you indigestion and/or gas, particularly when eaten in the wee hours of the morning after copious alcohol consumption. But they're not supposed to give you food poisoning.

    I'd rather drive all the way to the "mothership" White Castle on 79th and Stony Island than ever risk my life and central nervous system eating at this joint again. No matter how much you're craving it at 4 a.m., just don't do it. Not at this location.

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    Bring White Castle's To San Francisco!

    I grew up in the Chicago area and I miss White Castle's.
    The frozen burgers sold in the grocery store is not the same and is a rip off.
    White Caste's is the greatest fast food chain ever!

    I love their burgers!

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    It was a yes in Indiana... and it's still a yes now. I LOVE White Castle... I can rub these burgers all over my face and body and shove it all inside of my mouth. They are that good being such simple little things. Warm and soft.. so dreamy. Their fries aren't worth a damn though.... their onion rings are a better choice if you must have a side. Trust me, I'm a connoisseur of deep fried food. Don't even try and pretend you are above eating White Castle. This is good fast food and if you've got a problem with me reviewing a fast food joint then we can take it to the streets. My friend bought me the crave case and even after a quick microwaving, it still tastes good. Mmm... the love affair continues.

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    I'm from Texas so the only time I heard about White Castle was from Harol and Kumar.  I was excited to move to the midwest where these chains reign aplenty.  

    I had 2 hamburgers, 2 cheese burgers and 2 jalapeno cheese burgers with fries.  All very good, will definitely get more.  Not frequently though I because I think you can hear yourself getting fatter as you eat.

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    I want my last bite of food on Earth to be a White Castle slider....

    (The bulletproof glass at this place freaks me out, though.)

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    By far one of the most disappointing meals I've ever had.  My friends and I decided to walk here from Millennium Park which was a bad idea but we figured it would be a nice walk until we noticed the neighborhood got worse the closer we got to White Castle.  We got excited as soon as we saw White Castle but that was followed with immediate disappointment when we realized there were no seats.  We walked in shaking our heads not believing we just walked 2 or 3 miles in the cold and there was no place to sit down.  
    So we figured the food will make us feel better.  Didn't happen.  I ordered five jalapeno cheeseburgers and a chicken breast sandwich with fries.  I don't know what they use for meat but it had no taste, it's like i ate a spicy cheese mushy slider.  chicken sandwich was ok, and the fries were at least a plus but only cuz the burgers weren't so good.  
    We ate our food using the trash can as a table.  My friends threw away half of the food they ordered.  The journey there was the best part, but the food was just a huge disappointment.  But I can understand how it can be good to eat when you're drunk.  As long as I'm sober I'll pass on White Castle.

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    So my love affair with White Castle is no secret.  I'm not ashamed of my tiny four bite lover.  I don't visit her during off hours as not to be seen.  I visit her whenever I crave her.  I refuse to hide her boxes at the bottom of the garbage so that I am not found out.  I proudly admit that I have seen her.  Like some, I don't need to be intoxicated to appreciate her beauty.  I know she is beautiful inside and out.  From her light fluffy bun to her steam grilled patty, I see her as a work of art.

    For the past 29 years I have visited her on a regular basis. Not much has changed since the day I first met her.  She may have been a few pennies cheaper back in the day, but at 47 cents she remains a bargain.  Each time I sink my teeth into her I remember what love is.   It's not just the bun, or the steam grilled patty, or the pair of pickles, or those grilled onions that had me at hello.  It's the way each of her characteristics work together as a team to make her White Castle.  

    It's true that I like her just the way she is. In my 29 year relationship with her, I have never asked her to cover herself in cheese.  I have never compromised her integrity by asking her to jalapeno it up. I am a traditionalist and prefer her without the makeup.  She is beautiful no matter what they say. Words can't bring her down.  She is beautiful in every single way.  Yes, words can't bring her down. So don't you bring her down today.

    10 white castles

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    Slider's?  check
    Mozzarella Sticks?  check
    Chicken Rings?  check
    Open 24 hours check
    Bulletproof glass?  NOPE

    only 4 stars for you

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    if it's too long, go to the bottom of the page to get to the main point. after typing all that up, i felt bad deleting it, so im keeping the essay.

    our journey to this location sucked a lot of ass. our intention wasn't for it to become a journey, it just happened. we came out of the field museum starving and looking forward to try some white castle since i've only tried the frozen kinds in grocery stores, and plus, i wanted to try it and rub it in my new yorker friend's face that it sucked and how in n out is soo much better. anyway, at the same time we were coming out, there was a baseball game coming out as well. we didn't know where we were going but we knew that we just had to get to the main street to find a cab so we just started following the mob of red and yellow people. after the long, hot, and tiring walk, we finally made it to the street but couldnt find a cab. the cabs either ignored us or had some red or yellow person in it. after trying to walk away from red/yellow people so we can find a cab, we finally found a guy who picked us up, but we were then stuck in traffic because of some accident. hot and tired, we were just so miserable to where we didn't care about white castle anymore.

    the cab driver dropped us off and infront of us, we see a dinky little itty bitty white castle drive thru in the ghetto part of chicago. at this point, we were just irritated and sat down infront of the place and did the you-know-what to "relax" our minds. ;) after a short break, we were upbeat again and went inside to order. supposedly, you're supposed to order like multiple sliders and a whole mess of other things or something? i dunno, but the four of us shared 10 sliders, two orders of fries, and two drinks. sad, i know, but we were gonna go to bubba gump wit the family later on at the navy pier n didn't want the 'adults' to get mad at us.

    anyway again, there wasn't a dining area inside, so we sat outside around the corner of the place on the ground where drive thru people can see us as they drive by. i guess it was kind of funny in a way. imagine four asian girls in semi bright clothes just munching on white castles in the ghetto part of town. oh yeh, and a random black guy came up to us and talked to us for a bit and started to walk away, but came back to tell us that he had a hole in his throat. i learned not to ever smoke cigarettes.

    main point:
    it was mediocre. kind of dry and kind of boring, but hey, i'm a condiments gal. it was a bit tasty for the first two bites since i was starving and was not sober at the time. i would only come back if i were drunk and had the munchies. but for now, ima stick to in n out. YA HUURD!?

    ps. most people (that i've encountered) in chicago are rude. made me sad. :(

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    I finally know what they're talking about when people wax poetic about "Slyders".  
    I also ate these weird re-constituted chicken O's shaken with ranch powder that were wonderful.  

    Is it bad that I really really liked them?

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    Definitelty not somplace you walk to. Although two blocks west are some nice buildings. BUT WHO CARES! CASE RACE Anyone!?!??!

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    I used to live a few blocks away from this location and I wouldn't feel safe approaching this from State.  However, coming down Michigan or Indiana should be safe enough to satisfy your crave.

    Make sure you have your wits about you to a certain extent though.

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    Hell no. I'll pay you to eat somewhere better.

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    This is the perfect place for people to dine... that is if you like having wino's at the door and crackheads at your car window hassling your for change.  With that said, I'd still come here for a quick fix if I'm drunk off my ass.  You gotta feed the crave baby!

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